Utilize Granular Access Control

  Utilize Granular Access Control

  ONLYOFFICE Nextcloud Connector v9.1 lets you set review, comment, and custom filter permissions Nextcloud Talk files and those with public access.

  ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition with Nextcloud Connector combines an online document editor with a seamless integration for Nextcloud, which is a open-source, on-premises content collaboration platform. This allows teams to create, view, edit, and collaborate on spreadsheets, presentations, and text files online, directly within Nextcloud, boosting efficiency and eliminating the need for file switching.

  The ONLYOFFICE Nextcloud Connector v9.1 release (available as part of ONLYOFFICE Docs Enterprise Edition with Nextcloud Connector v8.0.1) brings enhanced security and granular control for developers working with public document sharing and Nextcloud Talk. Advanced access permissions for reviewing, commenting and custom filtering are now available for files with public access and for files created within the Nextcloud Talk app. These permissions ensure that external collaborators can contribute without compromising document integrity or security. It also promotes a more structured and controlled environment for real-time collaboration, ensuring that contributions are tracked and managed effectively according to the roles defined by the document owner.



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