【Git 学习笔记】第三章 分支、合并及配置项(上)

第三章 分支、合并及配置项


  • 本地分支管理
  • 远程分支
  • 强制版本合并
  • 使用 git reuse recorded resolution (rerere) 合并有冲突的 Git 版本
  • 计算分支间的差异
  • 孤立分支(Orphan branches

3.1 本地分支管理

假如 git 库就在本地,即便无需远程共享代码,本地分支也可以像需要远程共享的仓库那样进行管理。正如本例所示,需要先复制一个仓库到本地,意味着存在一个远程库。

# clone the jgit repository to match
$ git clone https://git.eclipse.org/r/jgit/jgit 
$ cd jgit 
# Whenever you start working on a bug fix or a new 
# feature in your project, you should create a branch
$ git branch newBugFix 
$ git branch 
* master 
# The newBugFix branch points to the current HEAD
# to verify this:
$ git log -1 newBugFix --format=format:%H
# edit branch description
$ git branch --edit-description newBugFix
# Add description in a newly opened editor
Refactoring the Hydro controller 

The hydro controller code is currently horrible needs to be refactored.  
# Show the description
$ git config --get branch.newBugFix.description 
Refactoring the Hydro controller 

The hydro controller code is currently horrible and needs to be refactored.  
# Show the commit hash the new branch based on
$ cat .git/refs/heads/newBugFix 

由此可见,该 ID 与当前 HEADID 一致。

注意:新建分支后,要切换到该分支才能使用:git checkout -b <newBranch>

拓展:若不从 HEAD 新建分支,而是某个提交 ID(979e346),此时基于该版本的提交可以写作:

# new branch from commit ID
$ git branch anotherBugFix 979e346 
$ git log -1 anotherBugFix --format=format:%h 
$ git log -1 anotherBugFix --format=format:%H 
# checkout new branch
$ git checkout -b lastBugFix 979e346


  1. git branch:仅分支名称
  2. git branch -v:在 1 的基础上带注释及简化 SHA-1
  3. git branch -vv:在 2 的基础上展示远程跟踪分支名称
$ git branch -v 

  anotherBugFix 979e346 Interactive Rebase: Do actions if  
* lastBugFix    979e346 Interactive Rebase: Do actions if  
  master        25fe20b Add missing package import for jg 
  newBugFix     25fe20b Add missing package import for jg
$ git branch -vv 

  anotherBugFix 979e346 Interactive Rebase: Do actions if e 
* lastBugFix    979e346 Interactive Rebase: Do actions if e 
  master        25fe20b [origin/master] Add missing package  
  newBugFix     25fe20b Add missing package import for g 

3.2 远程分支

有时,本地代码很可能从克隆别人的代码库产生。此时,本地代码就拥有一个远程仓库,通常又叫 origin 源。认识 Git 及其远程代码库,可以从 git status 命令开始:

$ git checkout -b remoteBugFix --track origin/stable-3.2
Switched to a new branch 'remoteBugFix'
Branch 'remoteBugFix' set up to track remote branch 'stable-3.2' from 'origin'.

可见,remoteBugFix 分支的远程跟踪分支为 origin/stable-3.2。这时 git status 的结果,展示的是本地 HEAD 与远程 HEAD 之间,本地是否可以快进到远程分支上。示例如下:

# Find a commit on remote branch
$ git log -10 origin/stable-3.2 --oneline
# Checkout specific SHA-1
$ git reset --hard 2e0d178
HEAD is now at 2e0d17885 Add recursive variant of Config.getNames() methods
# Use 'git status' to see the free benefit of Git
$ git status
On branch remoteBugFix
Your branch is behind 'origin/stable-3.2' by 9 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
  (use "git pull" to update your local branch)

nothing to commit, working tree clean


  1. 这里有个经常出现的概念:fast-forward,是指 Git 可以不用合并就能将 HEAD 移动到最新的版本上;
  2. git pull 命令其实是两个命令的组合:
    1. git fetch
    2. git merge(合并远程跟踪分支到本地分支)

执行上述 git status 命令,是用来模拟本地执行 git fetch 后,远程分支上的新内容已经被拉取到本地跟踪分支 origin/stable-3.2 上的状态。继续合并将实际同步到本地分支上:

$ git merge origin/stable-3.2
Updating 2e0d17885..f839d383e
 .../org/eclipse/jgit/api/RebaseCommandTest.java    | 213 +++++++++++++++++----
 .../src/org/eclipse/jgit/api/RebaseCommand.java    |  31 +--
 .../jgit/errors/IllegalTodoFileModification.java   |  59 ++++++
 .../eclipse/jgit/lib/BaseRepositoryBuilder.java    |   2 +-
 .../src/org/eclipse/jgit/lib/Config.java           |   2 +
 .../src/org/eclipse/jgit/lib/RebaseTodoLine.java   |  16 +-
 6 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 org.eclipse.jgit/src/org/eclipse/jgit/errors/IllegalTodoFileModification.java

