



Help on class Notebook in module tkinter.ttk:

class Notebook(Widget)
 |  Notebook(*args, **kwargs)
 |  Ttk Notebook widget manages a collection of windows and displays
 |  a single one at a time. Each child window is associated with a tab,
 |  which the user may select to change the currently-displayed window.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Notebook
 |      Widget
 |      tkinter.Widget
 |      tkinter.BaseWidget
 |      tkinter.Misc
 |      tkinter.Pack
 |      tkinter.Place
 |      tkinter.Grid
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |  add(self, child, **kw)
 |      Adds a new tab to the notebook.
 |      If window is currently managed by the notebook but hidden, it is
 |      restored to its previous position.
 |  config = configure(self, cnf=None, **kwargs)
 |  configure(self, cnf=None, **kwargs)
 |  enable_traversal(self)
 |      Enable keyboard traversal for a toplevel window containing
 |      this notebook.
 |      This will extend the bindings for the toplevel window containing
 |      this notebook as follows:
 |          Control-Tab: selects the tab following the currently selected
 |                       one
 |          Shift-Control-Tab: selects the tab preceding the currently
 |                             selected one
 |          Alt-K: where K is the mnemonic (underlined) character of any
 |                 tab, will select that tab.
 |      Multiple notebooks in a single toplevel may be enabled for
 |      traversal, including nested notebooks. However, notebook traversal
 |      only works properly if all panes are direct children of the
 |      notebook.
 |  forget(self, tab_id)
 |      Removes the tab specified by tab_id, unmaps and unmanages the
 |      associated window.
 |  hide(self, tab_id)
 |      Hides the tab specified by tab_id.
 |      The tab will not be displayed, but the associated window remains
 |      managed by the notebook and its configuration remembered. Hidden
 |      tabs may be restored with the add command.


['_Misc__winfo_getint', '_Misc__winfo_parseitem', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_bind', '_configure', '_displayof', '_do', '_getboolean', '_getconfigure', '_getconfigure1', '_getdoubles', '_getints', '_grid_configure', '_gridconvvalue', '_last_child_ids', '_nametowidget', '_noarg_', '_options', '_register', '_report_exception', '_root', '_setup', '_subst_format', '_subst_format_str', '_substitute', '_tclCommands', '_unbind', '_windowingsystem', 'add', 'after', 'after_cancel', 'after_idle', 'anchor', 'bbox', 'bell', 'bind', 'bind_all', 'bind_class', 'bindtags', 'cget', 'clipboard_append', 'clipboard_clear', 'clipboard_get', 'columnconfigure', 'config', 'configure', 'deletecommand', 'destroy', 'enable_traversal', 'event_add', 'event_delete', 'event_generate', 'event_info', 'focus', 'focus_displayof', 'focus_force', 'focus_get', 'focus_lastfor', 'focus_set', 'forget', 'getboolean', 'getdouble', 'getint', 'getvar', 'grab_current', 'grab_release', 'grab_set', 'grab_set_global', 'grab_status', 'grid', 'grid_anchor', 'grid_bbox', 'grid_columnconfigure', 'grid_configure', 'grid_forget', 'grid_info', 'grid_location', 'grid_propagate', 'grid_remove', 'grid_rowconfigure', 'grid_size', 'grid_slaves', 'hide', 'identify', 'image_names', 'image_types', 'index', 'info', 'info_patchlevel', 'insert', 'instate', 'keys', 'lift', 'location', 'lower', 'mainloop', 'nametowidget', 'option_add', 'option_clear', 'option_get', 'option_readfile', 'pack', 'pack_configure', 'pack_forget', 'pack_info', 'pack_propagate', 'pack_slaves', 'place', 'place_configure', 'place_forget', 'place_info', 'place_slaves', 'propagate', 'quit', 'register', 'rowconfigure', 'select', 'selection_clear', 'selection_get', 'selection_handle', 'selection_own', 'selection_own_get', 'send', 'setvar', 'size', 'slaves', 'state', 'tab', 'tabs', 'tk_bisque', 'tk_focusFollowsMouse', 'tk_focusNext', 'tk_focusPrev', 'tk_setPalette', 'tk_strictMotif', 'tkraise', 'unbind', 'unbind_all', 'unbind_class', 'update', 'update_idletasks', 'wait_variable', 'wait_visibility', 'wait_window', 'waitvar', 'winfo_atom', 'winfo_atomname', 'winfo_cells', 'winfo_children', 'winfo_class', 'winfo_colormapfull', 'winfo_containing', 'winfo_depth', 'winfo_exists', 'winfo_fpixels', 'winfo_geometry', 'winfo_height', 'winfo_id', 'winfo_interps', 'winfo_ismapped', 'winfo_manager', 'winfo_name', 'winfo_parent', 'winfo_pathname', 'winfo_pixels', 'winfo_pointerx', 'winfo_pointerxy', 'winfo_pointery', 'winfo_reqheight', 'winfo_reqwidth', 'winfo_rgb', 'winfo_rootx', 'winfo_rooty', 'winfo_screen', 'winfo_screencells', 'winfo_screendepth', 'winfo_screenheight', 'winfo_screenmmheight', 'winfo_screenmmwidth', 'winfo_screenvisual', 'winfo_screenwidth', 'winfo_server', 'winfo_toplevel', 'winfo_viewable', 'winfo_visual', 'winfo_visualid', 'winfo_visualsavailable', 'winfo_vrootheight', 'winfo_vrootwidth', 'winfo_vrootx', 'winfo_vrooty', 'winfo_width', 'winfo_x', 'winfo_y']


import ttkbootstrap as ttk
from ttkbootstrap.constants import *

root = ttk.Window(  title="主窗口",        #设置窗口的标题
                    themename="yeti",     #设置主题yeti
                    size=(400,200),        #窗口的大小

nb = ttk.Notebook()
nb.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)

b1 = ttk.Button(nb, text="solid", bootstyle="info-solid")
b1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=10)
nb.add(b1, text='选项卡1')

b2 = ttk.Button(nb, text="outline", bootstyle="warning-outline")
b2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=10)
nb.add(b2, text='选项卡2')



原始链接:tkinter.ttk — Tk themed widgets — Python 3.12.2 documentation



nb = ttk.Notebook(root, bootstyle=SUCCESS)


import ttkbootstrap as ttk
from ttkbootstrap.constants import *

root = ttk.Window(  title="主窗口",        #设置窗口的标题
                    themename="yeti",     #设置主题yeti
                    size=(400,200),        #窗口的大小

s = ttk.Style()
s.configure('Custom.TNotebook', foreground='pink', background='yellow', borderwidth=10)
s.configure('Custom.TNotebook.Tab', foreground='blue', background='orange', borderwidth=10)'Custom.TNotebook.Tab', foreground=[('selected', 'red')], background=[('selected', 'blue')])

nb = ttk.Notebook(root,style='Custom.TNotebook')
nb.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)

b1 = ttk.Button(nb, text="solid", bootstyle="info-solid")
b1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=10)
nb.add(b1, text='选项卡1')

b2 = ttk.Button(nb, text="outline", bootstyle="warning-outline")
b2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=10)
nb.add(b2, text='选项卡2')




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