bevy the book 20140118翻译(全)

源自:Bevy Book: Introduction

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Introduction 介绍

If you came here because you wanted to learn how to make 2D / 3D games, visualizations, user interfaces, or other graphical applications with Bevy ... you came to the right place! If not, stick around anyway. I promise it will be fun.

如果你来这里是因为你想学习如何用Bevy制作2D / 3D游戏、可视化、用户界面或其他图形应用程序……你来对地方了!如果没有,那还是留下来吧。我保证会很有趣。

what's a bevy?

A bevy is a group of birds!     bevy就是一群鸟!

But Bevy is also a refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust. It is free and open-source forever.


Bevy has the following design goals:


  • Capable: Offer a complete 2D and 3D feature set       功能:提供完整的2D和3D功能集
  • Simple: Easy for newbies to pick up, but infinitely flexible for power users       简单:对新手来说很容易上手,但对高级用户来说却无限灵活
  • Data Focused: Data-oriented architecture using the Entity Component System paradigm         以数据为中心:使用实体组件系统范例的面向数据的体系结构
  • Modular: Use only what you need. Replace what you don't like           模块化:只使用你需要的。替换你不喜欢的东西
  • Fast: App logic should run quickly, and when possible, in parallel         快速:应用程序逻辑应该快速运行,如果可能的话,并行运行
  • Productive: Changes should compile quickly ... waiting isn't fun          高效:更改应该编译得很快……等待并不有趣

Bevy is built in the open by volunteers using the Rust programming language. The code is free and open-source because we believe developers should fully own their tools. Games are a huge part of our culture and humanity is investing millions of hours into the development of games. Why are we continuing to build up the ecosystems of closed-source monopolies that take cuts of our sales and deny us visibility into the tech we use daily? We believe that the developer community can do so much better.


For a more in-depth introduction, check out the Introducing Bevy blog post.


Stability Warning 稳定的警告

Bevy is still in the early stages of development. Important features are missing. Documentation is sparse. A new version of Bevy containing breaking changes to the API is released approximately once every 3 months. We provide migration guides, but we can't guarantee migrations will always be easy. Use only if you are willing to work in this environment.


If you are currently trying to pick an engine for your Next Big Project™, we recommend that you check out Godot Engine. It is currently much more feature-complete and stable. And it is also free, open-source, and scriptable with Rust!

如果您目前正在尝试为您的Next Big Project™选择一个引擎,我们建议您选择Godot engine。它目前的功能更加完整和稳定。它也是免费的、开源的,并且可以用Rust编写脚本!

This official book is still very incomplete. It will help you get started with the setup and learning the basics, but it does not yet cover most of Bevy's features. See the Next Steps page for links to other, more exhaustive, learning resources you can use.

这本正式的书还很不完整。它将帮助您开始设置和学习基础知识,但它还没有涵盖Bevy的大部分功能。请参阅Next Steps页面,以获得可以使用的其他更详尽的学习资源的链接。

Phew! If you haven't been scared away yet, let's move on to learning some Bevy!


NEXT 下一个

Getting Started 开始

Getting Started 开始

This section will help you get started on your Bevy journey as quickly as possible. It will walk you through setting up your development environment and writing a simple Bevy app.


Quick Start 快速启动

If you want to dive in immediately and you already have a working Rust setup, feel free to follow this "quick start" guide. Otherwise, move on to the next page.


Note: the "fast compiles" setup is on the next page, so you might want to read that section first.


