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Introduction 介绍

Welcome to the walkthrough of the GPT large language model! Here we'll explore the model nano-gpt, with a mere 85,000 parameters.
欢迎来到 GPT 大型语言模型的演练!在这里,我们将探索只有 85,000 个参数的 nano-gpt 模型。

Its goal is a simple one: take a sequence of six letters:


and sort them in alphabetical order, i.e. to "ABBBCC".

We call each of these letters a token, and the set of the model's different tokens make up its vocabulary:

token 令牌 A B C
index 索引 0 1 2

From this table, each token is assigned a number, its token index. And now we can enter this sequence of numbers into the model:

In the 3d view, each green cell represents a number being processed, and each blue cell is a weight.
在 3D 视图中,每个绿色单元格代表一个正在处理的数字,每个蓝色单元格代表一个权重。
Each number in the sequence first gets turned into a 48 element vector (a size chosen for this particular model). This is called an  embedding .
序列中的每个数字首先转换为一个 48 元素向量(为此特定模型选择的大小)。这称为嵌入。

The embedding is then passed through the model, going through a series of layers, called transformers, before reaching the bottom.

The embedding is then passed through the model, going through a series of layers, called transformers, before reaching the bottom.

So what's the output? A prediction of the next token in the sequence. So at the 6th entry, we get probabilities that the next token is going to be 'A', 'B', or 'C'.
那么输出是什么?对序列中下一个标记的预测。因此,在第 6 个条目中,我们得到下一个代币将是“A”、“B”或“C”的概率。

In this case, the model is pretty sure it's going to be 'A'. Now, we can feed this prediction back into the top of the model, and repeat the entire process.

Preliminaries 准备工作

Before we delve into the algorithm's intricacies, let's take a brief step back.

This guide focuses on inference, not training, and as such is only a small part of the entire machine-learning process. In our case, the model's weights have been pre-trained, and we use the inference process to generate output. This runs directly in your browser.

The model showcased here is part of the GPT (generative pre-trained transformer) family, which can be described as a "context-based token predictor". OpenAI introduced this family in 2018, with notable members such as GPT-2, GPT-3, and GPT-3.5 Turbo, the latter being the foundation of the widely-used ChatGPT. It might also be related to GPT-4, but specific details remain unknown.
这里展示的模型是 GPT(生成式预训练transformer)系列的一部分,可以描述为“基于上下文的令牌预测器”。OpenAI 于 2018 年推出了这个系列,其中包括 GPT-2、GPT-3 和 GPT-3.5 Turbo 等著名成员,后者是广泛使用的 ChatGPT 的基础。它也可能与 GPT-4 有关,但具体细节仍然未知。

This guide was inspired by the minGPT GitHub project, a minimal GPT implementation in PyTorch created by Andrej Karpathy. His YouTube series Neural Networks: Zero to Hero and the minGPT project have been invaluable resources in the creation of this guide. The toy model featured here is based on one found within the minGPT project.
本指南的灵感来自 minGPT GitHub 项目,这是 Andrej Karpathy 在 PyTorch 中创建的最小 GPT 实现。他的 YouTube 系列《  Neural Networks: Zero to Hero 》和 minGPT 项目是创建本指南的宝贵资源。这里展示的玩具模型是基于 minGPT 项目中的一个。

Alright, let's get started!

Components 组件

Embedding 嵌入

We saw previously how the tokens are mapped to a sequence of integers using a simple lookup table. These integers, the token indices, are the first and only time we see integers in the model. From here on out, we're using floats (decimal numbers).

