



This week, an article about modeling pollutant transport and attributing sources using Attention-based Graph Neural Networks is readed. In the paper, the authors introduce a novel Attention-based Graph Neural Network (aGNN), designed to model pollutant transmission with limited monitoring data and to quantify causal relationships between pollutant sources (drivers) and their dispersion (outcomes). Across five synthetic case studies involving diverse monitoring networks in heterogeneous aquifers, the aGNN outperforms methods based on LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) and CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) in multi-step predictions. The explanatory analysis based on aGNN quantifies the impact of each pollution source, which has been validated against physically-based models with consistent results, yielding R² values exceeding 92%. Additionally, an effort was made to reproduce the article’s code.



Contaminant Transport Modeling and Source Attribution With Attention‐Based Graph Neural Network


(a 地下水流动路径和优先流动和迁移状态隐藏在地下,难以确定;
(b 污染物迁移过程涉及各种机制,如平流和扩散,可能在时空模式中产生高度非线性;
(c 污染物传播依赖于关于各种人类活动和自然反应的数据的收集,学习起来十分复杂。


(a 研究比较了aGNN与GNN/CNN/LSTM在多过程污染物传输建模中的性能,这些方法都适用于相同的多步空间预测的端到端学习任务。
(b 研究评估了所提出的aGNN通过归纳学习的数据和含水层的异质性的可用性。还评估了使用aGNN与使用基于物理的模型相比的时间效率。
(c 采用了一种可解释的人工智能技术,即Shapley值,它起源于合作博弈论的概念,来计算每个属性对预测的贡献,在本研究中,Shapley值代表多源排放情况下的污染物源属性。











给定时间序列S = ( s 0 , s 1 , … , s T ),时间嵌入层形成有限维表示来指示Si在序列 S 中的位置。

研究中的时间嵌入是正弦变换到时间顺序的串联,形成矩阵在这里插入图片描述,其中 T 和 demb 分别是时间长度和向量维度。








对于输入矩阵在这里插入图片描述 ,GCN通过添加自环的邻接矩阵(A)来聚合节点的邻接特征及其特征,信息的传播表示为在这里插入图片描述,利用图拉普拉斯矩阵来收集邻接信息。

随后,如公式7所示,应用线性投影和非线性变换,其中σ是非线性激活函数, 在这里插入图片描述是可学习的线性化参数。




在涵盖N个污染点的区域中,假设SN代表N个污染点的一个子集,定义fi.j(SN)为仅考虑子集SN内污染源对指定地点(i, j)处地下水所产生的污染物浓度贡献。该点d(d=1,Φ)的Shapley值…i,jN) 可由公式8来具体量化:









为促进方法的开发与验证,本研究设立了两个综合实验场地,均基于无承压含水层特性。首块场地覆盖497,500平方米,如图5a展示,通过MODFLOW软件被划分成30列乘以15行的网格,每格尺寸为50米乘50米。该场地的水文边界条件设定为两侧无流量边界及两侧固定水头(分别为100米和95米),自然水力梯度促使地下水流动。水文地质参数设定包括渗透系数为0.3,储水系数为0.0001 (1/m),孔隙度为0.3。为了探讨水力传导率(HC)变异性对污染物迁移模型的效应,研究设置了两种不同的水力传导率场景:










表2展示了五种情况下地下水降深和污染物浓度的统计建模误差(R2和RMSE),在所有的算法中,aGNN在几乎所有的五种情况下都获得了最低的RMSEa和最高的R2 a(表2),表明它在模拟非均匀分布的监测系统中的污染物传输方面比其他算法具有更好的性能。



import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import copy
import math
import numpy as np
from utils_dpl3_contam import norm_Adj

class RBF(nn.Module):
    Transforms incoming data using a given radial basis function:
    u_{i} = rbf(||x - c_{i}|| / s_{i})
        in_features: size of each input sample
        out_features: size of each output sample
        - Input: (N, in_features) where N is an arbitrary batch size
        - Output: (N, out_features) where N is an arbitrary batch size
        centres: the learnable centres of shape (out_features, in_features).
            The values are initialised from a standard normal distribution.
            Normalising inputs to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1 is

        log_sigmas: logarithm of the learnable scaling factors of shape (out_features).

        basis_func: the radial basis function used to transform the scaled

    def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, num_vertice,basis_func):
        super(RBF, self).__init__()
        self.in_features = in_features
        self.out_features = out_features
        self.centres1 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_vertice, self.in_features))  # (out_features, in_features)
        self.alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_vertice,out_features))
        self.log_sigmas = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(out_features))
        self.basis_func = basis_func

        # self.alpha1 = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(num_vertice, self.out_features))
    def reset_parameters(self):
        nn.init.normal_(self.centres1, 0, 1)
        nn.init.constant_(self.log_sigmas, 0)

    def forward(self, input):

        size1= (input.size(0), input.size(0), self.in_features)
        x1 = input.unsqueeze(1).expand(size1)
        c1 = self.centres1.unsqueeze(0).expand(size1)
        distances1 = torch.matmul((x1 - c1).pow(2).sum(-1).pow(0.5),self.alpha) / torch.exp(self.log_sigmas).unsqueeze(0)
        return self.basis_func(distances1) #distances1

