


Combined Spiral Transformation and Model-Driven Multi-Modal Deep Learning Scheme for Automatic Prediction of TP53 Mutation in Pancreatic Cancer










Pancreatic cancer is a malignant form of cancer with one of the worst prognoses. The poor prog nosis and resistance to therapeutic modalities have been linked to TP53 mutation. Pathological examinations, such as biopsies, cannot be frequently performed in clinical practice; therefore, noninvasive and reproducible methods are desired. However, automatic prediction methods based on imaging have drawbacks such as poor 3D information utilization, small sample size, and ineffectiveness multi modal fusion. In this study, we proposed a model-driven multi-modal deep learning scheme to overcome these chal lenges. A spiral transformation algorithm was developed to obtain 2D images from 3D data, with the transformed image inheriting and retaining the spatial correlation of the original texture and edge information. The spiral transfor mation could be used to effectively apply the 3D informa tion with less computational resources and conveniently augment the data size with high quality. Moreover, model driven items were designed to introduce prior knowledge in the deep learning framework for multi-modal fusion. The model-driven strategy and spiral transformation-based data augmentation can improve the performance of the small sample size. A bilinear pooling module was introduced to improve the performance of fine-grained prediction. The experimental results show that the proposed model gives the desired performance in predicting TP53 mutation in pancreatic cancer, providing a new approach for noninva sive gene prediction. The proposed methodologies of spiral transformation and model-driven deep learning can also be used for the artificial intelligence community dealing with oncological applications. 




In this study, we proposed a model-driven multi-modal deep learning model for the automated prediction of TP53 mutation in pancreatic cancer based on a small amount of data. A spiral transformation method was developed to apply 3D information with less computational resources and effectively augment the data. Model-driven items are also proposed to use the prior knowledge in the deep learning framework for fusing multi modal information and improve the performance of the small sample size. A bilinear module was introduced in the model driven model to improve the performance of fine-grained prediction. Extensive experiments confirmed the performance and robustness of our proposed in predicting the TP53 muta tion in pancreatic cancer. The proposed methodologies for the utilization of 3D information with small sample size and effective multi-modal fusion are potential paradigms for medical imaging analyses.




A. Data Augmentation

The most common data augmentation method for

images is geometric transformation. Rajpurkar [18] and Valvano et al. [19] performed horizontal flip, rotation, scaling, and other transformations on 2D images to increase the amount of data. Zhao et al. [20] translated by small amounts, zoomed in on small-range multiples , and rotated original data while extracting 3D patches. In the training process, real time data augmentation methods have a strong regularization effect on the model. Guan et al.  performed a random selection without changing the total amount of data for the above-mentioned geometric transformation; they consequently improved the robustness of the network. Alex  proposed principal component analysis (PCA) jittering to perform fea ture decomposition on each channel of the RGB to obtain feature vectors and feature values and then alter the intensity of each channel. Color jittering, a method similar to PCA jittering, can be used to change the contrast and brightness of an image. Geometric transformation methods can increase the model’s robustness to some extent. However, the amount of information in the data before and after the geometric trans formation is largely similar, thus limiting the augmentationeffect.A. 


对图像来说,最常见的数据增强方法是几何变换。Rajpurkar [18] 和 Valvano 等人[19] 对2D图像执行了水平翻转、旋转、缩放和其他变换,以增加数据量。赵等人[20]通过小幅度平移、在小范围内放大([0.8,1.15]倍)以及在提取3D补丁时旋转原始数据。在训练过程中,实时数据增强方法对模型有很强的正则化效果。关等人[21]对上述几何变换进行了随机选择,不改变数据的总量,从而提高了网络的鲁棒性。Alex [22]提出了主成分分析(PCA)抖动,对RGB的每个通道进行特征分解,以获得特征向量和特征值,然后改变每个通道的强度。类似于PCA抖动的颜色抖动方法,可以用来改变图像的对比度和亮度。几何变换方法在某种程度上可以增加模型的鲁棒性。然而,几何变换前后数据中的信息量大体相似,从而限制了增强效果。



Fig. 1. Examples of pancreatic cancer dataset. The first column of each modal image is the original data, and the second column is the enlarged region. Pancreatic cancers have small size and unclear boundaries.

图 1. 胰腺癌数据集的示例。每个模态图像的第一列是原始数据,第二列是放大区域。胰腺癌体积小且边界不清晰。


Fig. 2. The framework of the proposed model. The pipeline includes modules for spiral transformation, feature extraction, feature fusion, and output. Three parts, mutation prediction loss, intra-modal feature selection loss, and inter-modal prediction constraint loss are combined to supervise training process.