Try the Examples     试试这些例子

  1. Clone the Bevy repo:     克隆Bevy代码库:

  2. Navigate to the new "bevy" folder     导航到新的“bevy”文件夹

    cd bevy
  3. Switch to the correct Bevy version (as the default is the git main development branch) 切换到正确的Bevy版本(默认是git主开发分支)

    #use the latest Bevy release   # 使用最新的Bevy版本
    git checkout latest   # 签出最新
    #or a specific version   # 或者一个特定的版本
    git checkout v0.12.1   # 当前最新版本
  4. Try the examples in the examples folder      尝试示例文件夹中的示例

    cargo run --example breakout

Add Bevy as a Dependency     将Bevy添加为依赖项

Bevy is available as a library on

Bevy是一个库,可以在crate .io上找到。

The easiest way to add it to your project is to use cargo add:

将其添加到项目中最简单的方法是使用cargo add:

cargo add bevy

Alternatively, you can manually add it to your project's Cargo.toml like this:

或者,您可以手动将其添加到项目的Cargo.toml 中,象这样:

# 依赖关系
bevy = "0.12"   # make sure this is the latest version # 确保这是最新版本

Make sure to use the latest bevy  crate version

确保使用最新版本 bevy crate ( Crate版本 0.12.1)

NEXT 下一个

Setup 设置

Setup 设置

I know you are itching to start making games, but we need to do a small amount of setup first.


Rust Setup     rust的设置

All Bevy app and engine code is written in Rust. This means that before we begin, we need to set up our Rust development environment.


Installing Rust     安装rust

Bevy relies heavily on improvements in the Rust language and compiler. As a result, the Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) is "the latest stable release" of Rust.


Install Rust by following the Rust Getting Started Guide.


Once this is done, you should have the rustc compiler and the cargo build system installed in your path.


Install OS dependencies     安装操作系统依赖项


Follow the instructions at Linux Dependencies 

按照Linux Dependencies中的说明进行操作

  • Run the Visual Studio 2019 build tools installer     运行Visual Studio 2019构建工具安装程序
  • For easy setup, select the Desktop development with C++ workload in the installer.        为了便于安装,请在安装程序中选择使用C++工作负载的桌面开发。
  • For a minimal setup, follow these steps:     要进行最小设置,请遵循以下步骤:
    1. In the installer, navigate to  Individual components.    在安装程序中,导航到Individual components 单个组件
    2. Select the latest MSVC for your architecture and version of Windows    选择最新的 适用于您的体系结构和Windows版本的MSVC
    3. Select the latest 选择最新的Windows SDK for your version of Windows 用于您的Windows版本
    4. Select the latest Windows SDK for your version of Windows     选择用于Windows组件的C++CMake工具
    5. Install the components     安装组件

Install the Xcode command line tools with xcode-select --install or the Xcode app

使用Xcode select--Install或Xcode应用程序安装Xcode命令行工具

Code Editor / IDE          代码编辑器/ IDE

You can use any code editor you want, but we highly recommend one that has a rust-analyzer plugin. It's still in development, but it already provides top-tier autocomplete and code intelligence. Visual Studio Code has an officially supported rust-analyzer extension.

您可以使用任何您想要的代码编辑器,但我们强烈建议使用带有rust-analyzer rust分析器插件的代码编辑器。它仍在开发中,但它已经提供了顶级的自动补全和代码智能。Visual Studio Code有一个官方支持的rust分析器扩展。

Rust Learning Resources     Rust学习资源

The goal of this book is to learn Bevy, so it won't serve as a full Rust education. If you would like to learn more about the Rust language, check out the following resources:


  • The Rust Book: the best place to learn Rust from scratch          Rust Book:从头开始学习Rust的最佳场所
  • Rust by Example: learn Rust by working through live coding examples                   通过示例学习Rust:通过现场编码示例学习Rust

Create a new Bevy Project        创建一个新的Bevy项目

Now we are ready to set up a Bevy project! Bevy is just a normal Rust dependency. You can either add it to an existing Rust project or create a new one. For completeness we will assume you are starting from scratch.


Create a new Rust executable project          创建一个新的Rust可执行项目

First, navigate to a folder where you want to create your new project. Then, run the following command to create a new folder containing our rust executable project:


cargo new my_bevy_game
cd my_bevy_game

Now run cargo run to build and run your project. You should see Hello, world! printed to your terminal. Open the my_bevy_game folder in your code editor of choice and take some time to look through the files.