# RBFs

def gaussian(alpha):
    phi = torch.exp(-1 * alpha.pow(2))
    return phi

def linear(alpha):
    phi = alpha
    return phi

def quadratic(alpha):
    phi = alpha.pow(2)
    return phi

def inverse_quadratic(alpha):
    phi = torch.ones_like(alpha) / (torch.ones_like(alpha) + alpha.pow(2))
    return phi

def multiquadric(alpha):
    phi = (torch.ones_like(alpha) + alpha.pow(2)).pow(0.5)
    return phi

def inverse_multiquadric(alpha):
    phi = torch.ones_like(alpha) / (torch.ones_like(alpha) + alpha.pow(2)).pow(0.5)
    return phi

def spline(alpha):
    phi = (alpha.pow(2) * torch.log(alpha + torch.ones_like(alpha)))
    return phi

def poisson_one(alpha):
    phi = (alpha - torch.ones_like(alpha)) * torch.exp(-alpha)
    return phi

def poisson_two(alpha):
    phi = ((alpha - 2 * torch.ones_like(alpha)) / 2 * torch.ones_like(alpha)) \
          * alpha * torch.exp(-alpha)
    return phi

def matern32(alpha):
    phi = (torch.ones_like(alpha) + 3 ** 0.5 * alpha) * torch.exp(-3 ** 0.5 * alpha)
    return phi

def matern52(alpha):
    phi = (torch.ones_like(alpha) + 5 ** 0.5 * alpha + (5 / 3) \
           * alpha.pow(2)) * torch.exp(-5 ** 0.5 * alpha)
    return phi

def basis_func_dict():
    A helper function that returns a dictionary containing each RBF

    bases = {'gaussian': gaussian,
             'linear': linear,
             'quadratic': quadratic,
             'inverse quadratic': inverse_quadratic,
             'multiquadric': multiquadric,
             'inverse multiquadric': inverse_multiquadric,
             'spline': spline,
             'poisson one': poisson_one,
             'poisson two': poisson_two,
             'matern32': matern32,
             'matern52': matern52}
    return bases

def clones(module, N):
    Produce N identical layers.
    :param module: nn.Module
    :param N: int
    :return: torch.nn.ModuleList
    return nn.ModuleList([copy.deepcopy(module) for _ in range(N)])

def subsequent_mask(size):
    mask out subsequent positions.
    :param size: int
    :return: (1, size, size)
    attn_shape = (1, size, size)
    subsequent_mask = np.triu(np.ones(attn_shape), k=1).astype('uint8')
    return torch.from_numpy(subsequent_mask) == 0   # 1 means reachable; 0 means unreachable

class spatialGCN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, sym_norm_Adj_matrix, in_channels, out_channels):
        super(spatialGCN, self).__init__()
        self.sym_norm_Adj_matrix = sym_norm_Adj_matrix  # (N, N)
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.Theta = nn.Linear(in_channels, out_channels, bias=False)

    def forward(self, x):
        spatial graph convolution operation
        :param x: (batch_size, N, T, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, N, T, F_out)
        batch_size, num_of_vertices, num_of_timesteps, in_channels = x.shape

        x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape((-1, num_of_vertices, in_channels))  # (b*t,n,f_in)

        return F.relu(self.Theta(torch.matmul(self.sym_norm_Adj_matrix, x)).reshape((batch_size, num_of_timesteps, num_of_vertices, self.out_channels)).transpose(1, 2))

class GCN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, sym_norm_Adj_matrix, in_channels, out_channels):
        super(GCN, self).__init__()
        self.sym_norm_Adj_matrix = sym_norm_Adj_matrix  # (N, N)
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.Theta = nn.Linear(in_channels, out_channels, bias=False)

    def forward(self, x):
        spatial graph convolution operation
        :param x: (batch_size, N, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, N, F_out)
        return F.relu(self.Theta(torch.matmul(self.sym_norm_Adj_matrix, x)))  # (N,N)(b,N,in)->(b,N,in)->(b,N,out)

class Spatial_Attention_layer(nn.Module):
    compute spatial attention scores
    def __init__(self, dropout=.0):
        super(Spatial_Attention_layer, self).__init__()
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)

    def forward(self, x):
        :param x: (batch_size, N, T, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, T, N, N)
        batch_size, num_of_vertices, num_of_timesteps, in_channels = x.shape

        x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape((-1, num_of_vertices, in_channels))  # (b*t,n,f_in)

        score = torch.matmul(x, x.transpose(1, 2)) / math.sqrt(in_channels)  # (b*t, N, F_in)(b*t, F_in, N)=(b*t, N, N)

        score = self.dropout(F.softmax(score, dim=-1))  # the sum of each row is 1; (b*t, N, N)

        return score.reshape((batch_size, num_of_timesteps, num_of_vertices, num_of_vertices))

class spatialAttentionGCN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, sym_norm_Adj_matrix, in_channels, out_channels, dropout=.0):
        super(spatialAttentionGCN, self).__init__()
        self.sym_norm_Adj_matrix = sym_norm_Adj_matrix  # (N, N)
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.Theta = nn.Linear(in_channels, out_channels, bias=False)
        self.SAt = Spatial_Attention_layer(dropout=dropout)

