01 THU大模型之基础入门

1. NLP Basics Distributed Word Representation词表示

Word representation: a process that transform the symbols to the machine understandable meanings

1.1 How to represent the meaning so that the machine can understand

  • Compute word similarity
    • WR(Star) ≃ WR(Sun)
    • WR(Motel) ≃ WR(Hotel)

  • Infer word relation
    • WR(China) − WR(Beijing) ≃ WR(Japan) - WR(Tokyo)
    • WR(Man) ≃ WR(King) − WR(Queen) + WR(Woman)
    • WR(Swimming) ≃ WR(Walking) − WR(Walk) + WR(Swim

1.2 Synonym and Hypernym 同义词和上位词

By Using set of related words, such as synonyms and hypernyms to represent a word


Synonyms of “Good” in WordNet:


  1. Missing nuance
    e.g. (“proficient”, “good”) are synonyms only in some contexts
  2. Missing new meanings of words
    e.g. Apple (fruit → IT company)
  3. Subjective主观性问题,受限于原本的词源标注
  4. Data sparsity
  5. Requires human labor to create and adapt

1.3 One-Hot Representation

对于计算机来说, 更好的办法仍然是将一个词表示为一个唯一的符号(向量)

  • Vector dimension = # words in vocabulary
  • Order is not important


  • All the vectors are orthogonal. No natural notion of similarity for one-hot vectors.
    因此, 根本无法计算相似度

1.4 Represent Word by Context


  • The meaning of a word is given by the words that frequently appear close-by
  • One of the most successful ideas of modern statistical NLP

e.g. Use context words to represent stars

1.5 Count-Based Representation

在Represent Word by Context 的基础上, 仍然对 n 个词的文本创建一个 n 维向量 ,
并且对其他词与词 A 同时出现的次数进行计数( Co-Occurrence Counts ), 写入A的向量中
这样我们能得到一个稠密向量, 对稠密向量之间进行相似度计算是可行的

  • Increase in size with vocabulary, require a lot of storage
  • sparsity issues for those less frequent words

1.6 Word Embedding

运用分布式表达的方法Distributed Representation

尝试用一个低维的空间就将文本全集装载, 然后在这个低维空间中进行相似度运算

  • Build a dense vector for each word learned from large-scale text corpora
  • 一个比较知名的方法 : Word2Vec (We will learn it in the next class)\

1.7 Language Model

  • Language Modeling is the task of predicting the upcoming word
  • A language model is a probability distribution over a sequence of words\

在这里插入图片描述由此引出一个问题 : 如何计算概率?

Assumption: the probability of an upcoming word is only determined by all its previous words
e.g. 在这里插入图片描述
一个句子的联合概率 = 每个词相对于整体的条件概率再取积

1.8 N-gram Model

Collect statistics about how frequent different ngrams are, and use these to predict next word.

例如 , 对于 4-gram, 统计三个词too late to 之后接不同的词的概率


  • Need to store count for all possible n-grams. So model size is O ( e^n )
  • Not considering contexts farther than 1 or 2 words
  • Not capturing the similarity between words

最简单的例子, 如果以整个互联网的文本去统计, 而每次仅统计两三个词连在一起的概率, 最终统计结果会相当稀疏
• The cat is walking in the bedroom
• A dog was running in a room
3-gram 也无法认识到 cat 和 dog 的相似度, walking 和 running 的相似度

1.9 Neural Language Model

A neural language model is a language model based on neural networks to learn distributed representadons of words

  • Associate words with distributed vectors
  • Compute the joint probability of word sequences in terms of the feature vectors
  • Optimize the word feature vectors (embedding matrix E) and the parameters of the loss function (map matrix W)

求Wt在Context下的条件概率, 可以利用前几个词( 这里取3 )的向量, 拼成一个高维的上下文向量, 再经过非线性转换tanh , 就可以预测下一个词.

整个的匹配过程是通过 神经网络 , 在可调的过程中完成的.

2. Big Model Basics Development


3 Paradigms behind Big Models 大模型背后的范式

  1. 对于预训练模型来说, 很关键的一点是 模型会从无标注的数据中学习, 通过自监督的任务获取通用知识.
  2. 在预训练完毕的模型上引入任务相关数据, 帮助具体的任务做适配
  3. 最终得到解决具体任务的模型
    The breakthrough of NLP: Transformer
    Based on Transformer, a series of deep pretraining models are developed instead of shallow RNNs, which is more powerful


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