Let's take a look at how the 4th token (index 3) is used to generate the 4th column vector of our input embedding.
让我们看一下如何使用第 4 个标记(索引 3)来生成输入嵌入的第 4 列向量。

We use the token index (in this case B = 1) to select the 2nd column of the token embedding matrix on the left. Note we're using 0-based indexing here, so the first column is at index 0.
我们使用令牌索引(在本例中为 B = 1)选择左侧令牌嵌入矩阵的第 2 列。请注意,我们在这里使用的是从 0 开始的索引,因此第一列位于索引 0 处。

This produces a column vector of size C = 48, which we describe as the token embedding.
这将生成一个大小为 C = 48 的列向量,我们将其描述为标记嵌入

And since we're looking at our token B in the 4th position (t = 3), we'll take the 4th column of the position embedding matrix.
由于我们查看的是第 4 个位置的标记 B(t = 3),因此我们将采用位置嵌入矩阵的第 4 列。

This also produces a column vector of size C = 48, which we describe as the position embedding.
这也会产生一个大小为 C = 48 的列向量,我们将其描述为位置嵌入

Note that both of these position and token embeddings are learned during training (indicated by their blue color).

Now that we have these two column vectors, we simply add them together to produce another column vector of size C = 48.
现在我们有了这两个列向量,我们只需将它们相加即可生成另一个大小为 C = 48 的列向量。

We now run this same process for all of the tokens in the input sequence, creating a set of vectors which incorporate both the token values and their positions.

We see that running this process for all the tokens in the input sequence produces a matrix of size T x C. The T stands for time, i.e., you can think of tokens later in the sequence as later in time. The C stands for channel, but is also referred to as "feature" or "dimension" or "embedding size". This length, C, is one of the several "hyperparameters" of the model, and is chosen by the designer to in a tradeoff between model size and performance.
我们看到,对输入序列中的所有标记运行此过程会产生大小为 T x C 的矩阵。T 代表时间,即您可以将序列中后面的标记视为时间的后面。C 代表通道,但也被称为“特征”或“维度”或“嵌入大小”。这个长度 C 是模型的几个“超参数”之一,由设计人员选择,以在模型大小和性能之间进行权衡。

This matrix, which we'll refer to as the input embedding is now ready to be passed down through the model. This collection of T columns each of length C will become a familiar sight throughout this guide.
这个矩阵,我们称之为输入嵌入,现在已经准备好通过模型传递了。这组 T 列,每个柱子的长度为 C,将成为本指南中熟悉的景象。

Layer Norm 层归一化

The input embedding matrix from the previous section is the input to our first Transformer block.
上一节中的输入嵌入矩阵是第一个 Transformer 模块的输入。

The first step in the Transformer block is to apply layer normalization to this matrix. This is an operation that normalizes the values in each column of the matrix separately.
Transformer 模块的第一步是将层归一化应用于此矩阵。这是分别对矩阵每列中的值进行归一化的操作。

Normalization is an important step in the training of deep neural networks, and it helps improve the stability of the model during training.

We can regard each column separately, so let's focus on the 4th column (t = 3) for now.
我们可以分别查看每列,所以现在让我们关注第 4 列 (t = 3)。

The goal is to make the average value in the column equal to 0 and the standard deviation equal to 1. To do this, we find both of these quantities (mean (μ) & std dev (σ)) for the column and then subtract the average and divide by the standard deviation.
目标是使列中的平均值等于 0,标准差等于 1。为此,我们找到列的这两个量(平均值(μ)和标准开发(σ)),然后减去平均值并除以标准差。

The notation we use here is E[x] for the average and Var[x] for the variance (of the column of length C). The variance is simply the standard deviation squared. The epsilon term (ε = 1×10-5) is there to prevent division by zero.
我们在这里使用的符号是 E[x] 表示平均值,Var[x] 表示方差(长度为 C 的列)。方差只是标准差的平方。epsilon 项 (ε = 1×10 -5 ) 是为了防止除以零。

We compute and store these values in our aggregation layer since we're applying them to all values in the column.

Finally, once we have the normalized values, we multiply each element in the column by a learned weight (γ) and then add a bias (β) value, resulting in our normalized values.
最后,一旦我们有了归一化值,我们将列中的每个元素乘以学习的权重 (γ),然后添加一个偏差 (β) 值,从而得到我们的归一化值。

We run this normalization operation on each column of the input embedding matrix, and the result is the normalized input embedding, which is ready to be passed into the Self-Attention layer.

