ARMd7 作业

key1  PF9
key2  PF7
key3  PF8


#ifndef __KEY_H__
#define __KEY_H__

#include "stm32mp1xx_gpio.h"
#include "stm32mp1xx_rcc.h"
#include "stm32mp1xx_exti.h"
#include "stm32mp1xx_gic.h"
void key_init();



#include "key.h"
key1  PF9
key2  PF7
key3  PF8
void key_gpio_init(){
    RCC->MP_AHB4ENSETR |= (0x1<<5);
    GPIOF->MODER &= (~(0x3F<<0xE));

void key_exti_init(){
    /*=====================================================1: falling edge trigger
    function      : set falling edge trigger for PF7,PF8,PF9
    register      : EXTI_FTSR1
    bits name     : FT
    bits fieled   : [7] [8] [9]
    value         : 0: Falling trigger disabled (for event and Interrupt) for input line
                    1: Falling trigger enabled (for event and Interrupt) for input line.
    EXTI->FTSR1 |= (0x7<<0x7);

    /*=====================================================2: GPIO port select 
    function      : identify signal from which GPIO port  
    register      : EXTI_EXTICR2
    bits name     : EXTI7
    bits fieled   : [31:24]
    value         :             0x00: PA[7] pin
                                0x01: PB[7] pin
                                0x02: PC[7] pin
                                0x03: PD[7] pin
                                0x04: PE[7] pin
                                0x05: PF[7] pin
                                0x06: PG[7] pin
                                0x07: PH[7] pin
                                0x08: PI[7] pin
                                0x09: PJ[7] pin
                                0x0A: PK[7] pin
                                0x0B: PZ[7] pin
    EXTI->EXTICR2 &= (~(0xFF<<0x18));
    EXTI->EXTICR2 |= (0x05<<0x18);
    function      : identify signal from which GPIO port  
    register      : EXTI_EXTICR3
    bits name     : EXTI8
    bits fieled   : [7:0]
    value         :             0x00: PA[8] pin
                                0x01: PB[8] pin
                                0x02: PC[8] pin
                                0x03: PD[8] pin
                                0x04: PE[8] pin
                                0x05: PF[8] pin
                                0x06: PG[8] pin
                                0x07: PH[8] pin
                                0x08: PI[8] pin
                                0x09: PJ[8] pin
                                0x0A: PK[8] pin
                                0x0B: PZ[8] pin
    EXTI->EXTICR3 &= (~(0xFF));
    EXTI->EXTICR3 |= (0x05);
    function      : identify signal from which GPIO port  
    register      : EXTI_EXTICR3
    bits name     : EXTI9
    bits fieled   : [15:8]
    value         :             0x00: PA[9] pin
                                0x01: PB[9] pin
                                0x02: PC[9] pin
                                0x03: PD[9] pin
                                0x04: PE[9] pin
                                0x05: PF[9] pin
                                0x06: PG[9] pin
                                0x07: PH[9] pin
                                0x08: PI[9] pin
                                0x09: PJ[9] pin
                                0x0A: PK[9] pin
                                0x0B: PZ[9] pin
    EXTI->EXTICR3 &= (~(0xFF<<0x8));
    EXTI->EXTICR3 |= (0x05<<0x8);
    /*=====================================================3: mask register set
    function      : set wakeup with interrupt mask register
    register      : EXTI_IMR1
    bits name     : IM
    bits fieled   : [9][8][7]
    value         : 0: wakeup with interrupt request from Line x is masked
                    1: wakeup with interrupt request from Line x is unmasked
    EXTI->C1IMR1 |= (~(0x7<<0x7));

void key_gic_init(){
The GICD provides a programming interface for:
• globally enabling the forwarding of interrupts to the CPU interfaces
• enabling or disabling each interrupt
• setting the priority level of each interrupt
• setting the target processor list of each interrupt
• setting each peripheral interrupt to be level-sensitive or edge-triggered
• setting each interrupt as either group 0 or group 1
• sending an SGI to one or more target processors
• visibility of the state of each interrupt
• a mechanism for software to set or clear the pending state of a peripheral interrupt.

