Day22--learning English











10.Base on what








18.jam tomorrow





Wool [ wʊl ] [名词]

1. the soft fine hair that covers the body of sheep, goats and some other animals


2. long thick thread made from animal's wool, used for knitting毛线;绒线

   - a ball of wool 一团毛线

3. cloth made from animal's wool, used for making clothes, etc.毛料;毛织物

   - This scarf is 100% wool. 这条披肩是纯毛的。

   - pure new wool 纯新毛料

   - a wool blanket 毛毯

— see also cotton wool, dyed in the wool, lambswool, steel wool, wire wool

IDM see pull v.

Stern [ stɜːn ]( sterner, sternest)

1. serious and often disapproving; expecting somebody to obey you


   SYN strict

   - a stern face/expression/look 严厉的面容╱表情╱目光

   - a stern warning 严厉的警告

   - Her voice was stern. 她声调严厉。

   - The police are planning sterner measures to combat crime. 警方正制订更严厉的措施打击犯罪活动。

2. serious and difficult严峻的;难对付的

   - We face stern opposition. 我们遇到激烈的反对。


- be made of sterner stuff

  to have a stronger character and to be more determined in dealing with problems than other people性格十分坚强;有很大的毅力


  • sternly, sternness [ U]

the back end of a ship or boat船尾

Resolute adj. /ˈrezəluːt/

having or showing great determination坚决的;有决心的

SYN determined

- resolute leadership 坚定的领导

- He became even more resolute in his opposition to the plan.


OPP irresolute


1. resolutely adv.

   - They remain resolutely opposed to the idea. 他们仍然坚决反对这种观点。

2. resoluteness n. [ U]

Feisty adj.  /ˈfaɪsti/

( feist·ierfeisti·est)

( informal approving) ( of people人 ) strong, determined and not afraid of arguing with people坚决而据理力争的

pickle  n. /ˈpɪkl/

1. [C usually pl.] (BrE) a vegetable that has been preserved in vinegar or salt water and has a strong flavor, served cold with meat, salads, etc.泡菜;腌菜

2. [U] (BrE) a cold thick spicy sauce made from fruit and vegetables that have been boiled, often sold in jars and served with meat, cheese, etc.菜酱

3. [UC] (NAmE)= gherkin(1)


- in a pickle

  (informal) in a difficult or unpleasant situation


frame  /freɪm/


1.[ C]a strong border or structure of wood, metal, etc. that holds a picture, door, piece of glass, etc. in position(图画、门、玻璃等的)框架

•a picture frame画框

•aluminium window frames铝窗框


2.[ C]the supporting structure of a piece of furniture, a building, a vehicle, etc. that gives it its shape(家具、建筑物、车辆等的)构架,支架,骨架

•the frame of an aircraft/a car/a bicycle飞行器╱汽车╱自行车构架

——see alsoclimbing frame


3.[ Cusually pl.]a structure of plastic or metal that holds the lenses in a pair of glasses眼镜框

•gold-rimmed frames金边眼镜框


4.[ Cusually sing.]the form or structure of a person or animal's body


•to have a small/slender/large frame 体形小╱苗条╱大


5.[ sing.]the general ideas or structure that form the background to sth(构成某事物背景的)总的思想,体系,体制,模式

•In this course we hope to look at literature in the frame of its social and historical context.在本课程中,我们希望从社会和历史背景的整体结构来看文学。

——see alsotime frame


6.[ C]one of the single photographs that a film or video is made of帧;画格;画面


7.[ C]a single picture in a comic strip(连环漫画中的)一幅画


8.[ C]one of the separate areas on an Internet page that you can scroll through (= read by using the mouse to move the text up or down) 帧;页帧(框);图文框


9.[ C]= cold frame


10.[ C]a single section of play in the game of snooker , etc., or in bowling一轮;一回;一局

IDIOMS 习语 in/out of the ˈframe

be taking part/not taking part in sth参加;不参加

•We won our match, so we're still in the frame for the championship.



1.[ usually passive]to put or make a frame or border around sth给…做框;给…镶边

•The photograph had been framed.照片已镶了框。

•Her blonde hair framed her face.她的金发衬着面庞。

•He stood there, head back, framed against the blue sky.