现在运行cargo run来构建和运行项目。你应该看看Hello, world!打印到您的终端。在您选择的代码编辑器中打开my_bevy_game文件夹,并花一些时间查看这些文件。 is the entry point of your program:  是程序的入口点:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Cargo.toml is your "project file". It contains metadata about your project such as its name, dependencies, and build configuration.

Cargo.toml 是你的“project file 项目文件”。它包含有关项目的元数据,例如项目的名称、依赖项和构建配置。

name = "my_bevy_game"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"


Add Bevy as a dependency      添加Bevy作为依赖项

Bevy is available as a library on, the official Rust package repository.


The easiest way to add it to your project is to use cargo add:

将其添加到项目中最简单的方法是使用cargo add:

cargo add bevy

Alternatively, you can manually add it to your project's Cargo.toml like this:

或者,您可以手动将其添加到项目的 Cargo.toml中,象这样:

name = "my_bevy_game"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021" # this needs to be 2021, or you need to set "resolver=2"
                 # 这需要是2021,否则您需要设置“resolver=2”

bevy = "0.12" # make sure this is the latest version # 确保这是最新版本

Make sure to use the latest  bevy  crate version ( Crate版本0.12.1)

确保使用最新的 bevy 板条箱版本(0.12.1)

Cargo Workspaces       Cargo工作区

If you are using Cargo Workspaces, you will also need to add the resolver to your Cargo.toml file in the root directory:

如果您正在使用Cargo工作区,您还需要将解析器添加到根目录下的 Cargo.toml文件:

resolver = "2" # Important! wgpu/Bevy needs this!
               # 重要!wgpu/Bevy需要这个!

Compile with Performance Optimizations          使用性能优化进行编译

While it may not be an issue for simple projects, debug builds in Rust can be very slow - especially when you start using Bevy to make real games.


It's not uncommon for debug builds using the default configuration to take multiple minutes to load large 3D models, or for the framerate for simple scenes to drop to near-unplayable levels.


Fortunately, there is a simple fix, and we don't have to give up our fast iterative compiles! Add the following to your Cargo.toml:


# Enable a small amount of optimization in debug mode
# 在调试模式下启用少量优化
opt-level = 1

# Enable high optimizations for dependencies (incl. Bevy), but not for our code:
# 为依赖项(包括Bevy)启用高度优化,但不为我们的代码启用:
opt-level = 3

You might think to simply develop in release mode instead, but we recommend against this as it can worsen the development experience by slowing down recompiles and disabling helpful debug symbols and assertions.


Enable Fast Compiles (Optional)       启用快速编译(可选)

Bevy can be built just fine using default configuration on stable Rust. However for maximally fast iterative compiles, we recommend the following configuration:


  • Enable Bevy's Dynamic Linking Feature: This is the most impactful compilation time decrease! If bevy is a dependency, you can compile the binary with the "dynamic_linking" feature flag (enables dynamic linking). Important! On Windows you must also enable the perfomance optimizations or you will get a too many exported symbols error.                       启用Bevy的动态链接功能:这是最有效的编译时间减少的方法!如果bevy是一个依赖项,你可以编译带有"dynamic_linking"特性标志的二进制文件(启用动态链接)。重要!在Windows上,你还必须启用性能优化,否则你会得到太多的导出符号的错误。

    cargo run --features bevy/dynamic_linking

    If you don't want to add the --features bevy/dynamic_linking to each run, this flag can permanently be set via Cargo.toml:         如果你不想在每次运行时都添加--features bevy/dynamic_linking,这个标志可以通过Cargo.toml永久设置:

    bevy = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["dynamic_linking"] }

    NOTE: Remember to revert this before releasing your game! Otherwise you will need to include libbevy_dylib alongside your game if you want it to run. If you remove the "dynamic" feature, your game executable can run standalone.            注意:在发布游戏之前,请务必恢复此设置!否则,如果你想让游戏运行,你就需要在游戏中包含libbevy_dylib。如果你移除“动态”功能,你的游戏可执行文件就可以独立运行了。

