

我们平时开发新项目api接口的时候总是要先自定义自己的响应数据格式,但是每个人的风格习惯不同,导致开发人员封装的响应数据格式不统一,而且需要花时间去重复写。本篇文章主要是统一 API 开发过程中「成功」、「失败」以及「异常」情况下的响应数据格式。





namespace app\common\traits;

use think\exception\HttpResponseException;
use think\Response;

trait CustomResponse{
    protected $type = 'json';

     * 操作成功返回的数据.
     * @param mixed  $data   要返回的数据
     * @param string $msg    提示信息
     * @param int    $code   错误码,默认为1
     * @param string $type   输出类型
     * @param array  $header 发送的 Header 信息
    protected function success($data = null, $msg = '请求成功', $code = 200, array $header = [])
        $this->result($msg, $data, $code, $header, 'success');

     * 操作成功返回默认message
     * @param string $msg    提示信息
    protected function ok($msg = '请求成功')
        $this->result($msg,null, 200);

     * 操作失败返回的数据.
     * @param string $msg    提示信息
     * @param mixed  $data   要返回的数据
     * @param int    $code   错误码,默认为0
     * @param string $type   输出类型
     * @param array  $header 发送的 Header 信息
    protected function fail($msg = '请求失败', $data = null, $code = 500, array $header = [])
        $this->result($msg, $data, $code, $header, 'fail');

     * 系统异常返回的数据.
     * @param string $msg    提示信息
     * @param mixed  $data   要返回的数据
     * @param int    $code   错误码,默认为0
     * @param string $type   输出类型
     * @param array  $header 发送的 Header 信息
    protected function error($msg = '系统异常', $data = null, $code = 500, array $header = [])
        $this->result($msg, $data, $code, $header, 'error');

     * BadRequest
    protected function errorBadRequest()
        $this->result('400 Bad Request',null, 400, [], 'error');

     * Unauthorized
    protected function errorUnauthorized()
        $this->result('Unauthorized',null, 401, [], 'error');

     * Forbidden
    protected function errorForbidden()
        $this->result('403 Forbidden',null, 403, [], 'error');

     * 404 Not Found
    protected function errorNotFound()
        $this->result('404 Not Found',null, 404, [], 'error');

     * Method Not Allowed
    protected function errorMethodNotAllowed()
        $this->result('Method Not Allowed',null, 405, [], 'error');

     * 返回封装后的 API 数据到客户端.
     * @param mixed  $msg    提示信息
     * @param mixed  $data   要返回的数据
     * @param int    $code   错误码,默认为0
     * @param string $type   输出类型,支持json/xml/jsonp
     * @param array  $header 发送的 Header 信息
     * @throws HttpResponseException
     * @return void
    protected function result($msg, $data = null, $code = 200, array $header = [], $status = 'success')
        $result = [
            'code' => $code,
            'status' => $status, // 状态有success、fail、error3种
            'msg'  => $msg,
            'data' => $data,

        if (isset($header['statuscode'])) {
            $code = $header['statuscode'];
        } else {
            $code = $code >= 1000 || $code < 200 ? 200 : $code;

        $response = Response::create($result, $this->type, $code)->header($header);

        throw new HttpResponseException($response);




namespace app\index\controller;

use app\common\traits\CustomResponse; # 引入trait的命名空间

class Controller{
    use CustomResponse; # 引入trait

注意事项:index模块继承的Controller默认use Jump,里面也有success、fail、error方法,所以同时使用的话会冲突,只能二选一



namespace app\index\controller;

class Index extends Controller
    public function index()


  • 返回默认message

        "code": 200,
        "status": "success",
        "msg": "请求成功",
        "data": null
  • 返回指定message

        "code": 200,
        "status": "success",
        "msg": "提交成功",
        "data": null
  • 仅返回data

    $data = ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'test'];
        "code": 200,
        "status": "success",
        "msg": "请求成功",
        "data": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "test"
  • 返回data和message

    $data = ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'test'];
    $this->success($data, '成功');
        "code": 200,
        "status": "success",
        "msg": "成功",
        "data": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "test"
  • 返回data和message并指定状态码

    $data = ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'test'];
    $this->success($data, '成功', 201);
        "code": 201,
        "status": "success",
        "msg": "成功",
        "data": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "test"
  • 添加header

    $data = ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'test'];
    $this->success($data, '成功', 201, ['Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8']);
        "code": 201,
        "status": "success",
        "msg": "成功",
        "data": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "test"


  • 返回默认message

    	"code": 500,
    	"status": "fail",
    	"msg": "请求失败",
    	"data": null
  • 返回指定message

    	"code": 500,
    	"status": "fail",
    	"msg": "提交失败",
    	"data": null
  • data和message

    $data = ['name' => 'test'];
    $this->fail('提交失败', $data);
    	"code": 500,
    	"status": "fail",
    	"msg": "提交失败",
    	"data": {
    		"name": "test"
  • 返回data和message并指定状态码

    $data = ['name' => 'test'];
    $this->fail('提交失败', $data, 501);
    	"code": 501,
    	"status": "fail",
    	"msg": "提交失败",
    	"data": {
    		"name": "test"
  • 添加header

    $data = ['name' => 'test'];
    $this->fail('提交失败', $data, 501, ['Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8']);
    	"code": 501,
    	"status": "fail",
    	"msg": "提交失败",
    	"data": {
    		"name": "test"


  • 自定义异常

    	"code": 500,
    	"status": "error",
    	"msg": "系统异常",
    	"data": null


  • Bad Request

    	"code": 400,
    	"status": "error",
    	"msg": "400 Bad Request",
    	"data": null
  • 未登录授权

    	"code": 401,
    	"status": "error",
    	"msg": "Unauthorized",
    	"data": null
  • 403 Forbidden

    	"code": 403,
    	"status": "error",
    	"msg": "Forbidden",
    	"data": null
  • 404 Not Found

    	"code": 404,
    	"status": "error",
    	"msg": "404 Not Found",
    	"data": null
  • Method Not Allowed

    	"code": 405,
    	"status": "error",
    	"msg": "Method Not Allowed",
    	"data": null



laravel-response: 🤖 Provide a standardized and unified response data format for Laravel and Lumen API projects. - 为 Laravel 和 Lumen API 项目提供一个规范统一的响应数据格式。 -


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