2.[ usually passive]~ sb (for sth)to produce false evidence against an innocent person so that people think he or she is guilty作伪证陷害

SYNfit up•He says he was framed.他说他是被诬陷的。


3.( formal ) to create and develop sth such as a plan, a system or a set of rules


EXPRESS STH 表达 express sth in a particular way(以某种方式)表达

•You'll have to be careful how you frame the question.



framed ( often in compounds常构成复合词 ) adj

•a framed photograph装在相框里的相片

•a timber-framed house (= with a supporting structure of wood) 木结构房屋

quail  n. /kweɪl/ (pl. quails or quail)

1. [C/U] a small brown bird, whose meat and eggs are used for food; the meat of this bird


2. [V] ~ (at/before sb/sth) (literary) to feel frightened or to show that you are frightened


hose  n. /həʊz/

1. (BrE) ( /ˈhəʊzpaɪp/ also hosepipe) [C/U]

   a long tube made of rubber, plastic, etc., used for putting water onto fires, gardens, etc.


   - a garden hose 浇花园的软管

   - a length of hose 一段软管

   —— see also fire hose

2. [pl.] = hosiery

3. [pl.]

   trousers/pants that fit tightly over the legs, worn by men in the past


   - doublet and hose 紧身上衣和紧身裤

[VN] to wash or pour water on sth using a hose


- Firemen hosed the burning car. 消防队员用水龙带向燃烧的汽车喷水。


1. ˌhose sth ←→ ˈdown

   to wash sth using a hose


rav·ish v. /ˈrævɪʃ/ (literary)


1. (of a man男子) to force a woman to have sex 强暴;强奸

   SYN rape

2. [usually passive] to give sb great pleasure 使狂喜;使销魂

nim·ble adj. /ˈnɪmbl/ (nim·bler /ˈnɪmblə(r)/ nim·blest /ˈnɪmblɪst/)

1. able to move quickly and easily 灵活的;敏捷的

   SYN agile

   • You need nimble fingers for that job. 干这活需要手指灵巧。

   • She was extremely nimble on her feet. 她的双脚特别灵活。

2. (of the mind头脑) able to think and understand quickly 思路敏捷的;机敏的


nim·bly /ˈnɪmbli/ adv

shut·ter n. /ˈʃʌtə(r)/

1. [usually pl.] one of a pair of wooden or metal covers that can be closed over the outside of a window to keep out light or protect the windows from damage 活动护窗;百叶窗

   • to open/close the shutters 打开╱关上护窗

   (BrE figurative)

   • More than 70,000 shopkeepers have been forced to put up the shutters (= close down their businesses) in the past year. 去年,有7万多家商店被迫关了门。

2. the part of a camera that opens to allow light to pass through the lens when you take a photograph (照相机的)快门



   to stop letting sb know what your thoughts or feelings are; to stop letting yourself think about sth


Spawn v. /spɔːn/

1. [VVN] (of fish, frogs, etc. 鱼、蛙等) to lay eggs 产卵

2. [VN] (often disapproving) to cause something to develop or be produced 引发;引起;导致;造成

   • The band's album spawned a string of hit singles. 这支乐队的专辑繁衍出一连串走红的单曲唱片。

[n. U] a soft substance containing the eggs of fish, frogs, etc.


Blanket n. /ˈblæŋkɪt/

1. a large cover, often made of wool, used especially on beds to keep people warm 毯子;毛毯

   ——see also electric blanket

2. [usually sing.] ~ of sth a thick layer or covering of something 厚层;厚的覆盖层

   • a blanket of fog/snow/cloud 厚厚的一层雾╱雪╱云


   • The trial was conducted under a blanket of secrecy. 审讯在高度保密下进行。

   ——see also wet blanket

[only before noun] including or affecting all possible cases, situations, or people 包括所有情形(或人员)的;总括的;综合的

• a blanket ban on tobacco advertising 烟草广告的全面取缔

• a blanket refusal 完全拒绝

[VN] [often passive] (formal) to cover something completely with a thick layer 以厚层覆盖

• Snow soon blanketed the frozen ground.


shiver v. /ˈʃɪvə(r)/

1. [V] ~ (with sth) (of a person) to shake slightly because you are cold, frightened, excited, etc. 颤抖,哆嗦(因寒冷、恐惧、激动等)

• to shiver with cold/excitement/pleasure, etc.


