英语随笔,发散了 3.9

today i want to talk something serious i think-- education 

here just my experience and something i thought.

when i looked back the senior high school life, i just felt pretty painful and can not help to cry.it is so tough that i can not memory it with a peaceful heart.the pressure from study is heavier than i can not think about before.education  in senior high school means u do not need to have your own step but just to follow the teacher's steps ,the school's steps.u do not need to plan your own schedule, u just need to follow,isn't easy right?no , in my mind ,it is the worst thing that  happened in my life .i do not like to be controlled by everyone,i do not like to follow other's steps just without my thinking.but what i could do ?i could do nothing but to follow,because the homework from teacher were filled my time ,i do not have little time to do my things,or just plan my schedule.i thought if the teacher could tell me the goal of this month and then let us plan our own schedule,i would never be painful than before.

i can not think that i have experienced these fucking study life for six years,and everything goes on like what i want just from now on.i will complain these fucking life in the future again.

i think most of college students have been controlled by this learning way for many years ,so that they can not turn their thoughts from student's way to social guy's way .it made me think about some words that the friend told me ,he said, there were many students wasting their time in their colleages.and if u can study as usual ,u can win a lot of guys. i could not understand his words when i was in senior high school. but when i came to the colleage ,i knew.most of guys lose the power of studying,and try to compensate their lost playing time .some guys do not have the goal and keep move on,because they have been controlled for many years, they lost the abilities to control their life by themselves instead of others, they do not know what they can do,and what they want to do in the future,maybe they still have the power to keep moving on ,but they can just follow other's step ,for example ,if people around him wanna to study further in the future,they just want to study further.so ,i think it is pretty important to think the goal about yourself,and have the power to keep moving on,and know how to do a daily life plan instead of wasting time.i am lucky that i did not like to follow other's steps without thinking or if i did not  agree his opinions for these years. and maybe i am still have the power to move on.maybe the goal will be changed in the future,but never mind ,you just need a goal that the goal is what u real want ,not other people's goal. it is enough.

but i do not know how to  put down that hardship time and how to forget that time

maybe it need time or maybe i can not forget it in fact or i can not put down it.

it may company me a whole life,so when i memory it ,i will comfort myself:"i am a colleage student now,i alive from that painful war."and just have a bitter smile.

it just like,people who have the unfortune child time need whole life to put down the pain

also i need whole life to put down this pain from my senior high school

and i think i will not have the courage to get through these three years again.

i think this is many guys'voice ,not just mine.

what i want to talk next time,i do not know

this time maybe a little sad.but i alive  at least 


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