AI - FlowField(流场寻路)




通过dijkstra算法遍历出每个格子的路径距离.(a *算法启发函数结果为0就是dijkstra算法。之前NavMesh寻路有说明过a *算法)

void FlowFieldScene::createHeadMap() {
    unordered_map<int, float> openList;
    unordered_map<int, float> closeList;

    //FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight 地图高度,即地图在y轴上的格子数
    for (int i = 0; i <= FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight; i++) {
        vector<float> d;
        d.resize(FlowFieldMathHelper::mapWidth + 1, 0);

    Vec2 gridPos = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridPos(_touchBeganPosition);
    int gridId = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridIdByGridPos(gridPos.x, gridPos.y);
    openList.emplace(gridId, 0);
    while (!openList.empty()) {
        pair<int, float> node = *openList.begin();
        for (auto n : openList) {
            if (node.second > n.second) node = n;
        Vec2 gridPos = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridPosById(node.first);
        _dist[gridPos.y][gridPos.x] = node.second;
        auto neighbors = FlowFieldMathHelper::getNeighbor(node.first);
        for (auto neighbor : neighbors) {
        //isBlock 判断是否是阻挡格
            if (isBlock(neighbor.first)) continue;
            if (closeList.find(neighbor.first) != closeList.end()) continue;
            if (openList.find(neighbor.first) == openList.end()) {
                openList.emplace(neighbor.first, neighbor.second + node.second);
            else {
                if (openList[neighbor.first] > neighbor.second + node.second) {
                    openList[neighbor.first] = neighbor.second + node.second;




bool FlowFieldScene::checkObliqueAngleBlock(int gridX, int gridY, int offsetX, int offsetY) {
    if (offsetX * offsetY == 0) return false;
    if (isBlock(gridX + offsetX, gridY) || isBlock(gridX, gridY + offsetY)) return true;
    return false;


void FlowFieldScene::createVectorMap() {
    for (int y = 0; y <= FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x <= FlowFieldMathHelper::mapWidth; x++) {
            if (_dist[y][x] == 0) continue;
            Vec2 direct;
            float neighborDist = -1;
            for (int offsetX = -1; offsetX <= 1; offsetX++) {
                for (int offsetY = -1; offsetY <= 1; offsetY++) {
                    int toX = x + offsetX;
                    int toY = y + offsetY;
                    if (isBlock(toX, toY)) continue;
                    else if (x == toX && y == toY) continue;
                    else if (toX < 0 || toX > FlowFieldMathHelper::mapWidth) continue;
                    else if (toY < 0 || toY > FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight) continue;
                    if ( neighborDist == -1 || neighborDist > _dist[toY][toX] ) {
                        if (checkObliqueAngleBlock(x, y, offsetX, offsetY)) continue;
                        neighborDist = _dist[toY][toX];
                        direct = Vec2(offsetX, offsetY);
            _vectorMap.emplace(FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridIdByGridPos(x, y), direct);




Vec2 MoveNode::flowField() {
    if (_flowFieldDirect == Vec2::ZERO) return Vec2::ZERO;
    Vec2 desiredVelocity = _flowFieldDirect * _dtSpeed;

    Vec2 steering;
    if (MoveSmooth) steering = desiredVelocity - _velocity;
    else steering = desiredVelocity;
    return steering;


void MoveNode::update(float dt)
    _dtSpeed = _speed * dt;
     Vec2 steering = Vec2::ZERO;
     steering += seek(_tarPos);
     steering += flee();
     steering += wander();
     steering += pursuit();
     steering += cohesion();
     steering += separation();
     steering += alignment();
     steering += flowField();
     steering = turncate(steering, _maxForce);
     steering *= ( 1 / (float)_mass );
     _velocity += steering;

    _velocity += wallAvoid();

    _velocity = turncate(_velocity, _maxSpeed * dt);


void FlowFieldScene::update(float dt) {
    for (auto node : _moveNodes) {
        int gridId = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridId(node->getPosition());
        Vec2 direct = _vectorMap[gridId];








Vec2 FlowFieldScene::bilinearInterpolation(Vec2 curPosition) {
    Vec2 gridPos = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridPos(curPosition);
    int offsetX, offsetY;
    if (curPosition.x < gridPos.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) offsetX = -1;
    else if (curPosition.x == gridPos.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) offsetX = 0;
    else offsetX = 1;
    if (curPosition.y < gridPos.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) offsetY = -1;
    else if (curPosition.y == gridPos.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) offsetY = 0;
    else offsetY = 1;