• Don't stand outside shivering—come inside and get warm!


• He shivered at the thought of the cold, dark sea.


2. [C] a sudden shaking movement of your body because you are cold, frightened, excited, etc. 颤抖,哆嗦(因寒冷、恐惧、激动等)

• The sound of his voice sent shivers down her spine.


• He felt a cold shiver of fear run through him. 他吓得打了一个寒战。

3. the shivers [pl.] shaking movements of your body because of fear or a high temperature 寒战,寒噤(因恐惧或发高烧)

• I don't like him. He gives me the shivers. 我不喜欢他,一见他我就不寒而栗。

• Symptoms include headaches, vomiting and the shivers.


Braise v.  /breɪz/

[ VN] to cook meat or vegetables very slowly with a little liquid in a closed container煨

•braising steak (= that is suitable for braising ) 供炖煮的肉排

squat  /skwɒt/ ( -tt- )

1. [V] ~ (down) to sit on your heels with your knees bent up close to your body 蹲坐;蹲

2. to live in a building or on land which is not yours, without the owner's permission 偷住,擅自占用(房子或地方)


   • They ended up squatting in the empty houses on Oxford Road. 他们落得在牛津路偷住空房的境地。

   (especially BrE) a building that people are living in without permission and without paying rent 偷住的房子

   • to live in a squat 擅自住在他人空着的房子里

2. a squatting position of the body 蹲坐;蹲 short and wide or fat, in a way that is not attractive 矮而宽的;矮胖的

   • a squat tower 矮而粗的塔

   • a squat muscular man with a shaven head 剃光头的矮壮男人

drip  /drɪp/ ( -pp- )

1. [V usually + adv./prep.] (of liquid 液体) to fall in small drops 滴下

   • She was hot and sweat dripped into her eyes. 她很热,汗水滴入双眼。

   • Water was dripping down the walls. 水从墙上滴落下来.

2. to produce drops of liquid 滴出;滴水[V]

   • The tap was dripping. 龙头在滴水.

   • Her hair dripped down her back. 她头发上的水顺着后背滴落下来.

   [VN]• Be careful, you're dripping paint everywhere!


3. ~ (with) sth to contain or hold a lot of sth 含有;充满;充溢

   [V]• The trees were dripping with fruit. 树上挂满了果子.

   [VN]• His voice dripped sarcasm. 他的话语中充满了讥讽.

1. [sing.] the sound or action of small drops of liquid falling continuously 滴落;滴水声;滴答声

   • The silence was broken only by the steady drip, drip of water from the roof. 只有屋顶上滴答滴答持续不断的滴水声打破了寂静.

2. [C] a small drop of liquid that falls from sth 水滴;滴液

   • We put a bucket under the hole in the roof to catch the drips. 我们在屋顶漏洞下放了一个水桶接水滴.

3. [C] (medical 医) (NAmE also IV) a piece of equipment that passes liquid food, medicine or blood very slowly through a tube into a patient's vein(静脉)滴注器

   • She's been put on a drip. 她一直在输液.

4. [C] (informal becoming old-fashioned) a boring or stupid person with a weak personality 怯懦讨厌的人;愚蠢胆怯的人

   SYN wimp

   • Don't be such a drip—come and join in the fun!


re·per·cus·sion n. /ˌriːpəˈkʌʃn/

[usually pl.] an indirect and usually bad result of an action or event that may happen some time afterwards(间接的)影响,反响,恶果

SYN consequence

• The collapse of the company will have repercussions for the whole industry. 这家公司的垮台将会给整个行业造成间接的负面影响.

