

        中国文化源远流长,中华文明博大精深。只有全面深入了解中华文 明的历史,才能更有效地推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化、创新性发 展,更有力地推进中国特色社会主义文化建设,建设中华民族现代文明。

        China has profound culture with long history. Only by learning Chinese culture in comprehensive and deepen way can we effectively advance Chinese spelendied traditional culture to transform creatively and develop innovatively and promote the culture of Chinese socialism and the culture of modern Chinese nation. 


        一、缺少冠词:  China has profound culture with a long history.



        四、搭配问题:advance sth to do不是一个标准语法。我们可以换成promote sth.【promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's outstanding traditional culture】


        Chinese culture has a long and continuous history and Chinese civilization is extensive and profound. A profound understanding of the history of Chinese civilization is essential to promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of fine traditional Chinese culture in a more effective manner, pushing ahead with the building of a cultural sector with Chinese characteristics more strongly and developing a modern Chinese civilization.

        五、第一句把【 中国文化】 和【中华文明】分开处理更加准确。

        六、博大精深 没有字对字翻译,意义成了【extensive and profound】广泛和深远。


        八、用词更加准确。【中国特色社会主义文化建设】-->【the building of a cultural sector with Chinese characteristics】。


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