

  • 错误详情
ODPS-0130071:[3,6] Semantic analysis exception - column xxx cannot be resolved
ODPS-0130071:[4,6] Semantic analysis exception - column a cannot be resolved
ODPS-0130071:[5,6] Semantic analysis exception - column b cannot be resolved
ODPS-0130071:[6,6] Semantic analysis exception - column c cannot be resolved
ODPS-0130071:[7,6] Semantic analysis exception - column d cannot be resolved
ODPS-0130071:[8,6] Semantic analysis exception - column e cannot be resolved
ODPS-0130071:[9,18] Semantic analysis exception - column f cannot be resolved
ODPS-0130071:[10,9] Semantic analysis exception - column f cannot be resolved
ODPS-0130071:[10,34] Semantic analysis exception - column f cannot be resolved
ODPS-0130071:[1,24] Semantic analysis exception - wrong columns count 8 in data source, requires 9 columns (includes dynamic partitions if any)
  • 问题解析
    2、select 查询的字段为定义。

  • 解决方案

    • 检查sql正确性
      • select 中字段是否在原表或者子查询都存在
      • insert 前select字段个数和原表是否匹配,注意分区问题


    set biz_id=70000_202407_9027_90100_1_xx_20083_305;
    set odps.idata.system.id=dataworks_scheduler;
    insert overwrite table cc partition(pdate)
         xx-- 1
        ,a-- 2
        ,b-- 3
        ,c-- 4
        ,d-- 5
        ,e-- 6
        ,substr(conv(f,10,16),-1,1) as f-- asda
        ,if(f< 16, 0, substr(conv(f,10,16),-2,1)) as f_p -- 加热;
    odpscmd process start...
    2024-07-18 09:06:41 start to get jobId:

    可以发现sql在日中打印不全,检查发现是由于select 字段注释中存在;导致代码解析时被中断,误认为已经结束,部分代码被提交,导致报错。删除;解决。


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