    Vec2 v1, v2, v3, v4;
    v1 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos);
    bool noX = gridPos.x == FlowFieldMathHelper::mapWidth || isBlock(gridPos.x + offsetX, gridPos.y);
    //if (noX) v2 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos);
    if (noX) v2 = Vec2(-offsetX, 0);
    else v2 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos + Vec2(offsetX, 0));
    bool noY = gridPos.y == FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight || isBlock(gridPos.x, gridPos.y + offsetY);
    //if (noY) v3 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos);
    if (noY) v3 = Vec2(0, -offsetY);
    else v3 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos + Vec2(0, offsetY));
    //if (noX || noY) v4 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos);
    if (noX || noY) Vec2(-offsetX, -offsetY);
    else v4 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos + Vec2(offsetX, offsetY));;
    float xWeight = abs(curPosition.x - gridPos.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen - FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) / FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen;
    v1 = v1.lerp(v2, xWeight);
    v3 = v3.lerp(v4, xWeight);

    float yWeight = abs(curPosition.y - gridPos.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen - FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) / FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen;

    Vec2 direct = v1.lerp(v3, yWeight);
    return direct;
void FlowFieldScene::update(float dt) {
    for (auto node : _moveNodes) {
        int gridId = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridId(node->getPosition());
            Vec2 direct = bilinearInterpolation(node->getPosition());
//            Vec2 direct = _vectorMap[gridId];






#ifndef __FLOW_FIELD_SCENE_H__
#define __FLOW_FIELD_SCENE_H__

#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "CrowdSimulation/MoveNodeManager.h"
using namespace std;

class FlowFieldScene : public Scene
	static Scene* createScene();

    virtual bool init();

    virtual bool onTouchBegan(Touch* touch, Event* unused_event);

    // implement the "static create()" method manually

    void createHeadMap();
    void showHeatInfo();
    void createVectorMap();
    bool checkObliqueAngleBlock(int gridX, int gridY, int offsetX, int offsetY);
    bool isBlock(int gridX, int gridY);
    bool isBlock(int gridId);

    void resetMoveNode();

    Vec2 getVectorByGridPos(Vec2 gridPos);

    Vec2 bilinearInterpolation(Vec2 curPosition);

    void update(float dt);

    EventListenerTouchOneByOne* _touchListener;
    Vec2 _touchBeganPosition;
    DrawNode* _mapDrawNode;
    Node* _distNode;
    DrawNode* _vectorNode;

    DrawNode* _tarDot;

    unordered_map<int, bool> _blockGridIdMap;

    vector<vector<float>> _dist;
    unordered_map<int, Vec2> _vectorMap;
    MoveNodeManager* _manager;
    vector<MoveNode*> _moveNodes;



#include "FlowFieldScene.h"
#include "FlowFieldMathHelper.h"

Scene* FlowFieldScene::createScene()
    return FlowFieldScene::create();

vector<pair<Vec2, Vec2>> blockLine = {
    make_pair(Vec2(200,400), Vec2(200,300)),
    make_pair(Vec2(220,400), Vec2(220,300)),
    make_pair(Vec2(240,400), Vec2(240,300)),
    make_pair(Vec2(260,550), Vec2(260,250)),
    make_pair(Vec2(280,350), Vec2(600,350)),
    make_pair(Vec2(700, 280), Vec2(1100, 280)),
    make_pair(Vec2(750, 330), Vec2(1150, 330)),
    make_pair(Vec2(115, 115), Vec2(115, 150)),
    make_pair(Vec2(115, 115), Vec2(215, 115)),
    make_pair(Vec2(270, 87), Vec2(666, 87)),
    make_pair(Vec2(777, 575), Vec2(1233, 575)),
    make_pair(Vec2(500, 400), Vec2(500, 466)),
    make_pair(Vec2(370, 222), Vec2(577, 222)),
    make_pair(Vec2(888, 124), Vec2(1277, 124)),

static void problemLoading(const char* filename)
    printf("Error while loading: %s\n", filename);
    printf("Depending on how you compiled you might have to add 'Resources/' in front of filenames in FlowFieldScene.cpp\n");

