CSS网页布局权威指南02 样式表内容

02 Stylesheet Contents

CSS网页布局权威指南02 样式表内容

Inside a stylesheet, you’ll find a number of rules that look a little something like this:


h1 {color: maroon;}
body {background: yellow;}

Styles such as these make up the bulk of any stylesheet—simple or complex, short or long. But which parts are which, and what do they represent?


Rule Structure


To illustrate the concept of rules in more detail, let’s break down the structure.


Each rule has two fundamental parts: the selector and the declaration block. The declaration block is composed of one or more declarations, and each declaration is a pairing of a property and a value. Every stylesheet is made up of a series of these rules. Figure 1-1 shows the parts of a rule.



The selector, shown on the left side of the rule, defines which piece of the document will be selected for styling. In Figure 1-1,

(heading level 1) elements are selected. If the selector were p , then all

(paragraph) elements would be selected.




The right side of the rule contains the declaration block, which is made up of one or more declarations. Each declaration is a combination of a CSS property and a value of that property. In Figure 1-1, the declaration block contains two declarations. The first states that this rule will cause parts of the document to have a color of red , and the second states that part of the document will have a background of yellow . So, all of the

elements in the document (defined by the selector) will be styled in red text with a yellow background.



Vendor Prefixing


Sometimes you’ll see pieces of CSS with hyphens and labels in front of them, like this: -oborder-image . These vendor prefixes were a way for browser vendors to mark properties, values, or other bits of CSS as being experimental or proprietary (or both). As of early 2023, a few vendor prefixes are in the wild, with the most common shown in Table 1-1.

有时你会看到CSS的前面有连字符和标签,像这样:- border-image。这些供应商前缀是浏览器供应商将属性、值或其他CSS标记为实验性或专有(或两者兼而有之)的一种方式。截至2023年初,一些供应商的前缀还在使用,最常见的如表1-1所示。

Prefix Vendor
-epub- International Digital Publishing Forum ePub format
-moz- Gecko-based browsers (e.g., Mozilla Firefox)
-ms- Microsoft Internet Explorer
-o- Opera-based browsers
-webkit- WebKit-based browsers (e.g., Apple Safari and Google Chrome)
Prefix Vendor
-epub- 国际数字出版论坛ePub格式
-moz- 基于gecko的浏览器(例如,Mozilla Firefox)
-ms- Microsoft Internet Explorer
-o- 欧鹏浏览器
-webkit- 基于webkit的浏览器(例如Apple Safari和Google Chrome)

As Table 1-1 indicates, the generally accepted format of a vendor prefix is a hyphen, a label, and a hyphen, although a few prefixes erroneously omit the first hyphen.


The uses and abuses of vendor prefixes are long, tortuous, and beyond the scope of this book. Suffice to say that they started out as a way for vendors to test out new features, thus helping speed interoperability without worrying about being locked into legacy behaviors that were incompatible with other browsers. This avoided a whole class of problems that nearly strangled CSS in its infancy. Unfortunately, prefixed properties were then publicly deployed by web authors and ended up causing a whole new class of problems.


As of early 2023, vendor-prefixed CSS features are nearly nonexistent, with old prefixed properties and values being slowly but steadily removed from browser implementations. You’ll quite likely never write prefixed CSS, but you may encounter it in the wild or inherit it in a legacy codebase. Here’s an example:


-webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;
-moz-transform-origin: 0 0;
-o-transform-origin: 0 0;
transform-origin: 0 0;

That’s saying the same thing four times: once each for the WebKit, Gecko (Firefox), and Opera browser lines, and then finally the CSS-standard way. Again, this is no longer necessary. We’re including it here only to give you an idea of what it might look like, should you come across this in the future.

同样的事情说了四遍:WebKit、Gecko (Firefox)和Opera浏览器各一次,最后是css标准方式。同样,这不再是必要的。我们把它包括在这里只是为了让你知道它可能是什么样子,如果你将来遇到它。

Whitespace Handling


CSS is basically insensitive to whitespace between rules, and largely insensitive to whitespace within rules, although a few exceptions exist.