    def forward(self, x):
        spatial graph convolution operation
        :param x: (batch_size, N, T, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, N, T, F_out)

        batch_size, num_of_vertices, num_of_timesteps, in_channels = x.shape

        spatial_attention = self.SAt(x)  # (batch, T, N, N)

        x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape((-1, num_of_vertices, in_channels))  # (b*t,n,f_in)

        spatial_attention = spatial_attention.reshape((-1, num_of_vertices, num_of_vertices))  # (b*T, n, n)

        return F.relu(self.Theta(torch.matmul(self.sym_norm_Adj_matrix.mul(spatial_attention), x)).reshape((batch_size, num_of_timesteps, num_of_vertices, self.out_channels)).transpose(1, 2))
        # (b*t, n, f_in)->(b*t, n, f_out)->(b,t,n,f_out)->(b,n,t,f_out)

class spatialAttentionScaledGCN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, sym_norm_Adj_matrix, in_channels, out_channels, dropout=.0):
        super(spatialAttentionScaledGCN, self).__init__()
        self.sym_norm_Adj_matrix = sym_norm_Adj_matrix  # (N, N)
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.out_channels = out_channels
        self.Theta = nn.Linear(in_channels, out_channels, bias=False)
        self.SAt = Spatial_Attention_layer(dropout=dropout)

    def forward(self, x):
        spatial graph convolution operation
        :param x: (batch_size, N, T, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, N, T, F_out)
        batch_size, num_of_vertices, num_of_timesteps, in_channels = x.shape

        spatial_attention = self.SAt(x) / math.sqrt(in_channels)  # scaled self attention: (batch, T, N, N)

        x = x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3).reshape((-1, num_of_vertices, in_channels))
        # (b, n, t, f)-permute->(b, t, n, f)->(b*t,n,f_in)

        spatial_attention = spatial_attention.reshape((-1, num_of_vertices, num_of_vertices))  # (b*T, n, n)

        return F.relu(self.Theta(torch.matmul(self.sym_norm_Adj_matrix.mul(spatial_attention), x)).reshape((batch_size, num_of_timesteps, num_of_vertices, self.out_channels)).transpose(1, 2))
        # (b*t, n, f_in)->(b*t, n, f_out)->(b,t,n,f_out)->(b,n,t,f_out)

class SpatialPositionalEncoding_RBF(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, d_model, logitudelatitudes,num_of_vertices, dropout, gcn=None, smooth_layer_num=0):
        super(SpatialPositionalEncoding_RBF, self).__init__()
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
        # self.embedding = torch.nn.Embedding(num_of_vertices, d_model)
        self.embedding = RBF(2, d_model, num_of_vertices,quadratic) # gaussin nn.Linear(4, d_model-4)
        self.logitudelatitudes = logitudelatitudes
        self.gcn_smooth_layers = None
        if (gcn is not None) and (smooth_layer_num > 0):
            self.gcn_smooth_layers = nn.ModuleList([gcn for _ in range(smooth_layer_num)])

    def forward(self, x,log1,lat1):
        :param x: (batch_size, N, T, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, N, T, F_out)
        # x,log,lat,t= x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3]
        batch, num_of_vertices, timestamps, _ = x.shape
        x_indexs = torch.concat((torch.unsqueeze(log1.mean(0).mean(-1),-1),torch.unsqueeze(lat1.mean(0).mean(-1),-1)),-1)# (N,)

        x_ind = torch.concat((
                              x_indexs[:, 0:1] ,
                              x_indexs[:, 1:] )
                             , axis=1)

        embed = self.embedding(x_ind.float()).unsqueeze(0)
        if self.gcn_smooth_layers is not None:
            for _, l in enumerate(self.gcn_smooth_layers):
                embed = l(embed)  # (1,N,d_model) -> (1,N,d_model)
        x = x + embed.unsqueeze(2)  # (B, N, T, d_model)+(1, N, 1, d_model)

        return self.dropout(x)

class TemporalPositionalEncoding(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, d_model, dropout, max_len, lookup_index=None):
        super(TemporalPositionalEncoding, self).__init__()

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
        self.lookup_index = lookup_index
        self.max_len = max_len
        # computing the positional encodings once in log space
        pe = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model)
        for pos in range(max_len):
            for i in range(0, d_model, 2):
                pe[pos, i] = math.sin(pos / (10000 ** ((2 * i)/d_model)))
                pe[pos, i+1] = math.cos(pos / (10000 ** ((2 * (i + 1)) / d_model)))

        pe = pe.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)  # (1, 1, T_max, d_model)
        self.register_buffer('pe', pe)
        # register_buffer:
        # Adds a persistent buffer to the module.
        # This is typically used to register a buffer that should not to be considered a model parameter.