Self Attention 自注意力

The self-attention layer is perhaps the heart of the Transformer and of GPT. It's the phase where the columns in our input embedding matrix "talk" to each other. Up until now, and in all other phases, the columns can be regarded independently.
自我关注层可能是 Transformer 和 GPT 的核心。这是输入嵌入矩阵中的列相互“对话”的阶段。到目前为止,在所有其他阶段,这些柱子都可以独立地看待。

The self-attention layer is made up of several heads, and we'll focus on one of them for now.

The first step is to produce three vectors for each of the T columns from the normalized input embedding matrix. These vectors are the Q, K, and V vectors:
第一步是从归一化输入嵌入矩阵中为每个 T 列生成三个向量。这些向量是 Q、K 和 V 向量:

  • Q: Query vector 问:查询向量
  • K: Key vector K:关键向量
  • V: Value vector V:价值向量

To produce one of these vectors, we perform a matrix-vector multiplication with a bias added. Each output cell is some linear combination of the input vector. E.g. for the Q vectors, this is done with a dot product between a row of the Q-weight matrix and a column of the input matrix.
为了产生这些向量之一,我们执行矩阵向量乘法,并添加偏差。每个输出单元都是输入向量的线性组合。例如,对于 Q 向量,这是通过 Q 权重矩阵的一行和输入矩阵的一列之间的点积来完成的。

The dot product operation, which we'll see a lot of, is quite simple: We pair each element from the first vector with the corresponding element from the second vector, multiply the pairs together and then add the results up.

This is a general and simple way of ensuring each output element can be influenced by all the elements in the input vector (where that influence is determined by the weights). Hence its frequent appearance in neural networks.

We repeat this operation for each output cell in the Q, K, V vectors:
我们对 Q、K、V 向量中的每个输出单元重复此操作:

What do we do with our Q (query), K (key), and V (value) vectors? The naming gives us a hint: "key" and "value" are reminiscent of a dictionary in software, with keys mapping to values. Then "query" is what we use to look up the value.
我们如何处理 Q(查询)、K(键)和 V(值)向量?命名给了我们一个提示:“key”和“value”让人想起软件中的字典,键映射到值。然后,“query”就是我们用来查找值的内容。

Software analogy 软件类比
Lookup table: 
table = { "key0": "value0", "key1": "value1", ... }
Query Process:
table["key1"] => "value1"

In the case of self-attention, instead of returning a single entry, we return some weighted combination of the entries. To find that weighting, we take a dot product between a Q vector and each of the K vectors. We normalize that weighting, before finally using it to multiply with the corresponding V vector, and then adding them all up.
在自我关注的情况下,我们不是返回单个条目,而是返回条目的加权组合。为了找到该权重,我们在 Q 向量和每个 K 向量之间取一个点积。我们将该权重归一化,然后最终使用它与相应的 V 向量相乘,然后将它们全部相加。

Self Attention 自注意力

For a more concrete example, let's look at the 6th column (t = 5), from which we will query from:
对于更具体的例子,让我们看一下第 6 列 (t = 5),我们将从中查询:

The {K, V} entries of our lookup are the 6 columns in the past, and the Q value is the current time.
我们查找的 {K, V} 条目是过去的 6 列,Q 值是当前时间。

We first calculate the dot product between the Q vector of the current column (t = 5) and the K vectors of each of the those previous columns. These are then stored in the corresponding row (t = 5) of the attention matrix.
我们首先计算当前列的 Q 向量 (t = 5) 与前列的 K 向量之间的点积。然后将它们存储在注意力矩阵的相应行 (t = 5) 中。

These dot products are a way of measuring the similarity between the two vectors. If they're very similar, the dot product will be large. If they're very different, the dot product will be small or negative.

The idea of only using the query against past keys makes this causal self-attention. That is, tokens can't "see into the future".