// on "init" you need to initialize your instance
bool FlowFieldScene::init()
    // 1. super init first
    if (!Scene::init())
        return false;
    auto visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
    Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();

    auto layer = LayerColor::create(Color4B(255, 255, 255, 255));

    auto node = DrawNode::create();
//    for (int i = FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen; i < visibleSize.width; i += FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen) {
//        node->drawSegment(Vec2(i, 0), Vec2(i, 640), 1, Color4F(0, 0, 0, 0.3));
//    }
//    for (int i = FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen; i < visibleSize.height; i += FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen) {
//        node->drawSegment(Vec2(0, i), Vec2(1400, i), 1, Color4F(0, 0, 0, 0.3));
//    }
    for (auto line : blockLine) {
        if (line.first.x == line.second.x) {
            auto minY = min(line.first.y, line.second.y);
            auto maxY = max(line.first.y, line.second.y);
            int gridMinY = minY / FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen;
            int gridMaxY = maxY / FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + 1;
            int gridX = line.first.x / FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen;
            for (auto y = gridMinY; y <= gridMaxY; y ++) {
                int id = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridIdByGridPos(gridX, y);
                _blockGridIdMap.emplace(id, true);
            Vec2 v1 = Vec2(gridX, gridMinY);
            Vec2 v2 = Vec2(gridX, gridMaxY);
            vector<Vec2> v = {
                Vec2(v1.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen, v1.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen),
                Vec2(v1.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen, v1.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen),
                Vec2(v1.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen, v2.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen),
                Vec2(v1.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen, v2.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen),
            node->drawPolygon(reinterpret_cast<Vec2*>(, v.size(), Color4F(0, 0, 0, 1), 0, Color4F(0, 0, 0, 0));
        else if (line.first.y == line.second.y) {
            auto minX = min(line.first.x, line.second.x);
            auto maxX = max(line.first.x, line.second.x);
            int gridMinX = minX / FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen;
            int gridMaxX = maxX / FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + 1;
            int gridY = line.first.y / FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen;
            for (auto x = gridMinX; x <= gridMaxX; x++) {
                int id = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridIdByGridPos(x, gridY);
                _blockGridIdMap.emplace(id, true);
            Vec2 v1 = Vec2(gridMinX, gridY);
            Vec2 v2 = Vec2(gridMaxX, gridY);
            vector<Vec2> v = {
                Vec2(v1.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen, v1.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen),
                Vec2(v2.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen, v1.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen),
                Vec2(v2.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen, v1.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen),
                Vec2(v1.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen, v1.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen),
            node->drawPolygon(reinterpret_cast<Vec2*>(, v.size(), Color4F(0, 0, 0, 1), 0, Color4F(0, 0, 0, 0));

    _mapDrawNode = DrawNode::create();

    _distNode = Node::create();
    _vectorNode = DrawNode::create();

    _tarDot = DrawNode::create();
    _tarDot->drawDot(Vec2::ZERO, 5, Color4F(1, 0, 0, 1));
    _tarDot->setPosition(Vec2(777, 444));

    _touchListener = EventListenerTouchOneByOne::create();
    _touchListener->onTouchBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(FlowFieldScene::onTouchBegan, this);
    this->getEventDispatcher()->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(_touchListener, layer);

    _manager = new MoveNodeManager();
    return true;

bool FlowFieldScene::onTouchBegan(Touch* touch, Event* event)
    _touchBeganPosition = touch->getLocation();
    CCLOG("==========》 %f, %f", _touchBeganPosition.x, _touchBeganPosition.y);
    if (FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridId(_touchBeganPosition) == -1) {
        return true; 

//    resetMoveNode();
    return true;

void FlowFieldScene::update(float dt) {
    for (auto node : _moveNodes) {
        int gridId = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridId(node->getPosition());
            Vec2 direct = bilinearInterpolation(node->getPosition());
//            Vec2 direct = _vectorMap[gridId];

Vec2 FlowFieldScene::getVectorByGridPos(Vec2 gridPos) {
    return _vectorMap[FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridIdByGridPos(gridPos.x, gridPos.y)];

