IO / day07 作业

1. 使用消息队列完成两个进程之间相互通信


#include <myhead.h>

//define a msg struct type
struct msgbuf
	long mtype; //消息类型
	char mtext[1024]; //消息正文大小


//macro msg size
#define SIZE (sizeof(struct msgbuf)-sizeof(long))

int recv(int mtype_recv)

	//1. create key
	key_t key = ftok("/", 'k');
		return -1;

	printf("key=%#x\n", key);
	//2. create msg queue
	int msgid = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT | 0664);
	if(msgid == -1)
		perror("msgget error");
		return -1;

	printf("msgid=%d\n", msgid);

	//3. send msg to msg queue
	//define a msg var
	struct msgbuf buf;


		msgrcv(msgid, &buf, SIZE, mtype_recv, 0 );
		//param1: msg queue id
		//param2; buffer start address
		//param3: msg text size
		//param4: msg type
		//param5: if block, 0--> block; 

		printf("recv msg=%s\n", buf.mtext);

		if(strcmp(buf.mtext, "quit") == 0)

	//4. delete msg queue
      if ((msgctl(msgid, IPC_RMID, NULL)) == -1)
          perror("msgctl error");
          return -1;


void* task_recv(void* arg)
	int *pmtype_recv = (int *)arg;

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])

	int mtype_snd = 0;
	int mtype_recv = 0;

	printf("plesae input msg type for sender:\n>");
	scanf("%d", &mtype_snd );

	printf("plesae input msg type for receiver:\n>");
	scanf("%d", &mtype_recv );

	int *pmtype_recv = &mtype_recv;

	pthread_t tid = -1;
	int res = pthread_create(&tid, NULL, task_recv, (void *)pmtype_recv );
	if(res !=0 )
		printf("thread create error\n");
		return -1;


	//1. create key
	key_t key = ftok("/", 'k');
		return -1;

	printf("key=%#x\n", key);
	//2. create msg queue
	int msgid = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT | 0664);
	if(msgid == -1)
		perror("msgget error");
		return -1;

	printf("msgid=%d\n", msgid);

	//3. send msg to msg queue
	//define a msg var
	struct msgbuf buf;
	buf.mtype = mtype_snd;


		printf("please input msg to send:");
		scanf("%s", buf.mtext);

		msgsnd(msgid, &buf, SIZE, 0 );
		//param1: msg queue id
		//param2; buffer start address
		//param3: msg text
		//param4: if block, 0--> block; 
		printf("recv msg=%s\n", buf.mtext);

		if(strcmp(buf.mtext, "quit") == 0)

	//4. delete msg queue
      if ((msgctl(msgid, IPC_RMID, NULL)) == -1)
          perror("msgctl error");
          return -1;
	return 0;


2. 思维导图


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