
GroupViT: Semantic Segmentation Emerges from Text Supervision


把Transformer层分为多个组阶段grouping stages,每个stage通过自注意力机制学习一组tokens,然后使用学习到的组tokens通过分组模块Grouping Block融合相似的图片tokens。通过这种组级联,可以把图片中小分割块组成大块。


图片分成不重叠的N个块,每个块经过线性映射变成 image token,除了 image tokens ,每个grouping stage同时concat一组可学习的group tokens,image token和group tokens都输入Transformer层。

Grouping Block的作用是把小块组合成大块,每个阶段都有该模块。

不是把所有的image token前向传播到所有Transformer层。


然后用了一个hard assignment技巧,使得可微分,将每个分割token分配给一个组。然后同一组的所有token融合得到一个新的分割token:



Image-Text Contrastive Loss:

Multi-Label Image-Text Contrastive Loss:

从GT文本中随机选出K个名词,然后用模版填充:“A photo of a {noun}”.


the new sets of image-“prompted text” pairs:

Zero-Shot Transfer to Semantic Segmentation



ViT-S+12 Transformer layers+hidden dimension of 384

input images of size 224 × 224+patch size of 16 × 16

experiment with 1-stage and 2-stage architectures for GroupViT:


        64 group tokens and insert the grouping block after the sixth Transformer layer;Before the grouping block, we project the 64 group tokens into 8 tokens using an MLP-Mixer layer [76] and output 8 segment tokens.


        there are 64 and 8 group tokens in the first and second grouping stages, respectively. We insert grouping blocks after the sixth and ninth Transformer layers. We use a 2-layer MLP to project the visual and text embedding vectors into the same latent space.

Our batch size is 4096 with a learning rate initialized to 0.0016 and decayed via the cosine schedule. We use the Adam optimizer with a weight decay of 0.05. We train GroupVIT for 30 epochs with the 5 initial epochs containing linear warm-up. For the multi-label contrastive loss, we set K = 3. 



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