

设计一个存取款接口,入参是账户数组balances 与存取款请求体数组requests

String[] requests = {“withdraw 1613327630 2 480”,
“withdraw 1613327644 2 800”,
“withdraw 1614105244 1 100”,
“deposit 1614108844 2 200”,
“withdraw 1614108845 2 150”};
int[] balances = {1000, 1500};
返回: {900, 295}

String[] requests = {“withdraw 1613327630 2 480”,
“withdraw 1613327644 2 800”,
“withdraw 1614105244 1 1000”,
“deposit 1614108844 2 200”,
“withdraw 1614108845 2 150”};
int[] balances = {1000, 500};
返回 {-1}


we can use an array preWithdrawNum to present the last withdraw account nums, each time we deal with the current request, we can judge whether the current time bigger than the last withdraw request 's time, if so, we can deal with the cashback logic of giving 2 percent of the last withdraw amount

 static int[] solution(int[] balances, String[] requests) {
        int[] preWithdrawNum = new int[requests.length];
        Arrays.fill(preWithdrawNum, -1);
        for (int i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) {
            String req = requests[i];
            String[] items = req.split(" ");
            String func = items[0];
            Integer num = Integer.valueOf(items[2]) - 1, amount = Integer.valueOf(items[3]);
            long time = Long.valueOf(items[1]);
            if (items.length != 4) {
                return new int[]{-num};
            for (int j = 0; j < preWithdrawNum.length; j++) {
                if (preWithdrawNum[j] != -1 ) {
                    String[] lastItems = requests[j].split(" ");
                    long lastTimePlus24h = Long.valueOf(lastItems[1]) + 24 * 60 * 60;
                    Integer currentAccountN = preWithdrawNum[j] ;
                    if (time > lastTimePlus24h ) {
                        balances[currentAccountN] += Math.floor(Integer.valueOf(lastItems[3]) * 0.02);
                        preWithdrawNum[j] = -1;

            if ("withdraw".equals(func)) {
                if (balances[num] < amount) {
                    return new int[]{-i};
                balances[num] -= amount;
                preWithdrawNum[i] = num;
            if ("deposit".equals(func)) {
                balances[num] += amount;
        return balances;


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