Connecting Data Sources to Blazor Reports

Connecting Data Sources to Blazor Reports

  Use the Object Linking and Embedding Database framework to connect your Blazor reports to a data source.

  OLEDB data connectivity allows reporting software to connect to various databases and data sources through the Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLEDB) framework. This provides a wide range of data access capabilities within reports, essential for extracting data from relational databases, spreadsheets, and other OLEDB-compatible sources.

  Multiple Blazor reporting components are compatible with OLEDB, including:

  DevExpress Reports (Multi-Platform) (part of DevExpress Reporting) is a powerful and comprehensive reporting tool that offers seamless OLEDB connectivity for Blazor applications.

  Telerik Reporting facilitates OLEDB data access in Blazor projects, providing data binding capabilities, report customization options, and support for multiple output formats.

  Stimulsoft Reports.WEB is a lightweight and easy-to-use reporting tool that enables direct OLEDB data binding in Blazor applications. It features a user-friendly interface and cross-platform compatibility.

  FastReport .NET is a high-performance reporting solution that facilitates OLEDB data access in Blazor projects. It offers extensive report customization possibilities, and support for various output formats.



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