    def forward(self, x,t):
        :param x: (batch_size, N, T, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, N, T, F_out)
        if self.lookup_index is not None:
            x = x + self.pe[:, :, self.lookup_index, :]  # (batch_size, N, T, F_in) + (1,1,T,d_model)
            x = x + self.pe[:, :, :x.size(2), :]

        return self.dropout(x.detach())

class SublayerConnection(nn.Module):
    A residual connection followed by a layer norm
    def __init__(self, size, dropout, residual_connection, use_LayerNorm):
        super(SublayerConnection, self).__init__()
        self.residual_connection = residual_connection
        self.use_LayerNorm = use_LayerNorm
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
        if self.use_LayerNorm:
            self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(size)

    def forward(self, x, sublayer):
        :param x: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param sublayer: nn.Module
        :return: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        if self.residual_connection and self.use_LayerNorm:
            return x + self.dropout(sublayer(self.norm(x)))
        if self.residual_connection and (not self.use_LayerNorm):
            return x + self.dropout(sublayer(x))
        if (not self.residual_connection) and self.use_LayerNorm:
            return self.dropout(sublayer(self.norm(x)))

class PositionWiseGCNFeedForward(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, gcn, dropout=.0):
        super(PositionWiseGCNFeedForward, self).__init__()
        self.gcn = gcn
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)

    def forward(self, x):
        :param x:  (B, N_nodes, T, F_in)
        :return: (B, N, T, F_out)
        return self.dropout(F.relu(self.gcn(x)))

def attention(query, key, value, mask=None, dropout=None):
    :param query:  (batch, N, h, T1, d_k)
    :param key: (batch, N, h, T2, d_k)
    :param value: (batch, N, h, T2, d_k)
    :param mask: (batch, 1, 1, T2, T2)
    :param dropout:
    :return: (batch, N, h, T1, d_k), (batch, N, h, T1, T2)
    d_k = query.size(-1)
    scores = torch.matmul(query, key.transpose(-2, -1)) / math.sqrt(d_k)  # scores: (batch, N, h, T1, T2)

    if mask is not None:
        scores = scores.masked_fill_(mask == 0, -1e9)  # -1e9 means attention scores=0
    p_attn = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1)
    if dropout is not None:
        p_attn = dropout(p_attn)
    # p_attn: (batch, N, h, T1, T2)

    return torch.matmul(p_attn, value), p_attn  # (batch, N, h, T1, d_k), (batch, N, h, T1, T2)

class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, nb_head, d_model, dropout=.0):
        super(MultiHeadAttention, self).__init__()
        assert d_model % nb_head == 0
        self.d_k = d_model // nb_head
        self.h = nb_head
        self.linears = clones(nn.Linear(d_model, d_model), 4)
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)

    def forward(self, query, key, value, mask=None):
        :param query: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param key: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param value: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param mask: (batch, T, T)
        :return: x: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1)  # (batch, 1, 1, T, T), same mask applied to all h heads.

        nbatches = query.size(0)

        N = query.size(1)

        # (batch, N, T, d_model) -linear-> (batch, N, T, d_model) -view-> (batch, N, T, h, d_k) -permute(2,3)-> (batch, N, h, T, d_k)
        query, key, value = [l(x).view(nbatches, N, -1, self.h, self.d_k).transpose(2, 3) for l, x in
                             zip(self.linears, (query, key, value))]

        # apply attention on all the projected vectors in batch
        x, self.attn = attention(query, key, value, mask=mask, dropout=self.dropout)
        # x:(batch, N, h, T1, d_k)
        # attn:(batch, N, h, T1, T2)

        x = x.transpose(2, 3).contiguous()  # (batch, N, T1, h, d_k)
        x = x.view(nbatches, N, -1, self.h * self.d_k)  # (batch, N, T1, d_model)
        return self.linears[-1](x)

class MultiHeadAttentionAwareTemporalContex_qc_kc(nn.Module):  # key causal; query causal;
    def __init__(self, nb_head, d_model, num_of_lags, points_per_lag, kernel_size=3, dropout=.0):
        :param nb_head:
        :param d_model:
        :param num_of_weeks:
        :param num_of_days:
        :param num_of_hours:
        :param points_per_hour:
        :param kernel_size:
        :param dropout:
        super(MultiHeadAttentionAwareTemporalContex_qc_kc, self).__init__()
        assert d_model % nb_head == 0
        self.d_k = d_model // nb_head
        self.h = nb_head
        self.linears = clones(nn.Linear(d_model, d_model), 2)  # 2 linear layers: 1  for W^V, 1 for W^O
        self.padding = kernel_size - 1
        self.conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context = clones(nn.Conv2d(d_model, d_model, (1, kernel_size), padding=(0, self.padding)), 2)  # # 2 causal conv: 1  for query, 1 for key
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
        self.n_length = num_of_lags * points_per_lag

    def forward(self, query, key, value, mask=None, query_multi_segment=False, key_multi_segment=False):
        :param query: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param key: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param value: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param mask:  (batch, T, T)
        :param query_multi_segment: whether query has mutiple time segments
        :param key_multi_segment: whether key has mutiple time segments
        if query/key has multiple time segments, causal convolution should be applied separately for each time segment.
        :return: (batch, N, T, d_model)

        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1)  # (batch, 1, 1, T, T), same mask applied to all h heads.

        nbatches = query.size(0)