Vec2 FlowFieldScene::bilinearInterpolation(Vec2 curPosition) {
    Vec2 gridPos = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridPos(curPosition);
    int offsetX, offsetY;
    if (curPosition.x < gridPos.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) offsetX = -1;
    else if (curPosition.x == gridPos.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) offsetX = 0;
    else offsetX = 1;
    if (curPosition.y < gridPos.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) offsetY = -1;
    else if (curPosition.y == gridPos.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) offsetY = 0;
    else offsetY = 1;

    Vec2 v1, v2, v3, v4;
    v1 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos);
    bool noX = gridPos.x == FlowFieldMathHelper::mapWidth || isBlock(gridPos.x + offsetX, gridPos.y);
    //if (noX) v2 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos);
    if (noX) v2 = Vec2(-offsetX, 0);
    else v2 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos + Vec2(offsetX, 0));
    bool noY = gridPos.y == FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight || isBlock(gridPos.x, gridPos.y + offsetY);
    //if (noY) v3 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos);
    if (noY) v3 = Vec2(0, -offsetY);
    else v3 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos + Vec2(0, offsetY));
    //if (noX || noY) v4 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos);
    if (noX || noY) Vec2(-offsetX, -offsetY);
    else v4 = getVectorByGridPos(gridPos + Vec2(offsetX, offsetY));;
    float xWeight = abs(curPosition.x - gridPos.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen - FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) / FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen;
    v1 = v1.lerp(v2, xWeight);
    v3 = v3.lerp(v4, xWeight);

    float yWeight = abs(curPosition.y - gridPos.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen - FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2) / FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen;

    Vec2 direct = v1.lerp(v3, yWeight);
    return direct;

void FlowFieldScene::createHeadMap() {
    unordered_map<int, float> openList;
    unordered_map<int, float> closeList;

    for (int i = 0; i <= FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight; i++) {
        vector<float> d;
        d.resize(FlowFieldMathHelper::mapWidth + 1, 0);

    Vec2 gridPos = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridPos(_touchBeganPosition);
    int gridId = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridIdByGridPos(gridPos.x, gridPos.y);
    openList.emplace(gridId, 0);
    while (!openList.empty()) {
        pair<int, float> node = *openList.begin();
        for (auto n : openList) {
            if (node.second > n.second) node = n;
        Vec2 gridPos = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridPosById(node.first);
        _dist[gridPos.y][gridPos.x] = node.second;
        auto neighbors = FlowFieldMathHelper::getNeighbor(node.first);
        for (auto neighbor : neighbors) {
            if (isBlock(neighbor.first)) continue;
            if (closeList.find(neighbor.first) != closeList.end()) continue;
            if (openList.find(neighbor.first) == openList.end()) {
                openList.emplace(neighbor.first, neighbor.second + node.second);
            else {
                if (openList[neighbor.first] > neighbor.second + node.second) {
                    openList[neighbor.first] = neighbor.second + node.second;
//    showHeatInfo();

void FlowFieldScene::showHeatInfo() {
    for (int y = 0; y <= FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x <= FlowFieldMathHelper::mapWidth; x++) {
            if (!isBlock(x, y)) {
                auto num = Label::create();
                num->setColor(Color3B(0, 255, 0));
                auto s = to_string(_dist[y][x]);
                //num->setString(s.substr(0, s.find(".") + 2));
                num->setString(s.substr(0, s.find(".")));
                num->setPosition(Vec2(x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2, y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2));

bool FlowFieldScene::isBlock(int gridX, int gridY) {
    return isBlock(FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridIdByGridPos(gridX, gridY));
bool FlowFieldScene::isBlock(int gridId) {
    return _blockGridIdMap.find(gridId) != _blockGridIdMap.end();

bool FlowFieldScene::checkObliqueAngleBlock(int gridX, int gridY, int offsetX, int offsetY) {
    if (offsetX * offsetY == 0) return false;
    if (isBlock(gridX + offsetX, gridY) || isBlock(gridX, gridY + offsetY)) return true;
    return false;