Another element is that after we take the dot product, we divide by sqrt(A), where A is the length of the Q/K/V vectors. This scaling is done to prevent large values from dominating the normalization (softmax) in the next step.
另一个元素是,在我们取点积后,我们除以 sqrt(A),其中 A 是 Q/K/V 向量的长度。进行此缩放是为了防止大值在下一步中主导规范化 (softmax)。

We'll mostly skip over the softmax operation (described later); suffice it to say, each row is normalized to sum to 1.
我们将主要跳过 softmax 操作(稍后介绍);可以说,每一行都归一化为总和 1。

Finally, we can produce the output vector for our column (t = 5). We look at the (t = 5) row of the normalized self-attention matrix and for each element, multiply the corresponding V vector of the other columns element-wise.
最后,我们可以生成列的输出向量 (t = 5)。我们查看归一化自注意力矩阵的 (t = 5) 行,对于每个元素,逐个元素乘以其他列的相应 V 向量。

Then we can add these up to produce the output vector. Thus, the output vector will be dominated by V vectors from columns that have high scores.
然后我们可以将它们相加以产生输出向量。因此,输出向量将由来自高分列的 V 向量主导。

Now we know the process, let's run it for all the columns.

And that's the process for a head of the self-attention layer. So the main goal of self-attention is that each column wants to find relevant information from other columns and extract their values, and does so by comparing its query vector to the keys of those other columns. With the added restriction that it can only look in the past.

Projection 投影

After the self-attention process, we have outputs from each of the heads. These outputs are the appropriately mixed V vectors, influenced by the Q and K vectors.
在自注意过程之后,我们得到了每个头部的输出。这些输出是适当混合的 V 向量,受 Q 和 K 向量的影响。

To combine the output vectors from each head, we simply stack them on top of each other. So, for time t = 4, we go from 3 vectors of length A = 16 to 1 vector of length C = 48.
为了组合每个磁头的输出向量,我们只需将它们堆叠在一起即可。因此,对于时间 t = 4,我们从 3 个长度为 A = 16 的向量变为 1 个长度为 C = 48 的向量。

It's worth noting that in GPT, the length of the vectors within a head (A = 16) is equal to C / num_heads. This ensures that when we stack them back together, we get the original length, C.
值得注意的是,在 GPT 中,头部内向量的长度 (A = 16) 等于 C/num_heads。这确保了当我们将它们堆叠在一起时,我们得到原始长度 C。

From here, we perform the projection to get the output of the layer. This is a simple matrix-vector multiplication on a per-column basis, with a bias added.

Now we have the output of the self-attention layer. Instead of passing this output directly to the next phase, we add it element-wise to the input embedding. This process, denoted by the green vertical arrow, is called the residual connection or residual pathway.

Like layer normalization, the residual pathway is important for enabling effective learning in deep neural networks.

Now with the result of self-attention in hand, we can pass it onto the next section of the transformer: the feed-forward network.

The next half of the transformer block, after the self-attention, is the MLP (multi-layer perceptron). A bit of a mouthful, but here it's a simple neural network with two layers.

Like with self-attention, we perform a layer normalization before the vectors enter the MLP.
与自注意力一样,我们在向量进入 MLP 之前执行层归一化。

In the MLP, we put each of our C = 48 length column vectors (independently) through:
在 MLP 中,我们将每个 C = 48 长度的列向量(独立)通过:

1. A linear transformation with a bias added, to a vector of length 4 * C.
1. 对长度为 4 * C 的向量添加偏置的线性变换。

2. A GELU activation function (element-wise)
2. GELU激活函数(元素)

3. A linear transformation with a bias added, back to a vector of length C
3. 添加偏置的线性变换,回到长度为 C 的向量

Let's track one of those vectors:

We first run through the matrix-vector multiplication with bias added, expanding the vector to length 4 * C. (Note that the output matrix is transposed here. This is purely for vizualization purposes.)
我们首先运行矩阵-向量乘法,并添加偏差,将向量扩展到长度 4 * C。这纯粹是出于可视化目的。

