Light Random Sprays Retinex 传统的图像增强算法LRSR


  Light Random Sprays Retinex, 即“光随机喷雾Retinex”,简称LRSR。作为一种改进的图像处理算法,旨在实现局部颜色恒定性和图像增强,同时解决原始随机喷雾Retinex(RSR)算法在降低噪声和计算成本方面的问题。

1、Light Random Sprays Retinex 概况

Light Random Sprays Retinex: Exploiting the Noisy Illumination Estimation
Nikola Banić,Sven Lončarić

  “光随机喷雾Retinex”(Light Random Sprays Retinex,简称LRSR)的算法,基于Retinex模型(解释了人类视觉系统如何根据周围视觉场景感知颜色,即颜色感知的局部性),通过随机喷雾的方式来模拟像素邻域,计算新的像素强度,以实现动态范围压缩、颜色恒常性和颜色及亮度的再现。其与路径依赖的方法相比,LRSR算法减少了对路径几何形状的依赖,降低了计算成本,并减少了采样噪声。

2、Light Random Sprays Retinex 具体实现


① 计算局部强度变化:
② 可视化强度变化:
③ 应用低通滤波器:
  低通滤波器可以采用平均核(averaging kernel)来实现,该核可对局部像素的强度变化进行平均。
④ 结合滤波前后的强度变化:
⑤ 应用最终的强度变化:
  最后,将减少噪声后的强度变化应用回原始图像,以生成最终的输出图像。对于每个像素,其在给定通道上的强度可以被输出图像的像素Ioutput(x,y,c)所表示。即:Ioutput(x,y,c)= I(x,y,c)+ I’’(x,y,c)


① 计算局部强度变化:
② 局部照明估计:


① 确定采样模式:
② 计算直接采样像素:
③ 插值未采样像素:
④ 最近邻域插值:

3、Light Random Sprays Retinex源码

	Performs image enhancement using the Light Random Sprays Algorithm on a given image for specified parameters.

	@param[in]	source The image to be enhanced.
	@param[out]	destination The resulting image.
	@param[in]	N Number of sprays to create.
	@param[in]	n Size of individual spray in pixels.
	@param[in]	inputKernelSize The size of the kernel for blurring the original image and the RSR resulting image.
	@param[in]	inputSigma The input kernel sigma when using Gaussian kernels. If set to 0, the averaging kernel is used.
	@param[in]	intensityChangeKernelSize The size of the kernel for blurring the intensity change.
	@param[in]	intensityChangeSigma The intensity change kernel sigma when using Gaussian kernels. If set to 0, the averaging kernel is used.
	@param[in]	rowsStep Rows counting step.
	@param[in]	colsStep Columns counting step.
	@param[in]	normalizeIntensityChange The flag indicating wheather to normalize the intensity change (i. e. to perform only chromatic adaptation) or not (i. e. to perform chromatic adaptation and brightness adjustment).
	@param[in]	upperBound Maximal value for a pixel channel.
void PerformLightRandomSpraysRetinex(cv::Mat source, cv::Mat& destination, int N, int n, int inputKernelSize, double inputSigma, int intensityChangeKernelSize, double intensityChangeSigma, int rowsStep, int colsStep, bool normalizeIntensityChange, double upperBound) {

	cv::Mat inputSource;
	cv::Mat inputRetinex;
	cv::Mat retinex;

	PerformRandomSpraysRetinex(source, retinex, N, n, upperBound, rowsStep, colsStep);

	source.convertTo(inputSource, CV_64FC3);
	retinex.convertTo(inputRetinex, CV_64FC3);

	if (normalizeIntensityChange) {
		cv::Mat illuminant;
		cv::divide(inputSource, inputRetinex, illuminant);
		std::vector<cv::Mat> illuminantChannels;

		split(illuminant, illuminantChannels);
		cv::Mat illuminantAverage = (illuminantChannels[0] + illuminantChannels[1] + illuminantChannels[2]) / 3;
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			cv::divide(illuminantChannels[i], illuminantAverage, illuminantChannels[i]);
		cv::merge(illuminantChannels, illuminant);

		inputSource = inputRetinex.mul(illuminant);

	//应用低通滤波器 平滑强度变化 减少噪声
	if (inputKernelSize > 1) {
		if (inputSigma == 0.0) {
			cv::Mat averaging = cv::Mat::ones(inputKernelSize, inputKernelSize, CV_64FC1) / (double)(inputKernelSize * inputKernelSize);
			Filter64F(inputSource, inputSource, inputKernelSize);
			Filter64F(inputRetinex, inputRetinex, inputKernelSize);
		else {
			GaussianBlur(inputSource, inputSource, cv::Size(inputKernelSize, inputKernelSize), inputSigma);
			GaussianBlur(inputRetinex, inputRetinex, cv::Size(inputKernelSize, inputKernelSize), inputSigma);

	cv::Mat illuminant;
	divide(inputSource, inputRetinex, illuminant);
	std::vector<cv::Mat> illuminantChannels;

	if (intensityChangeKernelSize > 1) {
		if (intensityChangeSigma == 0.0) {
			cv::Mat averaging = cv::Mat::ones(intensityChangeKernelSize, intensityChangeKernelSize, CV_64FC1) / (double)(intensityChangeKernelSize * intensityChangeKernelSize);
			Filter64F(illuminant, illuminant, intensityChangeKernelSize);
		else {
			GaussianBlur(illuminant, illuminant, cv::Size(intensityChangeKernelSize, intensityChangeKernelSize), intensityChangeSigma);

	//通道处理 目标图像
	std::vector<cv::Mat> destinationChannels;
	split(source, destinationChannels);
	split(illuminant, illuminantChannels);
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)destinationChannels.size(); ++i) {
		destinationChannels[i].convertTo(destinationChannels[i], CV_64FC1);
		cv::divide(destinationChannels[i], illuminantChannels[i], destinationChannels[i]);

	cv::merge(destinationChannels, destination);

	double* check = (double*);
	for (int i = 0; i < destination.rows * destination.cols * 3; ++i) {
		if (check[i] >= upperBound) {
			check[i] = upperBound - 1;

	destination.convertTo(destination, source.type());


4、Light Random Sprays Retinex效果及结论

  LRSR算法在图像质量和计算效率方面均优于原始的Random Sprays Retinex (RSR) 算法。通过引入新的噪声去除方法和亮度调整技术,LRSR算法能够在降低计算成本的同时提供更高质量的图像增强结果。



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