void FlowFieldScene::createVectorMap() {
    for (int y = 0; y <= FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x <= FlowFieldMathHelper::mapWidth; x++) {
            if (_dist[y][x] == 0) continue;
            Vec2 direct;
            float neighborDist = -1;
            for (int offsetX = -1; offsetX <= 1; offsetX++) {
                for (int offsetY = -1; offsetY <= 1; offsetY++) {
                    int toX = x + offsetX;
                    int toY = y + offsetY;
                    if (isBlock(toX, toY)) continue;
                    else if (x == toX && y == toY) continue;
                    else if (toX < 0 || toX > FlowFieldMathHelper::mapWidth) continue;
                    else if (toY < 0 || toY > FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight) continue;
                    if ( neighborDist == -1 || neighborDist > _dist[toY][toX] ) {
                        if (checkObliqueAngleBlock(x, y, offsetX, offsetY)) continue;
                        neighborDist = _dist[toY][toX];
                        direct = Vec2(offsetX, offsetY);
//            Vec2 v1 = Vec2(x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2, y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2);
//            Vec2 v2 = v1 + (direct * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2);
//            _vectorNode->drawSegment(v1, v2, 1, Color4F(0, 0, 1, 1));
            _vectorMap.emplace(FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridIdByGridPos(x, y), direct);

void FlowFieldScene::resetMoveNode() {
    if (_moveNodes.empty()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            auto moveNode = _manager->getFlowFieldNode();
    float width = FlowFieldMathHelper::mapWidth * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen;
    float height = FlowFieldMathHelper::mapHeight * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen;
    for (auto node : _moveNodes) {
        Vec2 v;
        do {
            v.x = RandomHelper::random_real<float>(10, width-10);
            v.y = RandomHelper::random_real<float>(10, height-10);
        } while (isBlock(FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridId(v)));
        //Vec2 vg = FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridPos(v);
        //node->setPos(Vec2(vg.x * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2, vg.y * FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen + FlowFieldMathHelper::gridLen / 2));


#pragma once
#ifndef __FLOWFIELD_MATH_H__
#define __FLOWFIELD_MATH_H__

#include "cocos2d.h"
using namespace std;

class FlowFieldMathHelper
	static Vec2 getGridPos(Vec2 pos);
	static int getGridId(Vec2 pos);
	static int getGridIdByGridPos(int gridX, int gridY);
	static vector<pair<int, float>> getNeighbor(int gridId);
	static Vec2 getGridPosById(int gridId);

	static const int gridLen = 24;
	static const int mapWidth = 1400 / gridLen - 1;
	static const int mapHeight = 640 / gridLen - 1;




#include "FlowFieldMathHelper.h"

Vec2 FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridPos(Vec2 pos) {
	return Vec2(int(pos.x / gridLen), int(pos.y / gridLen));

int FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridId(Vec2 pos) {
	Vec2 v = getGridPos(pos);
	return getGridIdByGridPos(v.x, v.y);

int FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridIdByGridPos(int gridX, int gridY) {
	if (gridX < 0 || gridX > mapWidth) return -1;
	if (gridY < 0 || gridY > mapHeight) return -1;
	return gridX + gridY * (mapWidth + 1);

Vec2 FlowFieldMathHelper::getGridPosById(int gridId) {
	int x = gridId % (mapWidth + 1);
	int y = (gridId - x) / (mapWidth + 1);
	return Vec2(x, y);

vector<pair<int, float>> FlowFieldMathHelper::getNeighbor(int gridId) {
	Vec2 pos = getGridPosById(gridId);
	vector<pair<int, float>> ret;
	/*for (int offsetX = -1; offsetX <= 1; offsetX++) {
		for (int offsetY = -1; offsetY <= 1; offsetY++) {
			int x = pos.x + offsetX;
			int y = pos.y + offsetY;
			if (x == pos.x && y == pos.y) continue;
			else if (x < 0 || x > mapWidth) continue;
			else if (y < 0 || y > mapHeight) continue;
			else if (x == pos.x || y == pos.y) ret.push_back(make_pair(getGridIdByGridPos(x, y), 1));
			else ret.push_back(make_pair(getGridIdByGridPos(x, y), 1.5));
	for (int offsetX = -1; offsetX <= 1; offsetX++) {
		for (int offsetY = -1; offsetY <= 1; offsetY++) {
			int x = pos.x + offsetX;
			int y = pos.y + offsetY;
			if (x == pos.x && y == pos.y) continue;
			else if (x < 0 || x > mapWidth) continue;
			else if (y < 0 || y > mapHeight) continue;
			else if (x == pos.x || y == pos.y) ret.push_back(make_pair(getGridIdByGridPos(x, y), 1));
	return ret;


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