        N = query.size(1)

        # deal with key and query: temporal conv
        # (batch, N, T, d_model)->permute(0, 3, 1, 2)->(batch, d_model, N, T) -conv->(batch, d_model, N, T)-view->(batch, h, d_k, N, T)-permute(0,3,1,4,2)->(batch, N, h, T, d_k)

        if query_multi_segment and key_multi_segment:
            query_list = []
            key_list = []
            if self.n_length > 0:
                query_h, key_h = [l(x.permute(0, 3, 1, 2))[:, :, :, :-self.padding].contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2) for l, x in zip(self.conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context, (query[:, :, self.w_length + self.d_length:self.w_length + self.d_length + self.h_length, :], key[:, :, self.w_length + self.d_length:self.w_length + self.d_length + self.h_length, :]))]

            query = torch.cat(query_list, dim=3)
            key = torch.cat(key_list, dim=3)

        elif (not query_multi_segment) and (not key_multi_segment):

            query, key = [l(x.permute(0, 3, 1, 2))[:, :, :, :-self.padding].contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2) for l, x in zip(self.conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context, (query, key))]

        elif (not query_multi_segment) and (key_multi_segment):

            query = self.conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context[0](query.permute(0, 3, 1, 2))[:, :, :, :-self.padding].contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)

            key_list = []

            if self.n_length > 0:
                key_h = self.conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context[1](key[:, :,0:self.n_length, :].permute(0, 3, 1, 2))[:, :, :, :-self.padding].contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)

            key = torch.cat(key_list, dim=3)

            import sys

        # deal with value:
        # (batch, N, T, d_model) -linear-> (batch, N, T, d_model) -view-> (batch, N, T, h, d_k) -permute(2,3)-> (batch, N, h, T, d_k)
        value = self.linears[0](value).view(nbatches, N, -1, self.h, self.d_k).transpose(2, 3)

        # apply attention on all the projected vectors in batch
        x, self.attn = attention(query, key, value, mask=mask, dropout=self.dropout)
        # x:(batch, N, h, T1, d_k)
        # attn:(batch, N, h, T1, T2)

        x = x.transpose(2, 3).contiguous()  # (batch, N, T1, h, d_k)
        x = x.view(nbatches, N, -1, self.h * self.d_k)  # (batch, N, T1, d_model)
        return self.linears[-1](x)

class MultiHeadAttentionAwareTemporalContex_q1d_k1d(nn.Module):  # 1d conv on query, 1d conv on key
    def __init__(self, nb_head, d_model, num_of_lags, points_per_lag,  kernel_size=3, dropout=.0): #num_of_weeks, num_of_days, num_of_hours

        super(MultiHeadAttentionAwareTemporalContex_q1d_k1d, self).__init__()
        assert d_model % nb_head == 0
        self.d_k = d_model // nb_head
        self.h = nb_head
        self.linears = clones(nn.Linear(d_model, d_model), 2)  # 2 linear layers: 1  for W^V, 1 for W^O
        self.padding = (kernel_size - 1)//2

        self.conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context = clones(
            nn.Conv2d(d_model, d_model, (1, kernel_size), padding=(0, self.padding)),
            2)  # # 2 causal conv: 1  for query, 1 for key

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
        self.n_length = num_of_lags * points_per_lag  #num_of_hours * points_per_hour

    def forward(self, query, key, value, mask=None, query_multi_segment=False, key_multi_segment=False):
        :param query: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param key: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param value: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param mask:  (batch, T, T)
        :param query_multi_segment: whether query has mutiple time segments
        :param key_multi_segment: whether key has mutiple time segments
        if query/key has multiple time segments, causal convolution should be applied separately for each time segment.
        :return: (batch, N, T, d_model)

        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1)  # (batch, 1, 1, T, T), same mask applied to all h heads.

        nbatches = query.size(0)

        N = query.size(1)

        # deal with key and query: temporal conv
        # (batch, N, T, d_model)->permute(0, 3, 1, 2)->(batch, d_model, N, T) -conv->(batch, d_model, N, T)-view->(batch, h, d_k, N, T)-permute(0,3,1,4,2)->(batch, N, h, T, d_k)

        if query_multi_segment and key_multi_segment:
            query_list = []
            key_list = []
            if self.n_length > 0:
                query_h, key_h = [l(x.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)).contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2) for l, x in zip(self.conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context, (query[:, :,0: self.n_length, :], key[:, :, 0: self.n_length, :]))]

            query = torch.cat(query_list, dim=3)
            key = torch.cat(key_list, dim=3)

        elif (not query_multi_segment) and (not key_multi_segment):

            query, key = [l(x.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)).contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2) for l, x in zip(self.conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context, (query, key))]

        elif (not query_multi_segment) and (key_multi_segment):

            query = self.conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context[0](query.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)).contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)

            key_list = []

            if self.n_length > 0:
                key_h = self.conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context[1](key[:, :, 0:self.n_length, :].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)).contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)

            key = torch.cat(key_list, dim=3)

            import sys

        # deal with value:
        # (batch, N, T, d_model) -linear-> (batch, N, T, d_model) -view-> (batch, N, T, h, d_k) -permute(2,3)-> (batch, N, h, T, d_k)
        value = self.linears[0](value).view(nbatches, N, -1, self.h, self.d_k).transpose(2, 3)

