C# Solidworks二次开发:枚举应用实战(第十三讲)




Member Description
swsColorChartColorOptionBaseChartColorNumber 23 = Get or set the number of colors in the color chart; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color Options > No of chart colors
swsColorChartColorOptionChartColorNumber 22 = Get or set the user-defined number of colors in the color chart; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color Options > User defined
swsColorChartColorOptionLegendType 24 = Get or set the color legend type as defined in swsColorChartOptionLegendTypeValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color Options > (Default, Rainbow, Gray scale, User Defined)
swsColorChartColorOptionvonMisesColorValue 27 = Get or set the color for values above yield for vonMises plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color Options > Specify color for values above yield for vonMises plot
swsColorChartNumberFormatLegendPrecision 25 = Get or set the number of decimal places for precision of number formats; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Number format > No. of decimal places:
swsColorChartNumberFormatOption 21 = Get or set the number format as defined in swsColorChartNumberFormatOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Number format > (Scientific, Floating, or General)
swsColorChartNumberFormatUseDiffNoFormatOption 26 = Get or set which notation other than scientific to use for small numbers as defined in swsColorNumberFormatUseDiffNumberFormatOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Number format > Scientific > Use different number format for small numbers (0.001 < |x| < 1000) > (Floating or General)
swsColorChartPosition 3 = Get or set the position of the color bar as defined in swsColorChartPositionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Position > (Predefined positions or user defined)
swsColorChartPositionUserDefinedXValue 18 = Get or set the color bar's horizontal distance from the left of the graphics area as a percentage of the width of the window; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Position > User defined > Horizontal from left:
swsColorChartPositionUserDefinedYValue 19 = Get or set the color bar's vertical distance from the top of the graphics area as a percentage of the height of the window; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Position > User defined > Vertical from top:
swsColorChartWidthOption 20 = Get or set the color chart width as defined in swsColorChartWidthOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Width
swsDefaultResultFolder 1 = Get or set the results folder option as defined in swsResultFolderValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Results folder > (SOLIDWORKS document folder or User defined)
swsDefaultSolverValue 0 = Get or set the default solver as defined in swsSolverType_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Default Solver > (Automatic, Direct sparse, or FFEPlus) 
swsEMailType 30
swsPlotBoundaryOptionMeshColor 9 = Get or set the mesh color for boundaries (see Remarks); corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Boundary options > Mesh > color select box
swsPlotBoundaryOptionModelColor 29 = Get or set the model color for boundaries (see Remarks); corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Boundary options > Model
swsPlotBoundaryOptionTranslucentSingleColorSetting 8 = Get or set the translucent color for boundaries (see Remarks); corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Boundary options > Translucent (Single color) > color select box
swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionSetSuperImposeOption 16 = Get or set the translucent color option for superimposing the model on deformed shape as defined in swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionSuperImposeValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on deformed shape > Superimpose model on deformed shape > Translucent (part colors or single color)
swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionSetting 12 = Get or set how to show deformed shape results as defined in swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on undeformed shape or Show results on deformed shape
swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionTranslucentColor 28 = Get or set the translucent color for superimposing the model on deformed shape (see Remarks);  corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on deformed shape > Superimpose model on deformed shape > Translucent (single color) > color select box
swsPlotDeformedShapeResultOther 15 = Get or set the deformation scale factor for all other studies as defined in swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionScaleFactorOtherValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on deformed shape > Deformation scale factor for: > all other studies: > Automatic or True(1.0)
swsPlotDeformedShapeResultScaleContact 13 = Get or set the deformation scale factor for all studies with "No penetration" contact as defined in swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionScaleFactorContactValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on deformed shape > Deformation scale factor for: > all studies with "No penetration" contact: > Automatic or True(1.0)
swsPlotDeformedShapeResultScaleLarge 14 = Get or set the deformation scale factor for studies with the "Large displacement" option as defined in swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionScaleFactorLargeDispValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show results on deformed shape > Deformation scale factor for: > studies with the "Large displacement" option: > Automatic or True(1.0)
swsPlotSettingsBoundaryOption 5 = Get or set the boundary option as defined in swsPlotBoundarySettingsOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Boundary options
swsPlotSettingsFringeOption 4 = Get or set the fringe option as defined in swsPlotFringeSettingsOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Fringe options
swsPlotShowExcludedBodiesOption 6 = Get or set the translucent color option for excluded bodies as defined in swsPlotShowExcludedBodiesOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show excluded bodies > Translucent (Single color or Part colors)
swsPlotShowExcludedBodyTranslucentSingleColor 10 = Get or set the translucent color for all excluded bodies (see Remarks);  corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show excluded bodies > Translucent (Single color) > color select box
swsPlotShowHiddenBodiesOption 7 = Get or set the translucent color option for hidden bodies as defined in swsPlotShowHiddenBodiesOptionValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show hidden bodies > Translucent (Single color or Part colors)
swsPlotShowHiddenBodyTranslucentSingleColor 11 = Get or set the translucent color for all hidden bodies (see Remarks); corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show hidden bodies > Translucent (Single color) > color select box
swsReportPublishOption 2 = Get or set the report folder location as defined in swsReportFolderValue_e; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Report > Report publish options > Report folder
swsReportPublishOptionReportFolderUserDefinedPath 17