Next, we apply the GELU activation function to each element of the vector. This is a key part of any neural network, where we introduce some non-linearity into the model. The specific function used, GELU, looks a lot like a ReLU function (computed as max(0, x)), but it has a smooth curve rather than a sharp corner.
接下来,我们将 GELU 激活函数应用于向量的每个元素。这是任何神经网络的关键部分,我们在模型中引入了一些非线性。使用的特定函数 GELU 看起来很像 ReLU 函数(计算为 max(0, x) ),但它具有平滑的曲线而不是尖角。

We then project the vector back down to length C with another matrix-vector multiplication with bias added.
然后,我们用另一个添加偏差的矩阵向量乘法将向量投影回长度 C。

Like in the self-attention + projection section, we add the result of the MLP to its input, element-wise.
就像在自注意力 + 投影部分一样,我们将 MLP 的结果添加到其输入中,按元素进行。

And that's the MLP completed. We now have the output of the transformer block, which is ready to be passed to the next block.
这就是完成的 MLP。我们现在有了transformer 块的输出,它已经准备好传递到下一个块。


And that's a complete transformer block!

These form the bulk of any GPT model and are repeated a number of times, with the output of one block feeding into the next, continuing the residual pathway.
这些构成了任何 GPT 模型的主体,并重复多次,一个块的输出输入到下一个块,继续残差路径。

As is common in deep learning, it's hard to say exactly what each of these layers is doing, but we have some general ideas: the earlier layers tend to focus on learning lower-level features and patterns, while the later layers learn to recognize and understand higher-level abstractions and relationships. In the context of natural language processing, the lower layers might learn grammar, syntax, and simple word associations, while the higher layers might capture more complex semantic relationships, discourse structures, and context-dependent meaning.

The softmax operation is used as part of self-attention, as seen in the previous section, and it will also appear at the very end of the model.
softmax 操作用作自注意力的一部分,如上一节所示,它也将出现在模型的最后。

Its goal is to take a vector and normalize its values so that they sum to 1.0. However, it's not as simple as dividing by the sum. Instead, each input value is first exponentiated.
它的目标是获取一个向量并对其值进行归一化,使它们的总和为 1.0。但是,这并不像除以总和那么简单。相反,每个输入值首先被幂化。

a = exp(x_1) a = exp(x_1)

This has the effect of making all values positive. Once we have a vector of our exponentiated values, we can then divide each value by the sum of all the values. This will ensure that the sum of the values is 1.0. Since all the exponentiated values are positive, we know that the resulting values will be between 0.0 and 1.0, which provides a probability distribution over the original values.
这具有使所有值为正的效果。一旦我们有了幂值的向量,我们就可以将每个值除以所有值的总和。这将确保值的总和为 1.0。由于所有幂值都是正值,我们知道结果值将在 0.0 和 1.0 之间,这提供了原始值的概率分布。

That's it for softmax: simply exponentiate the values and then divide by the sum.
softmax 就是这样:只需将值求幂,然后除以总和。

However, there's a slight complication. If any of the input values are quite large, then the exponentiated values will be very large. We'll end up dividing a large number by a very large number, and this can cause issues with floating-point arithmetic.

One useful property of the softmax operation is that if we add a constant to all the input values, the result will be the same. So we can find the largest value in the input vector and subtract it from all the values. This ensures that the largest value is 0.0, and the softmax remains numerically stable.
softmax 操作的一个有用属性是,如果我们向所有输入值添加一个常量,结果将是相同的。因此,我们可以在输入向量中找到最大值,并从所有值中减去它。这可确保最大值为 0.0,并且 softmax 在数值上保持稳定。

Let's take a look at the softmax operation in the context of the self-attention layer. Our input vector for each softmax operation is a row of the self-attention matrix (but only up to the diagonal).
我们来看看自注意力层上下文中的softmax操作。每个 softmax 操作的输入向量是自注意力矩阵的一行(但仅限于对角线)。

Like with layer normalization, we have an intermediate step where we store some aggregation values to keep the process efficient.