— note at effect




1. Wool - The wool of this sweater is very soft.

   羊毛 - 这件毛衣的羊毛很柔软。

2. Stern - The captain had a stern expression on his face.

   严厉的 - 船长脸上带着严厉的表情。

3. Resolute - She was resolute in her decision to pursue her dreams.

   坚决的 - 她坚决决定追求她的梦想。

4. Feisty - The feisty little dog barked at everyone who passed by.

   好斗的 - 这只好斗的小狗对经过的人都吠叫。

5. Pickle - I enjoy eating pickles with my sandwich.

   泡菜 - 我喜欢在三明治里吃泡菜。

6. Quail - The hunter aimed at the quail in the bushes.

   鹌鹑 - 猎人瞄准了灌木丛中的鹌鹑。

7. Frame - She placed the photo in a beautiful frame.

   框架,画框 - 她把照片放在一个漂亮的画框里。

8. Hose - I need to water the garden, can you pass me the hose?

   水管,软管 - 我需要给花园浇水,你能把水管递给我吗?

9. Ravish - The breathtaking view of the sunset ravished her senses.

   强奸,迷惑 - 日落的惊人景色迷惑了她的感官。

10. Base on what - I can't make a decision without knowing the facts base on what you're telling me.

    根据什么 - 根据你告诉我的事实,我无法做出决定。

11. Nimble - The nimble cat leaped gracefully onto the windowsill.

    灵活的,敏捷的 - 灵活的猫优雅地跳上了窗台。

12. Shutter - The photographer pressed the button to release the shutter.

    百叶窗,快门 - 摄影师按下按钮释放快门。

13. Spawn - The heavy rainfall caused the river to spawn many fish.

    产卵,崛起 - 大雨导致河流产生了许多鱼。

14. Shiver - She shivered in the cold wind.

    发抖,颤抖 - 她在寒风中打颤。

15. Blanket - She pulled the warm blanket over herself and fell asleep.

    毛毯,覆盖物 - 她拉过温暖的毛毯盖住自己然后睡着了。

16. Squat - The frog likes to squat by the pond.

    蹲下,蹲姿 - 青蛙喜欢在池塘边蹲着。

17. Braise - The chef will braise the meat for several hours.

    炖,焖 - 厨师将把肉炖上几个小时。

18. Jam tomorrow - Don't promise me jam tomorrow, I want results today.

    空头支票,明天再说 - 别对我许下明天的空头支票,我想要今天的结果。

19. Drip - The leaky faucet continued to drip water.

    滴,点滴 - 漏水的水龙头不断滴水。

20. Repercussion - His actions had serious repercussions for the company.

    反响,影响 - 他的行为对公司产生了严重的影响。


Title: The Feisty Pickle and the Resolute Shepherd

In a quaint village nestled among rolling hills, there lived a resolute shepherd named Jack. He was known for his stern demeanor and woolen attire, always ready to face any challenge that came his way. One day, as he tended to his flock, he stumbled upon a feisty pickle caught in a fence. The pickle seemed to quail in fear as Jack approached, but he gently freed it from the fence and placed it on a nearby frame.

To his surprise, the feisty pickle began to dance about, its nimble movements causing Jack to quiver with laughter. As the sun began to set, Jack decided to bring the lively pickle back to his humble abode, where he wrapped it in a cozy blanket to keep it warm through the night. Little did he know that this simple act of kindness would spawn a series of unexpected events.

That night, as Jack slept soundly, the mischievous pickle managed to loosen the hose connected to the water well, causing it to gush forth and flood the entire cottage. Startled by the commotion, Jack awoke to find himself knee-deep in water, the mischievous pickle perched atop a shelf, wearing a sly grin.

Determined to teach the pickle a lesson, Jack decided to braise it in a pot of hot water. However, just as he was about to carry out his plan, a sudden shiver ran down his spine, and he hesitated. In that moment, he realized that his actions could have dire repercussions, and he chose to release the pickle back into the wild instead.

As the sun rose over the hills the next morning, Jack and the feisty pickle bid each other farewell. Though their encounter had been filled with mischief and mayhem, it had also taught them both valuable lessons about compassion and understanding. From that day on, the villagers spoke of the shepherd who had tamed a feisty pickle, and Jack became known not only for his resolute nature but also for his kind heart.









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