        # apply attention on all the projected vectors in batch
        x, self.attn = attention(query, key, value, mask=mask, dropout=self.dropout)
        # x:(batch, N, h, T1, d_k)
        # attn:(batch, N, h, T1, T2)

        x = x.transpose(2, 3).contiguous()  # (batch, N, T1, h, d_k)
        x = x.view(nbatches, N, -1, self.h * self.d_k)  # (batch, N, T1, d_model)
        return self.linears[-1](x)

class MultiHeadAttentionAwareTemporalContex_qc_k1d(nn.Module):  # query: causal conv; key 1d conv
    def __init__(self, nb_head, d_model, num_of_lags, points_per_lag,  kernel_size=3, dropout=.0):
        super(MultiHeadAttentionAwareTemporalContex_qc_k1d, self).__init__()
        assert d_model % nb_head == 0
        self.d_k = d_model // nb_head
        self.h = nb_head
        self.linears = clones(nn.Linear(d_model, d_model), 2)  # 2 linear layers: 1  for W^V, 1 for W^O
        self.causal_padding = kernel_size - 1
        self.padding_1D = (kernel_size - 1)//2
        self.query_conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context = nn.Conv2d(d_model, d_model, (1, kernel_size), padding=(0, self.causal_padding))
        self.key_conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context = nn.Conv2d(d_model, d_model, (1, kernel_size), padding=(0, self.padding_1D))
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout)
        self.n_length = num_of_lags * points_per_lag

    def forward(self, query, key, value, mask=None, query_multi_segment=False, key_multi_segment=False):
        :param query: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param key: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param value: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :param mask:  (batch, T, T)
        :param query_multi_segment: whether query has mutiple time segments
        :param key_multi_segment: whether key has mutiple time segments
        if query/key has multiple time segments, causal convolution should be applied separately for each time segment.
        :return: (batch, N, T, d_model)

        if mask is not None:
            mask = mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1)  # (batch, 1, 1, T, T), same mask applied to all h heads.

        nbatches = query.size(0)

        N = query.size(1)

        # deal with key and query: temporal conv
        # (batch, N, T, d_model)->permute(0, 3, 1, 2)->(batch, d_model, N, T) -conv->(batch, d_model, N, T)-view->(batch, h, d_k, N, T)-permute(0,3,1,4,2)->(batch, N, h, T, d_k)

        if query_multi_segment and key_multi_segment:
            query_list = []
            key_list = []
            if self.n_length > 0:
                query_h = self.query_conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context(query[:, :, 0: self.n_length, :].permute(0, 3, 1, 2))[:, :, :, :-self.causal_padding].contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1,
                                                                                                                4, 2)
                key_h = self.key_conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context(key[:, :,0: self.n_length, :].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)).contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)


            query = torch.cat(query_list, dim=3)
            key = torch.cat(key_list, dim=3)

        elif (not query_multi_segment) and (not key_multi_segment):

            query = self.query_conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context(query.permute(0, 3, 1, 2))[:, :, :, :-self.causal_padding].contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)
            key = self.key_conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context(query.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)).contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)

        elif (not query_multi_segment) and (key_multi_segment):

            query = self.query_conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context(query.permute(0, 3, 1, 2))[:, :, :, :-self.causal_padding].contiguous().view(nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)

            key_list = []

            if self.n_length > 0:
                key_h = self.key_conv1Ds_aware_temporal_context(key[:, :, 0: self.n_length, :].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)).contiguous().view(
                    nbatches, self.h, self.d_k, N, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 4, 2)

            key = torch.cat(key_list, dim=3)

            import sys

        # deal with value:
        # (batch, N, T, d_model) -linear-> (batch, N, T, d_model) -view-> (batch, N, T, h, d_k) -permute(2,3)-> (batch, N, h, T, d_k)
        value = self.linears[0](value).view(nbatches, N, -1, self.h, self.d_k).transpose(2, 3)

        # apply attention on all the projected vectors in batch
        x, self.attn = attention(query, key, value, mask=mask, dropout=self.dropout)
        # x:(batch, N, h, T1, d_k)
        # attn:(batch, N, h, T1, T2)

        x = x.transpose(2, 3).contiguous()  # (batch, N, T1, h, d_k)
        x = x.view(nbatches, N, -1, self.h * self.d_k)  # (batch, N, T1, d_model)
        return self.linears[-1](x)

class EncoderDecoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, encoder, trg_dim,decoder1, src_dense, encode_temporal_position,decode_temporal_position, generator1, DEVICE,spatial_position): #generator2,
        super(EncoderDecoder, self).__init__()
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.decoder1 = decoder1
        # self.decoder2 = decoder2
        self.src_embed = src_dense
        # self.trg_embed = trg_dense
        self.encode_temporal_position = encode_temporal_position
        self.decode_temporal_position = decode_temporal_position
        self.prediction_generator1 = generator1
        # self.prediction_generator2 = generator2
        self.spatial_position = spatial_position
        self.trg_dim = trg_dim