For each row, we store the max value in the row and the sum of the shifted & exponentiated values. Then, to produce the corresponding output row, we can perform a small set of operations: subtract the max, exponentiate, and divide by the sum.

What's with the name "softmax"? The "hard" version of this operation, called argmax, simply finds the maximum value, sets it to 1.0, and assigns 0.0 to all other values. In contrast, the softmax operation serves as a "softer" version of that. Due to the exponentiation involved in softmax, the largest value is emphasized and pushed towards 1.0, while still maintaining a probability distribution over all input values. This allows for a more nuanced representation that captures not only the most likely option but also the relative likelihood of other options.
“softmax”这个名字是怎么回事?此操作的“硬”版本称为 argmax,它只需查找最大值,将其设置为 1.0,然后将 0.0 分配给所有其他值。相比之下,softmax 操作是它的“软”版本。由于 softmax 中涉及的幂,最大值被强调并推向 1.0,同时仍然保持所有输入值的概率分布。这允许更细致的表示,不仅捕获最可能的选项,还捕获其他选项的相对可能性。

Output 输出

Finally, we come to the end of the model. The output of the final transformer block is passed through a layer normalization, and then we use a linear transformation (matrix multiplication), this time without a bias.

This final transformation takes each of our column vectors from length C to length nvocab. Hence, it's effectively producing a score for each word in the vocabulary for each of our columns. These scores have a special name: logits.
这个最后的转换将我们的每个列向量从长度 C 转换为长度 nvocab。因此,它有效地为我们每个专栏的词汇表中的每个单词生成一个分数。这些分数有一个特殊名称:logits。

The name "logits" comes from "log-odds," i.e., the logarithm of the odds of each token. "Log" is used because the softmax we apply next does an exponentiation to convert to "odds" or probabilities.
“logits”这个名字来自“log-odds”,即每个token的赔率的对数。之所以使用“Log”,是因为我们接下来应用的 softmax 会进行幂运算以转换为“赔率”或概率。

To convert these scores into nice probabilities, we pass them through a softmax operation. Now, for each column, we have a probability the model assigns to each word in the vocabulary.
为了将这些分数转换为漂亮的概率,我们通过 softmax 运算传递它们。现在,对于每一列,我们有一个模型分配给词汇表中每个单词的概率。

In this particular model, it has effectively learned all the answers to the question of how to sort three letters, so the probabilities are heavily weighted toward the correct answer.

When we're stepping the model through time, we use the last column's probabilities to determine the next token to add to the sequence. For example, if we've supplied six tokens into the model, we'll use the output probabilities of the 6th column.
当我们在时间上逐步执行模型时,我们使用最后一列的概率来确定要添加到序列中的下一个标记。例如,如果我们在模型中提供了六个标记,我们将使用第 6 列的输出概率。

This column's output is a series of probabilities, and we actually have to pick one of them to use as the next in the sequence. We do this by "sampling from the distribution." That is, we randomly choose a token, weighted by its probability. For example, a token with a probability of 0.9 will be chosen 90% of the time.
此列的输出是一系列概率,我们实际上必须选择其中一个作为序列中的下一个。我们通过“从分布中抽样”来做到这一点。也就是说,我们随机选择一个token,根据其概率进行加权。例如,概率为 0.9 的token将在 90% 的时间内被选中。

There are other options here, however, such as always choosing the token with the highest probability.

We can also control the "smoothness" of the distribution by using a temperature parameter. A higher temperature will make the distribution more uniform, and a lower temperature will make it more concentrated on the highest probability tokens.

We do this by dividing the logits (the output of the linear transformation) by the temperature before applying the softmax. Since the exponentiation in the softmax has a large effect on larger numbers, making them all closer together will reduce this effect.
为此,我们将 logits(线性变换的输出)除以温度,然后再应用 softmax。由于 softmax 中的幂对较大的数字有很大影响,因此使它们靠得更近会降低这种影响。

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