根据执行结果可知,正如 git status 的提示所言,此次合并是一个快进式合并(fast-forward merge

除了在创建本地分支时用 --track 指定远程跟踪分支,git 还支持在现有分支上指定远程分支。如果提前创建了本地分支而忘记关联远程分支,git 的这一后期绑定功能就派上用场了:

# Checkout a new branch without relating to its remote tracking branch
$ git checkout -b remoteBugFix2 2e0d17 
Switched to a new branch 'remoteBugFix2' 
# Set the tracking branch manually by using -u or --set-upstream-to
$ git branch --set-upstream-to origin/stable-3.2 
Branch remoteBugFix2 set up to track remote branch stable-3.2 from origin. 
# Validate current status
$ git status 
On branch remoteBugFix2 
Your branch is behind 'origin/stable-3.2' by 9 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. 
  (use "git pull" to update your local branch) 
nothing to commit, working directory clean 
# Same as the previous demo as expected.
# Update the branch (also a fast-forward merge with origin/stable-3.2)
$ git pull 
Updating 2e0d17885..f839d383e
 .../org/eclipse/jgit/api/RebaseCommandTest.java    | 213 +++++++++++++++++----
 .../src/org/eclipse/jgit/api/RebaseCommand.java    |  31 +--
 .../jgit/errors/IllegalTodoFileModification.java   |  59 ++++++
 .../eclipse/jgit/lib/BaseRepositoryBuilder.java    |   2 +-
 .../src/org/eclipse/jgit/lib/Config.java           |   2 +
 .../src/org/eclipse/jgit/lib/RebaseTodoLine.java   |  16 +-
 6 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 org.eclipse.jgit/src/org/eclipse/jgit/errors/IllegalTodoFileModification.java
# The output is still the same as previous one as expected.
# Validate the current HEAD with origin/stable-3.2
$ git log -1 origin/stable-3.2  --format=format:%h
# Still the same.

3.3 强制生成合并提交

在阅读本书之前,您可能已经看过很多软件交付链和分支模型的案例了;您也很可能一直在尝试不同的策略,最后却发现一旦某工具支持特定的工作流后,就很难完全满足您要的其他应用场景了。而 Git 支持几乎所有工作流场景。 通常的需求是在合并某个特性时要能生成一次合并提交(即便可以通过快进模式来并入新特性)。 这样的需求常用来表示某个特性已被合并,并且希望将这次合并操作显式存到仓库中。


鉴于 Git 提供了一套方便快捷的方法来访问所有的提交信息,Git 库其实应该用作 日志,而不仅仅是对源代码的 备份


# Checkout branch stable-3.1 as remoteOldBugFix for use
$ git checkout -b remoteOldBugFix --track origin/stable-3.1
# force a merge commit
$ git merge origin/stable-3.2 --no-ff --edit --quiet

注意,使用 --edit 参数后,可以在打开的编辑器中修改默认的合并提交注释信息。示例中的 --no-ff 表示禁用快进模式;--quiet 用于简化屏幕输出内容。最终的效果如图所示:

图 3-1

为了与常规方式进行对比,执行合并时删除 --no-ff 参数项:

# Reset to initial status
$ git reset --hard  remotes/origin/stable-3.1
# Merge with fast forward by default
$ git merge origin/stable-3.2 --quiet


图 3-2


除了执行完整合并,Git 还允许用户对合并内容进行干预,自主决定哪些内容参与合并。使用 --no-commit 参数,git 会在合并提交前中断进程,让用户在最终提交前修改或添加文件。例如,项目的特性分支中修改了项目版本号,但主分支并未修改。默认的合并操作会将版本号一并更新为特性分支上的版本号,而实际上你并不希望动版本号。这时使用 --no-commit 就可以避免。


# Clone repo into demo
$ git clone https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Git-Version-Control-Cookbook-Second-Edition_hello_world_flow_model.git demo
$ cd demo
# Checkout remote branch
$ git checkout -b remotePartlyMerge --track origin/release/1.0
Branch remotePartlyMerge set up to track remote branch release/1.0 from origin. 
Switched to a new branch 'remotePartlyMerge'
# Force a merge commit with --no-commit flag
$ git merge origin/master  --no-ff --no-commit
Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested
# Exclude LICENSE file
$ git reset LICENSE
# Resume merging
$ git commit -m "Merging without LICENSE"
[remotePartlyMerge 1202b0e] Merging without LICENSE
# Check status (only LICENSE file remain untracked)
$ git status
On branch remotePartlyMerge
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/release/1.0' by 6 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
# check difference excluding LICENSE file (only on Linux)
$ git diff origin/master !(LICENSE)

考虑到网速问题,已将示例仓库 Git-Version-Control-Cookbook-Second-Edition_hello_world_flow_model.git 添加到本学习库中( repos/ex3.3-no-commit-repo.rar



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