

### 背景

### 原理
1. 捕食行为:alpha、beta和delta三只等级最高的灰狼领导群体,指导群体向目标前行。
2. 追赶行为:灰狼群体中其他成员追赶领导,学习并调整自身行为。
3. 跟随行为:灰狼群体中一部分个体跟随领导移动,调整自身位置以获得更好的结果。


### 实现步骤
1. 初始化参数,包括灰狼数量、迭代次数、搜索空间边界等。
2. 随机初始化灰狼位置,包括alpha、beta、delta三个领导灰狼,以及其他普通灰狼。
3. 计算适应度函数值,评估每只灰狼的适应度。
4. 根据适应度大小更新alpha、beta和delta的位置,并更新其他普通灰狼的位置。
5. 迭代搜索过程,模拟灰狼捕猎行为,不断更新灰狼位置。
6. 重复迭代步骤,直到达到停止条件。
7. 输出找到的最优解。

### 优点和应用
- 收敛速度较快,适用于高维优化问题。
- 算法简单易实现,不需复杂的参数调整。
- 具有一定的全局搜索能力和局部搜索能力,寻找全局最优解的能力较强。




import numpy as np

def gwo_optimizer(obj_func, num_iter, num_wolves, lb, ub, dim):
    alpha_position = np.zeros(dim)
    alpha_score = float('inf')
    beta_position = np.zeros(dim)
    beta_score = float('inf')
    delta_position = np.zeros(dim)
    delta_score = float('inf')

    positions = np.random.uniform(lb, ub, (num_wolves, dim))

    for i in range(num_iter):
        for j in range(num_wolves):
            fitness = obj_func(positions[j])
            if fitness < alpha_score:
                alpha_score = fitness
                alpha_position = positions[j]
            if fitness > alpha_score and fitness < beta_score:
                beta_score = fitness
                beta_position = positions[j]
            if fitness > alpha_score and fitness > beta_score and fitness < delta_score:
                delta_score = fitness
                delta_position = positions[j]

        a = 2 - 2 * (i / num_iter)
        for j in range(num_wolves):
            for k in range(dim):
                A1 = 2 * a * np.random.rand() - a
                C1 = 2 * np.random.rand()
                D_alpha = abs(C1 * alpha_position[k] - positions[j][k])
                X1 = alpha_position[k] - A1 * D_alpha

                A2 = 2 * a * np.random.rand() - a
                C2 = 2 * np.random.rand()
                D_beta = abs(C2 * beta_position[k] - positions[j][k])
                X2 = beta_position[k] - A2 * D_beta

                A3 = 2 * a * np.random.rand() - a
                C3 = 2 * np.random.rand()
                D_delta = abs(C3 * delta_position[k] - positions[j][k])
                X3 = delta_position[k] - A3 * D_delta

                positions[j][k] = (X1 + X2 + X3) / 3

    return alpha_position, alpha_score

# 使用示例
def sphere(x):
    return np.sum(x ** 2)

lb = -10
ub = 10
dim = 10
num_iter = 100
num_wolves = 20

best_position, best_score = gwo_optimizer(sphere, num_iter, num_wolves, lb, ub, dim)
print("Best position: ", best_position)
print("Best score: ", best_score)


function [best_position, best_score] = gwo_optimizer(obj_func, num_iter, num_wolves, lb, ub, dim)
    alpha_position = zeros(1, dim);
    alpha_score = inf;
    beta_position = zeros(1, dim);
    beta_score = inf;
    delta_position = zeros(1, dim);
    delta_score = inf;
    positions = lb + (ub - lb) .* rand(num_wolves, dim);
    for i = 1:num_iter
        for j = 1:num_wolves
            fitness = obj_func(positions(j, :));
            if fitness < alpha_score
                alpha_score = fitness;
                alpha_position = positions(j, :);
            if fitness > alpha_score && fitness < beta_score
                beta_score = fitness;
                beta_position = positions(j, :);
            if fitness > alpha_score && fitness > beta_score && fitness < delta_score
                delta_score = fitness;
                delta_position = positions(j, :);
        a = 2 - 2 * (i / num_iter);
        for j = 1:num_wolves
            for k = 1:dim
                A1 = 2 * a * rand() - a;
                C1 = 2 * rand();
                D_alpha = abs(C1 * alpha_position(k) - positions(j, k));
                X1 = alpha_position(k) - A1 * D_alpha;
                A2 = 2 * a * rand() - a;
                C2 = 2 * rand();
                D_beta = abs(C2 * beta_position(k) - positions(j, k));
                X2 = beta_position(k) - A2 * D_beta;
                A3 = 2 * a * rand() - a;
                C3 = 2 * rand();
                D_delta = abs(C3 * delta_position(k) - positions(j, k));
                X3 = delta_position(k) - A3 * D_delta;
                positions(j, k) = (X1 + X2 + X3) / 3;
    best_position = alpha_position;
    best_score = alpha_score;

% 使用示例
lb = -10;
ub = 10;
dim = 10;
num_iter = 100;
num_wolves = 20;

sphere = @(x) sum(x .^ 2);
[best_position, best_score] = gwo_optimizer(sphere, num_iter, num_wolves, lb, ub, dim);
disp('Best position:');
disp('Best score:');



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