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5.Garden Keeper
Money: Based on the flower amount, Each round
Cat Flowers Butterfly Garden Keeper
To protect the flowers as many rounds as possible until the center part of the grid is full of flowers. Player survive until 9 flower wins
A flower is automatically placed at the center of the grid.
Flower will spawn every 2 rounds
Mouse and Rabbits will spawn at the outer grid of each round, and as the round goes on more mice and rabbits will be spawned. They will move toward the center where the flower is at automatically. The mouse speed will be 2 grid per round and moving randomly towards the flowerpot.
Rabbit will spawn every 2 rounds and the speed is 4 grid per round.
Players can place a trap when they get 2 dollars each round to kill the mice and rabbits, however the trap can be placed outside the garden Once a player gets 5 dollars, the player can start placing a Cat. Cat will move each round randomly in the garden, Once a player gets 10 dollars, the player can pay for a garden keeper. The garden keeper will protect a radius of 4 grid around him.
The game will spawn a mouse each round,
Goal of Game:
Replace “Object” with the actual name and fill out the interaction
Mouse to Cat: Mouse will be scared away by Cat if Cat is within 1 square of mouse on Cat’s turn
Mouse to Flowers: Mouse will eat flowers and disappear.
Mouse to Trap: When the mouse steps on the trap the mouse will be dead.
Mouse to Garden Keeper: The mouse couldn’t enter within 2 radius of the garden keeper Mouse to Rabbits: Mouse will have a speed boost when it gets close to the rabbits Cat to Flowers: Cat can't get anywhere close to the flowers.
Cat to Trap: When a cat steps on a trap it will be stuck for one round.
Cat to Garden Keeper: Cat will go the opposite way if it sees a garden keeper within 3 grids.
Cat to Rabbits: Cat will scare away the rabbit within 2 square.
Flowers to Trap: Only one trap can be placed within the flowers.
Flowers to Garden Keeper: Garden Keeper will gain a radius of defense for one round if it walks through flowers.
Flowers to Rabbits: Rabbit will continue eating flowers, it won't disappear.



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