Member Description
swsAverageStressesAtMidnodes 17 = Get or set whether to average stresses at mid-nodes; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Average stresses at mid-nodes (high-quality solid mesh only)
swsColorChartColorNoOfChartColorFlip 13 = Get or set whether to flip the chart colors; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color options > Flip
swsColorChartColorSpecifyColorForvonMisesPlot 14 = Get or set whether to specify color for values above yield for vonMises plot; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Color options > Specify color for values above yield for vonMises plot
swsColorChartDetails 11 = Get or set whether to display plot details; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Display plot details 
swsColorChartDisplay 10 = Get or set whether to display plot details; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Display color charts 
swsColorChartNumberFormatUseDifferentNumberFormat 12 = Get or set whether to use a different number format for small numbers; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Color Chart > Number format > Scientific > Use different number format for small numbers (0.001 < |x| < 1000)
swsEMailAuthentication 16 = Get or set whether my server requires authentication; corresponds to Simulation > Options > System Options > Email Notification Settings > My server requires authentication
swsLoadAllStudies_e 15 = Get or set whether to load all Simulation studies when opening a model; corresponds to Simulation > Options > System Options > General > Load all Simulation studies when opening a model. (requires more time to open a model)
swsPlotAnnotationShowMaxValue 5 = Get or set whether to show the maximum value annotation in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Annotation and range > Show maximum value annotation
swsPlotAnnotationShowMinValue 4 = Get or set whether to show the minimum value annotation in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Annotation and range > Show minimum value annotation
swsPlotAnnotationShowRangeBasedOnShowCompOnly 6 = Get or set whether to show range based on shown components only in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Annotation and range > Show range based on shown components only
swsPlotDeformedShapeOptionSuperImposeModelOnDeformedShape 9 = Get or set whether to superimpose model on deformed shape in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Deformed shape options > Show rsults on deformed shape > Superimpose model on deformed shape
swsPlotShowExcludedBodies 7 = Get or set whether to show excluded bodies in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show excluded bodies
swsPlotShowHiddenBodies 8 = Get or set whether to show hidden bodies in plots; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Plot > Settings options > Show hidden bodies
swsResultFolderKeepTempDataBase 1 = Get or set whether to keep temporary database files in results folder; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Results folder > Keep temporary database files
swsResultFolderUnderSubFolder 0 = Get or set whether to set results folder under a SOLIDWORKS document folder sub folder; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Results folder > SOLIDWORKS document folder > Under sub folder
swsShowReportOnPublish 3 = Get or set whether to show the report when it's published; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Report > Report publish options > Show report on publish
swsTrendTrackerBackUpModelsRestoreIteration 2 = Get or set whether to back up models for Restore to Iteration; corresponds to Simulation > Options > Default Options > Results > Trend Tracker > Backup models for Restore to Iteration


Member Description
swsAqua 16776960
swsBlack 0
swsBlue 16711680
swsCoral 4227327
swsCyan 16777088
swsDarkBlue 4194304
swsDarkGreen 4210688
swsDarkOliveGreen 16384
swsDarkPurple 4194368
swsDarkRed 4194432
swsDeepGray 64
swsDeepSkyBlue 12645680
swsDodgerBlue 16744448
swsGray 8421504
swsGreen 32768
swsGreenYellow 65408
swsIndigo 8388672
swsKhaki 4227200
swsLawnGreen 4259584
swsLightRed 8421631
swsLightSalmon 4210816
swsLightSeaGreen 8421440
swsLightYellow 8454143
swsLime 65280
swsMagenta 16711935
swsMaroon 128
swsMediumPurple 12615808
swsMidnightBlue 10485760
swsNavy 8388608
swsOlive 32896
swsOrange 33023
swsPaleGreen 8454016
swsPlum 12615935
swsPurple 8388736
swsRed 255
swsRoyalBlue 8404992
swsSapGreen 4227072
swsSgiBeet 16711808
swsSgiSalmon 8388863
swsSgiSlateBlue 16744576
swsSilver 12632256
swsSpringGreen 8453888
swsTan 16512
swsTeal 8421376
swsViolet 16744703
swsWhite 16777215
swsYellow 65535



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