图 2. 所提模型的框架。流程包括螺旋变换、特征提取、特征融合和输出模块。



Fig. 3. Coordinate System of Spiral-transform. The coordinate origin O is the midpoint of spiral transformation. And the spiral line was calculated by Θ, Ψ and r.

图 3. 螺旋变换的坐标系统。坐标原点O是螺旋变换的中点。螺旋线通过Θ、Ψ和r计算得出。


Fig. 4. The data augmentation results using the spiral transformation in different coordinate systems. To show more intuitively, coordinate systems are fixed in the same view. The coordinate systems (b) and (c) are rotated by 45 degrees and 120 degrees, respectively, relative to (a) in the x-y plane. The same 3D object obtains different mappings in the three 2D spiral transformed images as shown in the third column.

图 4. 在不同坐标系统中使用螺旋变换的数据增强结果。为了更直观地展示,坐标系统在相同视图中固定。坐标系统(b)和(c)分别相对于(a)在x-y平面中旋转了45度和120度。如第三列所示,相同的3D对象在三个2D螺旋变换图像中获得不同的映射。


Fig. 5. Two types of examples from augmented data by spiral transfor mation (a) and 2D geometric transformation (b), respectively. The upper left of each sub-figure is the original data, and others are augmenteddata.

图 5.通过螺旋变换(a)和2D几何变换(b)分别增强的数据中的两种示例。每个子图的左上角是原始数据,其他的是增强后的数据。


Fig. 6. t-SNE visualization. (a) Geometric transformation (b) Spiral transformation. Points with same number are from same original data.

图 6. t-SNE可视化。(a) 几何变换 (b) 螺旋变换。相同编号的点来自同一原始数据。


Fig. 7. ACC and AUC of different imaging inputs. Each point represents the results of one fold in the five-fold CV experiments.

图 7. 不同影像输入的ACC和AUC。每个点代表五折交叉验证实验中一折的结果。


Fig. 8. ROC curve of the prediction model with/without the model driven items. Experiment 1: Loss is Lmain. Experiment 4: Loss is Lmain + β**Lreg-intra + γL**reg-inter.

图 8.带/不带模型驱动项目的预测模型的ROC曲线。实验1:损失为Lmain。实验4:损失为Lmain + β**Lreg-intra + γL**reg-inter。


Fig. 9. (a) ROC curve of different β and γ. (b) Change rate of AUC in different β and γ. (c) p-value of ROC curves between different (β, γ) with (β = 0.001, γ = 0.01).

图 9. (a) 不同β和γ的ROC曲线。(b) 在不同的β和γ中AUC的变化率。(c) 在不同的(β, γ)与(β = 0.001, γ = 0.01)之间ROC曲线的p值。


Fig. 10. (a) The relationship between the AUC variation and the origin coordinates of the spiral transformation. The x-axis and y-axis represent the percentage of the origin offset along coronal axis and sagittal axis, respectively. (b) AUC values at different times of augmentation.

图 10. (a) AUC变化与螺旋变换原点坐标之间的关系。x轴和y轴分别代表沿冠状轴和矢状轴的原点偏移百分比。(b) 在不同增强次数下的AUC值。


Fig. 11. (a) AUC values at different times of augmentation on H&N1 dataset. (b) The ROC curve of spiral model and 2D model at 23 augmentation times on H&N1 dataset.

图 11. (a) 在H&N1数据集上不同增强次数下的AUC值。(b) 在H&N1数据集上23次增强后螺旋模型和2D模型的ROC曲线。



TABLE I comparison of two data augmentation methods

表 I两种数据增强方法的比较


TABLE II the prediction performance of our proposed model based on five-fold cv

表 II基于五折交叉验证的我们提出的模型的预测性能


TABLE III prediction performance comparison the multi-modal models with different input (MEAN±STD)

表 III 不同输入的多模态模型的预测性能比较(均值±标准差)


TABLE IV complexity comparison of the multi -modal models with different input

表 IV不同输入的多模态模型的模型复杂性比较


TABLE V multi-modal clssification results of different models

表 V不同模型的多模态分类结果


TABLE VI prdiction performance comparison between single-modal and multi-modal imaging (MEAN±STD)

表 VI 单模态与多模态成像的预测性能比较(均值±标准差)


TABLE VII  performance comparison of the prediction model with/without the model-driven items

表 VII 预测模型使用/不使用模型驱动项目的性能比较


TABLE VIII HPV prediction results of existing methods on H&N1 dataset

表 VIII现有方法在H&N1数据集上的HPV预测结果



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