python adb脚本

Python调用adb shell ls,取前5个字符存放,并打印出来

import subprocess  
def run_adb_shell_command_and_get_first_chars(command, num_chars):  
    # 设置adb的路径,根据您的实际情况进行修改  
    adb_path = 'adb'  
    # 使用subprocess运行adb shell命令,并捕获输出  
    result =[adb_path, 'shell', command], capture_output=True, text=True)  
    # 检查命令是否成功执行  
    if result.returncode != 0:  
        print(f"Error executing command: {result.stderr}")  
        return None  
    # 获取命令输出,并取前num_chars个字符  
    output = result.stdout.strip()[:num_chars]  
    # 打印前num_chars个字符  
    print(f"First {num_chars} characters of the output: {output}")  
    return output  
# 调用函数执行adb shell命令,并取前5个字符  
adb_command = 'date'  # 替换为你想要执行的adb shell命令  
first_five_chars = run_adb_shell_command_and_get_first_chars(adb_command, 5)


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