In general, CSS treats whitespace just like HTML does: any sequence of whitespace characters is collapsed to a single space for parsing purposes. Thus, you can format this hypotheticalrainbow rule in the following ways,


rainbow: infrared red orange yellow green blue indigo violet ultraviolet;

infrared red orange yellow green blue indigo violet ultraviolet;


as well as any other separation patterns you can think up. The only restriction is that the separating characters be whitespace: an empty space, a tab, or a newline, alone or in combination, as many as you like.


Similarly, you can format series of rules with whitespace in any fashion you like. These are just five examples out of an effectively infinite number of possibilities:


body {background: white;}
p {
    color: gray;}
h2 {
    color : silver ;

As you can see from the first rule, whitespace can be largely omitted. Indeed, this is usually the case with minified CSS, which is CSS that’s had every last possible bit of extraneous whitespace removed, usually by an automated server-side script of some sort. The rules after the first two use progressively more extravagant amounts of whitespace until, in the last rule, pretty much everything that can be separated onto its own line has been.


All of these approaches are valid, so you should pick the formatting that makes the most sense— that is, is easiest to read—in your eyes, and stick with it.


CSS Comments


CSS does allow for comments. These are very similar to C/C++ comments in that they are surrounded by / * and * /:

CSS允许注释。这些注释与C/ c++注释非常相似,它们被/ *和* /包围:

/* This is a CSS comment */

Comments can span multiple lines, just as in C++:


/* This is a CSS comment, and it
can be several lines long without
any problem whatsoever. */

It’s important to remember that CSS comments cannot be nested. So, for example, this would not be correct:


/* This is a comment, in which we find
another comment, which is WRONG
/* Another comment */
and back to the first comment, which is not a comment.*/

One way to create “nested” comments accidentally is to temporarily comment out a large block of a stylesheet that already contains a comment. Since CSS doesn’t permit nested comments, the “outside” comment will end where the “inside” comment ends.


Unfortunately, there is no “rest of the line” comment pattern such as // or # (the latter of which is reserved for ID selectors anyway). The only comment pattern in CSS is / * * /. Therefore, if you wish to place comments on the same line as markup, you need to be careful about how you place them. For example, this is the correct way to do it:

不幸的是,没有像//或#这样的“其余行”注释模式(后者是为ID选择器保留的)。CSS中唯一的注释模式是/ * * /。因此,如果希望将注释放置在与标记相同的行上,则需要小心放置注释的方式。例如,这是正确的做法:

h1 {color: gray;} /* This CSS comment is several lines */
h2 {color: silver;} /* long, but since it is alongside */
p {color: white;} /* actual styles, each line needs to */
pre {color: gray;} /* be wrapped in comment markers. */

Given this example, if each line isn’t marked off, most of the stylesheet will become part of the comment and thus will not work:


h1 {color: gray;} /* This CSS comment is several lines
h2 {color: silver;} long, but since it is not wrapped
p {color: white;} in comment markers, the last three
pre {color: gray;} styles are part of the comment. */

In this example, only the first rule ( h1 {color: gray;} ) will be applied to the document. The rest of the rules, as part of the comment, are ignored by the browser’s rendering engine.

在本例中,只有第一条规则(h1 {color: gray;})将应用于文档。其余的规则,作为注释的一部分,被浏览器的呈现引擎忽略。

CSS comments are treated by the CSS parser as if they do not exist at all, and so do not count as whitespace for parsing purposes. This means you can put them into the middle of rules—even right inside declarations!




There is no markup in stylesheets. This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised. The one exception is HTML comment markup, which is permitted inside


h1 {color: maroon;}
body {background: yellow;}

That’s it, and even that isn’t recommended anymore; the browsers that needed it have faded into near oblivion.


Speaking of markup, it’s time to take a very slight detour to talk about the elements that our CSS will be used to style, and how those can be affected by CSS in the most fundamental ways.



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