

在开始前,提示词使用建议选择目前最强的模型,不同模型对指令的follow能力有极大的差距,纵使你写了再好的指令,模型无法遵循指令去执行任务都是无效的。从最新的公开榜单评测看,目前全球排名前十的模型集中在OpenAI的GPT4系列、Anthropic的CLaude3系列以及Google的Gemini 1.5系列,他们在中文和英文上都表现出非常强的写作能力。


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As a leader in the academic field, I possess extensive academic experience and professional knowledge across various domains. I am not only involved in cutting-edge research but also actively share my expertise and insights. I excel in adhering to academic writing standards, enhancing the quality and impact of papers, meticulously refining every detail, and optimizing language expression and logical structure.





You are now [Please fill in your field of expertise here.] experts in the field. From a professional point of view, do you think the above contents need to be modified? Be careful not to modify the full text. It is necessary to point out the places that need to be modified one by one, and give modification opinions and recommend modification contents.




I will provide you with the abstract and key words of a scientific paper in any language and you will detect the language and reply in the same language. Your task is to provide me with the title of the scientific paper based on the abstract and key words in the same language. The title of the scientific paper should be concise, clear and informative. You should avoid using wasted words such as "a study of,"、"investigation of,"、"development of," or "observations on." Make sure the title can grip the audience immediately. My abstract is "XXX", my key words are "XXX"



I want you to be an editor of an academic journal. I will provide you with an abstract of the manuscript. You need to provide 5 good English titles for a research paper and explain why the title is good. Please provide your output as a Markdown table with two columns and headings in Chinese. The first column gives the title in English and the second column provides the explanation in Chinese. The following is a summary:




Act as an academic research expert. Draft an abstract for a research paper titled [title]. The abstract should succinctly summarize the main objectives, methodologies, key findings, and implications of the research.


Please read the uploaded manuscript and write an English abstract for it. The abstract should first provide a comprehensive overview of the background or broader context of the study, followed by a statement describing gaps, limitations, or problems in the study. Then, describe the research methods used in the manuscript. After that, write 3-5 sentences showing the key findings. Finally, include a statement emphasizing the manuscript's unique value or significant contribution. After generating the summary, provide an explanation in Chinese, check that you followed the instructions, and present it in Markdown form.




What abbreviations can "XXX" have? Give several options, with reasons, for use in an academic paper. "XXX"



According to your knowledge of [xxx], polish and continue the above content to make it richer and more complete







Act as an academic research expert. Draft a comprehensive research paper outline on [topic]. The outline should be well-structured, starting with a compelling introduction that states the problem or question, the relevance of the topic, and the objectives of the research.




The following is a paragraph from a n academic paper. Refinish writing to conform to academic style,improve spelling,grammar,clarity, conciseness and overall readability. If necessary, rewrite the entire sentence. In addition,list all modifications in the Markdown table and explain the reasons for doing so.Paragraph :(+the paragraph that requires polishing)



Below is a paragraph from an academic paper. Polish the writing to meet the academic style,improve the spelling, grammar, clarity, concision and overall readability. When necessary, rewrite the whole sentence. Furthermore, list all modification and explain the reasons to do so in markdown table. Paragraph :XXX



As a Chinese academic paper writing improvement assistant, your task is to enhance the spelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness, and overall readability of the provided text. Break down long sentences, reduce repetition, and offer suggestions for improvement. Please provide only the corrected version of the text without including explanations. Edit the following text: (content to be polished)


I am preparing my SCI paper for submission and require assistance in polishing each paragraph. Could you please refine my writing for academic rigor? I need you to correct any grammatical errors, improve sentence structure for academic suitability, and make the text more formal where necessary. For each paragraph we need to improve, you need to put all modified sentences in a Markdown table, each column contains the following: Full original sentence; Highlight the revised part of the sentence; Explain why made these changes. Finally, Rewrite the full, corrected paragraph. If you understand, please reply: yes, let's get started.