    /*=====================================================GICD 1: control register
    function      : set the group0 to forward to CPU
    register      : GICD_CTLR  (GICD control register)
    bits name     : ENABLEGRP0/ENABLEGRP1
    bits fieled   : [1] [0]
    value         : Bit 1 ENABLEGRP1: enable group 1 interrupts
                    Global enable for forwarding pending group 1 interrupts from the 
                    GICD to the CPU interfaces
                    Bit 0 ENABLEGRP0: enable group 0 interrupts
                    Global enable for forwarding pending group 0 interrupts from the 
                    GICD to the CPU interfaces
    GICD->CTLR |= 1;

    /*=====================================================GICD 2: set-enable register
    EXTI7 interupt ID=97
    EXTI8 interupt ID=98
    EXTI9 interupt ID=99
    function      : set-enable EXTI7 EXTI8 EXTI9
    register      : GICD_ISENABLERx (GICD interrupt set-enable register ) (x = 0 to 8)
    bits name     :  
    bits fieled   : 97/32=3...1  98/32=3...2  99/32=3...3
    value         : 1: interrupt set-enable
    GICD->ISENABLER[3] |= (0x7<<0x1);

    /*=====================================================GICD 3: priority register
    EXTI7 interupt ID=97
    EXTI8 interupt ID=98
    EXTI9 interupt ID=99
    function      : set priority for EXTI7 EXTI8 EXTI9
    register      : GICD_IPRIORITYRx (GICD interrupt priority register x) (x = 0 to 71)
    bits name     :  
    bits fieled   : 97/4=24...1  98/4=24...2  99/4=24...3
    value         : 00000
    GICD->IPRIORITYR[24] &= (~(0x1F<<0xB));
    GICD->IPRIORITYR[24] &= (~(0x1F<<0x13));
    GICD->IPRIORITYR[24] &= (~(0x1F<<0x1B));

   /*=====================================================GICD 4: set target processor
    EXTI7 interupt ID=97
    EXTI8 interupt ID=98
    EXTI9 interupt ID=99
    function      : set target processor for EXTI7 EXTI8 EXTI9
    register      : GICD_ITARGETSRx(GICD interrupt processor target register x)(x=0to71)
    bits name     :  
    bits fieled   : 97/4=24...1  98/4=24...2  99/4=24...3
    value         :  x1:  CPU0
                     1x:  CPU1
    GICD->IPRIORITYR[24] |= (0x1<<0x8);
    GICD->IPRIORITYR[24] |= (0x1<<0x10);
    GICD->IPRIORITYR[24] |= (0x1<<0x18);
     /*=====================================================GICC 1: control register
    function      : set the group0 to forward to CPU
    register      : GICC_CTLR  (GICC control register)
    bits name     : ENABLEGRP0/ENABLEGRP1
    bits fieled   : [0]
    value         : Bit 1 ENABLEGRP1: Enable group 1 interrupts
                    It enables for the signaling of group 1 interrupts by the CPU     
                    interface to the connected processor.
                    Bit 0 ENABLEGRP0: Enable group 0 interrupts
                    It enables for the signaling of group 0interrupts by the CPU
                    interface to the connected processor.
    GICC->CTLR |= 1;

     /*=====================================================GICC 2: priority mask
    function      : set the priority mask
    register      : GICC_PMR  (GICC input priority mask register)
    bits name     : PRIORITY[4:0]:
    bits fieled   : [7:3 ]
    value         : priority mask level for the CPU interface
                    If the priority of an interrupt is higher than the value indicated 
                    by this field, the interface signals the interrupt to the processor.
    GICC->PRIORITY |= (0x1f<<0x3);

void key_init(){



#include "uart4.h"

void delay(int ms){
    int i,j;

int main()
        printf("in main function\n\r");
    return 0;


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