

Raspberry Pi Support from MATLAB - Hardware Support - MATLAB & Simulink

Raspberry Pi Support from Simulink - Hardware Support - MATLAB & Simulink



树莓派Matlab&Simulink RaspberryPi支持包安装



  • 树莓派必须保证能够上网

  • 本次以CM4 Lite 无EMMC版本为例(为了只使用SD卡启动系统)或者树莓派4b

  • 系统原始镜像为2022-09-22-raspios-buster-armhf.img(仅适用于Buster系统下面这种安装方式)

  • Matlab版本为2023b或2024a


                $sudo apt-get update

                $sudo apt-get install matlab-rpi

       2. 执行配置树莓派命令,按终端中显示的设置步骤进行操作,全部输入y,同意安装或配置即可。

                $sudo matlab-rpi-setup


        Provide a name for your Raspberry Pi in MATLAB Online.

        Name: myPi


        Do you want to enable I2C? (y/n): y

        Do you want to enable SPI? (y/n): y

        Do you want to enable camera? (y/n): y

        Do you want to enable UART? (y/n): y

        5. 选择启用或禁用将 MATLAB(®) 函数或 Simulink 模型部署到 Raspberry Pi

        Enable/disable deploying MATLAB Function/Simulink model to Raspberry Pi. Do you want to enable deploy MATLAB function/Simulink model as a standalone executable? (y/n): y

        Userland library is required to deploy MATLAB function/Simulink model to Raspberry Pi Hardware. Userland library is licensed to you by third parties under separate license terms available in the GitHub repository, https://github.com/raspberrypi/userland/

        Do you want to install userland? (y/n): y

        Paho MQTT C library is required to deploy MATLAB function/Simulink model to Raspberry Pi Hardware. Paho MQTT C library is licensed to you by third parties under separate license terms available in the GitHub repository, https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.c

        Do you want to install Paho MQTT? (y/n): y

        "nnpy" library is required to deploy MATLAB function/Simulink model to Raspberry Pi Hardware. nnpy python ibrary is licensed to you by third parties under separate license terms available in the GitHub repository, https://github.com/nanomsg/nnpy

        Do you want to install nnpy? (y/n): y

        6.选择启用或禁用将 Simulink 可自定义仪表板模块部署到 Raspberry Pi

        Enable/disable deploying Simulink customizable dashboard blocks on Raspberry Pi.

        Do you want to enable dashboard deployment workflow? (y/n): y

        Username used to login to the display session on the Raspberry Pi Hardware is required for dashboard deployment.

        Enter the username: pi

        Update display username success!

        Chromium-browser, required to deploy Simulink customizable dashboard blocks to Raspberry Pi Hardware will be installed as part of the setup.


        Provide your MathWorks Account credentials.

        Email Address or User ID: jsmith

        Password: *******


        sudo reboot


        man matlab-rpi-setup














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