    def forward(self, src, trg,x,y,te,td):
        src:  (batch_size, N, T_in, F_in)
        trg: (batch, N, T_out, F_out)
        encoder_output = self.encode(src,x,y,te)  # (batch_size, N, T_in, d_model)

        trg_shape = self.trg_dim#int(trg.shape[-1]/2)
        return self.decode1(trg[:, :, :, -trg_shape:], encoder_output, trg[:, :, :, :trg_shape],x,y,td)#trg[:, :, :, :trg_shape],x,y,td)  # src[:,:,-1:,:2])#

    def encode(self, src,x,y,t):
        src: (batch_size, N, T_in, F_in)
        src_emb = self.src_embed(src)
        if self.encode_temporal_position ==False:
            src_tmpo_emb = src_emb
            src_tmpo_emb = self.encode_temporal_position(src_emb,t)
        if self.spatial_position == False:
            h = src_tmpo_emb
            h = self.spatial_position(src_tmpo_emb, x,y)

        return self.encoder(h)

    def decode1(self, trg, encoder_output,encoder_input,x,y,t):
        trg_embed = self.src_embed
        trg_emb_shape = self.trg_dim
        trg_emb = torch.matmul(trg, list(trg_embed.parameters())[0][:, trg_emb_shape:].T)
        if self.encode_temporal_position ==False:
            trg_tempo_emb = trg_emb
            trg_tempo_emb = self.decode_temporal_position(trg_emb, t)

        if self.spatial_position ==False:
            a =  self.prediction_generator1(self.decoder1(trg_tempo_emb, encoder_output))+encoder_input#[:,:,:,0:2]
            return a
            a =  self.prediction_generator1(self.decoder1(self.spatial_position(trg_tempo_emb,x,y), encoder_output))+encoder_input#[:,:,:,0:2]
            return a

class EncoderLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, size, self_attn, gcn, dropout, residual_connection=True, use_LayerNorm=True):
        super(EncoderLayer, self).__init__()
        self.residual_connection = residual_connection
        self.use_LayerNorm = use_LayerNorm
        self.self_attn = self_attn
        self.feed_forward_gcn = gcn
        if residual_connection or use_LayerNorm:
            self.sublayer = clones(SublayerConnection(size, dropout, residual_connection, use_LayerNorm), 2)
        self.size = size

    def forward(self, x):
        :param x: src: (batch_size, N, T_in, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, N, T_in, F_in)
        if self.residual_connection or self.use_LayerNorm:
            x = self.sublayer[0](x, lambda x: self.self_attn(x, x, x, query_multi_segment=True, key_multi_segment=True))
            return self.sublayer[1](x, self.feed_forward_gcn)
            x = self.self_attn(x, x, x, query_multi_segment=True, key_multi_segment=True)
            return self.feed_forward_gcn(x)

class Encoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, layer, N):
        :param layer:  EncoderLayer
        :param N:  int, number of EncoderLayers
        super(Encoder, self).__init__()
        self.layers = clones(layer, N)
        self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(layer.size)

    def forward(self, x):
        :param x: src: (batch_size, N, T_in, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, N, T_in, F_in)
        for layer in self.layers:
            x = layer(x)
        return self.norm(x)

class DecoderLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, size, self_attn, src_attn, gcn, dropout, residual_connection=True, use_LayerNorm=True):
        super(DecoderLayer, self).__init__()
        self.size = size
        self.self_attn = self_attn
        self.src_attn = src_attn
        self.feed_forward_gcn = gcn
        self.residual_connection = residual_connection
        self.use_LayerNorm = use_LayerNorm
        if residual_connection or use_LayerNorm:
            self.sublayer = clones(SublayerConnection(size, dropout, residual_connection, use_LayerNorm), 3)

    def forward(self, x, memory):
        :param x: (batch_size, N, T', F_in)
        :param memory: (batch_size, N, T, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, N, T', F_in)
        m = memory
        tgt_mask = subsequent_mask(x.size(-2)).to(m.device)  # (1, T', T')
        if self.residual_connection or self.use_LayerNorm:
            x = self.sublayer[0](x, lambda x: self.self_attn(x, x, x, tgt_mask, query_multi_segment=False, key_multi_segment=False))  # output: (batch, N, T', d_model)
            x = self.sublayer[1](x, lambda x: self.src_attn(x, m, m, query_multi_segment=False, key_multi_segment=True))  # output: (batch, N, T', d_model)
            return self.sublayer[2](x, self.feed_forward_gcn)  # output:  (batch, N, T', d_model)
            x = self.self_attn(x, x, x, tgt_mask, query_multi_segment=False, key_multi_segment=False)  # output: (batch, N, T', d_model)
            x = self.src_attn(x, m, m, query_multi_segment=False, key_multi_segment=True)  # output: (batch, N, T', d_model)
            return self.feed_forward_gcn(x)  # output:  (batch, N, T', d_model)

class Decoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, layer, N):
        super(Decoder, self).__init__()
        self.layers = clones(layer, N)
        self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(layer.size)

