OSDI 2023

17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, OSDI 2023, Boston, MA, USA, July 10-12, 2023.

第17届USENIX操作系统设计与实现研讨会,OSDI 2023,2023年7月10-12日,美国马萨诸塞州波士顿。

1. Ship your Critical Section, Not Your Data: Enabling Transparent Delegation with TCLOCKS.

2. RON: One-Way Circular Shortest Routing to Achieve Efficient and Bounded-waiting Spinlocks.

3. Userspace Bypass: Accelerating Syscall-intensive Applications.

4. Triangulating Python Performance Issues with SCALENE.

5. Relational Debugging - Pinpointing Root Causes of Performance Problems.
   关系调试 - 准确定位性能问题的根本原因。

6. Accountable authentication with privacy protection: The Larch system for universal login.

7. K9db: Privacy-Compliant Storage For Web Applications By Construction.

8. Encrypted Databases Made Secure Yet Maintainable.

9. LVMT: An Efficient Authenticated Storage for Blockchain.

10. Honeycomb: Secure and Efficient GPU Executions via Static Validation.

11. An Extensible Orchestration and Protection Framework for Confidential Cloud Computing.

12. Nimble: Rollback Protection for Confidential Cloud Services.

13. Security and Performance in the Delegated User-level Virtualization.

14. Kerveros: Efficient and Scalable Cloud Admission Control.

15. Core slicing: closing the gap between leaky confidential VMs and bare-metal cloud.

16. ExoFlow: A Universal Workflow System for Exactly-Once DAGs.

17. Hyrax: Fail-in-Place Server Operation in Cloud Platforms.

18. NCC: Natural Concurrency Control for Strictly Serializable Datastores by Avoiding the Timestamp-Inversion Pitfall.

19. Conveyor: One-Tool-Fits-All Continuous Software Deployment at Meta.
    Conveyor:在 Meta 实现一切连续软件部署的通用工具。

20. Chardonnay: Fast and General Datacenter Transactions for On-Disk Databases.

21. ScaleDB: A Scalable, Asynchronous In-Memory Database.

22. VBASE: Unifying Online Vector Similarity Search and Relational Queries via Relaxed Monotonicity.

23. Detecting Transactional Bugs in Database Engines via Graph-Based Oracle Construction.
    通过基于图的 Oracle 构建检测数据库引擎中的事务性错误。

24. Take Out the TraChe: Maximizing (Tra)nsactional Ca(che) Hit Rate.
    取出 TraChe:最大化事务缓存命中率。

25. Replicating Persistent Memory Key-Value Stores with Efficient RDMA Abstraction.
    使用高效的 RDMA 抽象复制持久内存键值存储。

26. eZNS: An Elastic Zoned Namespace for Commodity ZNS SSDs.
    eZNS:用于商品 ZNS SSD 的弹性分区命名空间。

27. SEPH: Scalable, Efficient, and Predictable Hashing on Persistent Memory.

28. No Provisioned Concurrency: Fast RDMA-codesigned Remote Fork for Serverless Computing.
    无需预留并发性:用于无服务器计算的快速 RDMA 设计的远程分叉。

29. Johnny Cache: the End of DRAM Cache Conflicts (in Tiered Main Memory Systems).
    Johnny Cache:DRAM 缓存冲突的终结(在分层主存储系统中)。

30. TAILCHECK: A Lightweight Heap Overflow Detection Mechanism with Page Protection and Tagged Pointers.

31. SMART: A High-Performance Adaptive Radix Tree for Disaggregated Memory.
    SMART:用于分离内存的高性能自适应 Radix 树。

32. ORC: Increasing Cloud Memory Density via Object Reuse with Capabilities.

33. Global Capacity Management With Flux.
    使用 Flux 进行全局容量管理。

34. Defcon: Preventing Overload with Graceful Feature Degradation.

35. Cilantro: Performance-Aware Resource Allocation for General Objectives via Online Feedback.

36. Karma: Resource Allocation for Dynamic Demands.

37. AlpaServe: Statistical Multiplexing with Model Parallelism for Deep Learning Serving.

38. Cocktailer: Analyzing and Optimizing Dynamic Control Flow in Deep Learning.

39. Welder: Scheduling Deep Learning Memory Access via Tile-graph.

40. Effectively Scheduling Computational Graphs of Deep Neural Networks toward Their Domain-Specific Accelerators.

41. EINNET: Optimizing Tensor Programs with Derivation-Based Transformations.

42. Hydro: Surrogate-Based Hyperparameter Tuning Service in Datacenters.

43. MGG: Accelerating Graph Neural Networks with Fine-Grained Intra-Kernel Communication-Computation Pipelining on Multi-GPU Platforms.
    MGG:在多 GPU 平台上使用细粒度内核通信-计算流水线加速图神经网络。

44. Optimizing Dynamic Neural Networks with Brainstorm.
    使用 Brainstorm 优化动态神经网络。

45. AdaEmbed: Adaptive Embedding for Large-Scale Recommendation Models.

46. BWoS: Formally Verified Block-based Work Stealing for Parallel Processing.

47. Spoq: Scaling Machine-Checkable Systems Verification in Coq.
    Spoq:在 Coq 中扩展机器可检验系统验证。

48. Verifying vMVCC, a high-performance transaction library using multi-version concurrency control.
    验证 vMVCC,使用多版本并发控制的高性能事务库。

49. Automated Verification of Idempotence for Stateful Serverless Applications.

50. Sharding the State Machine: Automated Modular Reasoning for Complex Concurrent Systems.

51. Flor: An Open High Performance RDMA Framework Over Heterogeneous RNICs.
    Flor:面向异构 RNIC 的开放高性能 RDMA 框架。

52. ShRing: Networking with Shared Receive Rings.

53. ServiceRouter: Hyperscale and Minimal Cost Service Mesh at Meta.
    ServiceRouter:在 Meta 上实现超大规模和最小成本的服务网格。

54. Characterizing Off-path SmartNIC for Accelerating Distributed Systems.

55. Ensō: A Streaming Interface for NIC-Application Communication.
    Ensō:用于 NIC-应用通信的流接口。


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