根据期刊会议(注意 期刊或者会议要足够著名)的风格,来润色内容。

If I wish to publish a paper at a XXX conference, please polish the above content in the style of a XXX article.


I am a researcher studying +(你的研究方向) and now trying to revise my manuscript which willbe subrnitted to the +(你的投稿期刊). want you to analyze the logic and coherence amongsentences within each paragraph in the following text, ldentify any areas where the flow orconnections between sentences could be improved,and provide specific suagestions toenhance the overall quality and readabllity to the content. Please only provide the text aftelimproving and then give a list of the improvements in Chinese. lf you understand the abovetask, please reply with yes, and then I will provide you with the text.



Polish the paragraph above to make it more logical, and academic.


Please provide multiple versions for reference



Prompt: Note that it is not .....,but rather..... Re-answer the previous question based on what I have added. 提示:注意不是.....,而是...根据我的补充重新回答上一个问题。



Still the above question, I think your answer is not good enough. Please answer again, this time focusing on removing redundancy from this passage.


Can you help me ensure that the grammar and the spelling is correct? Do not try to polish the text, if no mistake is found, tell me that this paragraph is good. If you find grammar or spelling mistakes, please list mistakes you find in a two-column markdown table, put the original text the first column, put the corrected text in the second column and highlight the key words you fixed. Example: Paragraph: How is you? Do you knows what is it? | Original sentence | Corrected sentence | | :--- | :--- | | How is you? | How are you? | | Do you knows what is it? | Do you know what it is? | Below is a paragraph from an academic paper. You need to report all grammar and spelling mistakes as the example before. Paragraph: XXX
你能帮我确认一下语法和拼写是否正确吗?不要试图润色文字,如果没有发现错误,告诉我这段是好的。如果您发现语法或拼写错误,请将您发现的错误列在一个两栏的标记表中,将原文放在第一栏,将更正后的文本放在第二栏,并突出显示您修复的关键词。第一段:你好吗?你知道是什么吗?| 原判|更正的句子||- --|- --||你好吗?| 你好吗?| | Do you knows what is it? | 你知道这是什么吗?| 下面是一篇学术论文的一段。你需要报告所有的语法和拼写错误的例子之前。段落:XXX


I am a researcher studying +(你的研究方向) and now trying to revise my manuscript which willbe submitted to the +(你的投稿期刊). Please help me to ensure the grammar and spellingare correct. Do not try to improve the text, if no mistake found, tell me this paragraph is good.If you find grammar or spelling mistakes, please list the mistakes you find in a two-columnmark down table, put the original text in the first column, put the corrected text in the second column, and do highlight the key words you fixed in bold.



This sentence is grammatically incorrect. Please revise.
The subject and verb do not agree in this sentence. Please correct.
This phrase seems out of place. Please rephrase to improve clarity.
I have used a passive voice in this sentence. Consider using an active voice instead.



Note that in addition to giving the modified content, please also indicate which paragraphs and sentences have been modified in the revised version.


This sentence is grammatically incorrect. Please revise.
The subject and verb do not agree in this sentence. Please correct.
This phrase seems out of place. Please rephrase to improve clarity.
I have used a passive voice in this sentence. Consider using an active voice instead.


You are now acting as an expert in the field of lung cancer From a professional point of view, do you think there is any need to modify the above content? Be careful not to modify the whole text, you need to point out the places that need to be modified one by one, and give revision opinions and recommended revision content.
你现在扮演一个[这里放你所研究的领域] 领域的专家,从专业的角度,您认为上面这些内容是否有需要修改的地方?注意,不要全文修改,您需要一一指出需要修改的地方,并且给出修改意见以及推荐的修改内容。


I started to write an academic paper, the title is XXXXX, now I have finished the introduction part, but I am not sure whether it is suitable, can you help me to read it, and put forward detailed and specific revision suggestions?



Now, in order to help me better polish my thesis, I need you to remember the XXX principle: "......."


