编程参考 - stdint.h头文件的使用



还有一些操作,是和变量占用的字节长度有关的。比如使用一个16位的寄存器的值,在32位的机器上要用short int类型来表示,在16位机器上,就用int类型来表示。



typedef char byte_t;

typedef short int byte2_t;

typedef int byte4_t;


比如一些最早期的嵌入式项目的代码中, 都会有个专门的类型定义的头文件,使基本类型的字节长度不依赖于平台。


To help with cross-platform portability, C99 defined a set of fixed-width integers (in the stdint.h header) that are guaranteed to have the same size on any architecture.












指针的话就使用:(void* 指针类型是通用的,其他指针可以直接赋值给void*)

intptr_t   // 整数指针

uintptr_t  // 无符号整数指针

参考glibc 2.38里的头文件声明:

/* Types for `void *' pointers.  */

#if __WORDSIZE == 64

# ifndef __intptr_t_defined

typedef long int        intptr_t;

#  define __intptr_t_defined

# endif

typedef unsigned long int    uintptr_t;


# ifndef __intptr_t_defined

typedef int            intptr_t;

#  define __intptr_t_defined

# endif

typedef unsigned int        uintptr_t;


===== 分割线 ===== 

c17 standard 

7.20 Integer types <stdint.h> [整数类型 <stdint.h>]

1 头文件 <stdint.h> 声明了具有指定宽度的整数类型集,并定义了相应的宏集。它还定义了宏,用于指定与其他标准头文件中定义的类型相对应的整数类型的限制。

2 类型定义分为以下几类:

- 具有一定精确宽度的整数类型;

- 至少具有特定宽度的整数类型;

- 至少具有某些指定宽度的最快整数类型;

- 宽度足以容纳对象指针的整数类型;

- 宽度最大的整数类型。


3 相应的宏指定所声明类型的最大最小范围,并定义了相应的常量来表示。

4 对于本文描述的每种类型,只要实现提供了,则 <stdint.h> 应声明该类型定义名称并定义相关宏。反之,对于本文描述的、实现没有提供的每种类型,<stdint.h> 不应声明该类型定义名称,也不应定义相关宏。实现应提供描述为 "必需 "的类型,但不必提供剩下的其他类型(描述为 "可选")。

1 The header <stdint.h> declares sets of integer types having specified widths, and defines corresponding sets of macros. It also defines macros that specify limits of integer types correspondingto types defined in other standard headers.

2 Types are defined in the following categories:

— integer types having certain exact widths;

— integer types having at least certain specified widths;

— fastest integer types having at least certain specified widths; 

— integer types wide enough to hold pointers to objects;

— integer types having greatest width.

Some of these types may denote the same type.)

3 Corresponding macros specify limits of the declared types and construct suitable constants.

4 For each type described herein that the implementation provides, <stdint.h> shall declare that typedef name and define the associated macros. Conversely, for each type described herein that the implementation does not provide, <stdint.h> shall not declare that typedef name nor shall it define the associated macros. An implementation shall provide those types described as “required”, but need not provide any of the others (described as “optional”).


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