    def forward(self, x, memory):
        :param x: (batch, N, T', d_model)
        :param memory: (batch, N, T, d_model)
        :return:(batch, N, T', d_model)
        for layer in self.layers:
            x = layer(x, memory)
        return self.norm(x)

class EmbedLinear(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, encoder_input_size, d_model,bias=False):
        :param layer:  EncoderLayer
        :param N:  int, number of EncoderLayers
        super(EmbedLinear, self).__init__()
        self.layers = nn.Linear(encoder_input_size, d_model, bias=bias)

    def forward(self, x):
        :param x: src: (batch_size, N, T_in, F_in)
        :return: (batch_size, N, T_in, F_in)
        #for layer in self.layers:
        y = self.layers(x)
        return y

def search_index(max_len, num_of_depend, num_for_predict,points_per_hour, units):
    max_len: int, length of all encoder input
    num_of_depend: int,
    num_for_predict: int, the number of points will be predicted for each sample
    units: int, week: 7 * 24, day: 24, recent(hour): 1
    points_per_hour: int, number of points per hour, depends on data
    list[(start_idx, end_idx)]
    x_idx = []
    for i in range(1, num_of_depend + 1):
        start_idx = max_len - points_per_hour * units * i
        for j in range(num_for_predict):
            end_idx = start_idx + j
    return x_idx

def make_model(DEVICE,logitudelatitudes, num_layers, encoder_input_size,decoder_input_size, decoder_output_size, d_model, adj_mx, nb_head, num_of_lags,points_per_lag,
                 num_for_predict, dropout=.0, aware_temporal_context=True,
               ScaledSAt=True, SE=True, TE=True, kernel_size=3, smooth_layer_num=0, residual_connection=True, use_LayerNorm=True):

    # LR rate means: graph Laplacian Regularization

    c = copy.deepcopy

    norm_Adj_matrix = torch.from_numpy(norm_Adj(adj_mx)).type(torch.FloatTensor).to(DEVICE)  # 通过邻接矩阵,构造归一化的拉普拉斯矩阵

    num_of_vertices = norm_Adj_matrix.shape[0]

    src_dense = EmbedLinear(encoder_input_size, d_model, bias=False)#nn.Linear(encoder_input_size, d_model, bias=False)

    if ScaledSAt:  # employ spatial self attention
        position_wise_gcn = PositionWiseGCNFeedForward(spatialAttentionScaledGCN(norm_Adj_matrix, d_model, d_model), dropout=dropout)
    else:  #
        position_wise_gcn = PositionWiseGCNFeedForward(spatialGCN(norm_Adj_matrix, d_model, d_model), dropout=dropout)

    # encoder temporal position embedding
    max_len = num_of_lags

    if aware_temporal_context:  # employ temporal trend-aware attention
        attn_ss = MultiHeadAttentionAwareTemporalContex_q1d_k1d(nb_head, d_model, num_of_lags, points_per_lag,  kernel_size, dropout=dropout)
        attn_st = MultiHeadAttentionAwareTemporalContex_qc_k1d(nb_head, d_model,num_of_lags, points_per_lag,  kernel_size, dropout=dropout)
        att_tt = MultiHeadAttentionAwareTemporalContex_qc_kc(nb_head, d_model, num_of_lags, points_per_lag,  kernel_size, dropout=dropout)
    else:  # employ traditional self attention
        attn_ss = MultiHeadAttention(nb_head,d_model, dropout=dropout) #d_model, dropout=dropout)
        attn_st = MultiHeadAttention(nb_head,d_model, dropout=dropout)# d_model, dropout=dropout)
        att_tt = MultiHeadAttention(nb_head,d_model, dropout=dropout) #d_model, dropout=dropout)

    encode_temporal_position = TemporalPositionalEncoding(d_model, dropout, max_len)  #   en_lookup_index   decoder temporal position embedding
    decode_temporal_position = TemporalPositionalEncoding(d_model, dropout, num_for_predict)
    spatial_position = SpatialPositionalEncoding_RBF(d_model, logitudelatitudes,num_of_vertices, dropout, GCN(norm_Adj_matrix, d_model, d_model), smooth_layer_num=smooth_layer_num) #logitudelatitudes,

    encoderLayer = EncoderLayer(d_model, attn_ss, c(position_wise_gcn), dropout, residual_connection=residual_connection, use_LayerNorm=use_LayerNorm)

    encoder = Encoder(encoderLayer, num_layers)

    decoderLayer1 = DecoderLayer(d_model, att_tt, attn_st, c(position_wise_gcn), dropout, residual_connection=residual_connection, use_LayerNorm=use_LayerNorm)

    decoder1 = Decoder(decoderLayer1, num_layers)

    generator1 = nn.Linear(d_model, decoder_output_size)#

    model = EncoderDecoder(encoder,decoder_output_size,
                       spatial_position) #,generator2

    # param init
    for p in model.parameters():
        if p.dim() > 1:

    return model





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  6. 智谱API调用

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  7. 对大数据的批量导入MySQL数据库

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  8. 演绎推理三段论(大前提、小前提、结论)

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  9. 杂谈-C和C++有什么不同

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  10. 22.1 正则表达式-定义正则表达式、正则语法

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