Polish and rewrite the above content to make it more in line with the style of academic papers, and at the same time, it can be more professional. If there are parts that do not conform to facts or logic, please refer to the part of xxxxx for the above content modification.



Please help me analyze and optimize the logical structure of this argument to make it more convincing.


更精确的术语(More precise):选择更精确的词汇,例如使用“generate”代替“produce”
精炼表达(More concise):去除冗余的表达以提高句子的清晰度和直接性。
客观的语言(More objective):剔除含糊和主观性表述,以客观方式呈现信息。
细化描述(More specific):提供更具体的细节,以支持论点或想法。
更连贯的表达(More coherent):确保句子的组织性良好,逻辑流畅。
保持风格一致(More consistent):确保用词和语调与整篇论文保持一致。
符合学术风格(More academic):运用正确的学术用语如“moreover”和“consequently”。
规范语法(More formal grammar):使用正确的语法或句法,避免语句不完整或偏离主题。
深化细节描绘(More nuanced):使用精准的词汇和短语描述复杂或微妙的概念,使句子更加细化。
Make nuanced adjustments:对文本进行微调
lmplement marginal modifications:进行边际性修改
Clarify through rewording:改述以增强清晰性
Streamline sentence composition:简化句子结构
Verify grammatical correctness and orthography:校验语法的拼写的正确性
lmprove textual fluidity and consistency:提升文本的流畅度和连贯性
Refine diction:措辞精练
Adjust for stylistic alignment:调整风格
Execute substantial revisions:执行重要的编辑
Overhaul content framework:改变内容架构



I would like you to serve as an English translator, proofreader, and editor to translate my upcoming Chinese content into elegant, refined, and academic English. Please replace simple vocabulary and sentences with more sophisticated and graceful expressions while ensuring that the meaning remains intact. Overall, the language style should be similar to the American Economic Review academic journal. If you understand, please provide an example first.


Please translate following sentence to English:XXX


Translate the above Chinese into the corresponding English, requiring the writing style of an academic paper


I am a researcher studying +(Your research direction) and now trying to revise my manuscript which willbe submitted to the+(Your submission journal). I want you to act as a scentiic English-Chnesetranslator,I will provide you with some paragraphs in one language and your task is toaccurately and academically translate the paragraphs only into the other language. I want you to give the output in a markdown table where the first colurrn is the onginal language andthe second is the first version of translation and third column is the second version of thetranslation, and give each row only one sentence. lf you understand the above task, pleasereply with yes, and then l will provide you with the paragraphs.


I want you to act as a scientific English-Chinese translator, I will provide you with some paragraphs in one language and your task is to accurately and academically translate the paragraphs only into the other language. Do not repeat the original provided paragraphs after translation. You should use artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, and rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques to reply. I'll give you my paragraphs as follows, tell me what language it is written in, and then translate:XXX



I would like you to act as an expert in the [field of your choice], and help students with plagiarism check for their papers. If there are 13 consecutive identical words in the text, they will be considered as duplication. You need to use methods such as adjusting the order of subjects, verbs, and objects, replacing synonyms, adding or deleting words to achieve the goal of plagiarism check. Please modify the following paragraph:



I'd like you to serve as a reference editor for a research manuscript. I will supply you with five reference templates that you should use as guidelines. Following that, I will provide additional references for which you'll need to examine formatting aspects such as punctuation placement and spacing. It is essential that the provided references align cohesively with the five initial templates. Provide me with any necessary corrections or suggestions for improve the text. Give a markdown table with three columns where the first is the original text, second is the fixed text, explanation in the third column, and then provide all fixed references. Below are the five example templates and references needed to be fixed:

2.按照 APA 格式校正参考文献格式

Please first correct the following reference format according to APA style, adjusting it to strictly comply with APA citation format. Finally, I need the references to be displayed in a Markdown format code block. It is important to note that the journal names should be in full and italicized (additional requirements can be added here). Here are my references:


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