  • LLD linker: The Rust compiler spends a lot of time in the "link" step. LLD is much faster at linking than the default Rust linker. To install LLD, find your OS below and run the given command:                  LLD链接器:Rust编译器在“链接”步骤上花费了大量时间。LLD的链接速度比默认的Rust链接器快得多。要安装LLD,请找到下面的操作系统并运行给定的命令:

    • Ubuntusudo apt-get install lld

    • Fedorasudo dnf install lld 

    • Archsudo pacman -S lld 

    • Windows: Ensure you have the latest cargo-binutils as this lets commands like cargo run use the LLD linker automatically.         Windows:确保您有最新的cargo-binutils,因为这允许像cargo run这样的命令自动使用LLD链接器。

      cargo install -f cargo-binutils
      rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
    • MacOS: You can follow these instructions to install lld manually or install llvm through brew which includes lld: brew install llvm         MacOS:您可以按照以下说明手动安装lld或通过brew安装llvm,其中包括lld: brew install llvm

  • Alternative - mold linker: mold is up to 5× (five times!) faster than LLD, but with a few caveats like limited platform support and occasional stability issues. To install mold, find your OS below and run the given command:                可选的模具连接器:模具比LLD快5倍(5倍!),但有一些注意事项,如有限的平台支持和偶尔的稳定性问题。要安装模具,找到下面的操作系统并运行给定的命令:

    • Ubuntusudo apt-get install mold clang

    • Fedorasudo dnf install mold clang

    • Archsudo pacman -S mold clang 

    • Windows: currently not planned for support See this tracking issue for more information.            Windows:目前未计划支持,请参阅此跟踪问题以获取更多信息。

    • MacOS: is available commercially with sold MacOS:       已在市面上出售

      You will also need to add the following to your Cargo config at YOUR_WORKSPACE/.cargo/config.toml:             您还需要在YOUR_WORKSPACE/.cargo/config.toml的Cargo配置中添加以下内容:

      linker = "clang"
      rustflags = ["-C", "link-arg=-fuse-ld=/usr/bin/mold"]

      NOTE: Disabling bevy/dynamic may improve the performance of this linker.            注意:禁用bevy/dynamic可以提高此链接器的性能。

  • Nightly Rust Compiler: This gives access to the latest performance improvements and "unstable" optimizations          夜间版Rust编译器:这提供了访问最新的性能改进和“不稳定”优化

    Create a rust-toolchain.toml file in the root of your project, next to Cargo.toml.                 在项目的根目录中,在Cargo.toml旁边创建一个rust-tolchain.toml文件。

    channel = "nightly"

    For more information, see The rustup book: Overrides.              有关更多信息,请参阅rust手册:Overrides。

  • Generic Sharing: Allows crates to share monomorphized generic code instead of duplicating it. In some cases this allows us to "precompile" generic code so it doesn't affect iterative compiles. This is only available on nightly Rust.             泛型共享:允许crate共享单态泛型代码,而不是复制它。在某些情况下,这允许我们“预编译”泛型代码,这样它就不会影响迭代编译。这只适用于夜间版Rust

To enable fast compiles, install the nightly rust compiler and LLD. Then copy the contents of this file to YOUR_WORKSPACE/.cargo/config.toml. For the project in this guide, that would be my_bevy_game/.cargo/config.toml.


If something went wrong, check out our troubleshooting section or ask for help on our Discord.


Build Bevy 编译Bevy

Now run cargo run again. The Bevy dependencies should start building. This will take some time as you are essentially building an engine from scratch. You will only need to do a full rebuild once. Every build after this one will be fast!

现在再运行cargo run。Bevy依赖项应该开始构建。这需要一些时间,因为你基本上是从零开始构建一个引擎。您只需要进行一次完整的重建。这之后的每一个构建都会很快!

Now that we have our Bevy project set up, we're ready to start making our first Bevy app!


NEXT 下一个

Apps 应用程序

Apps 应用程序

Bevy programs are referred to as Apps. The simplest Bevy app looks like this:


use bevy::prelude::*;

fn main() {

Nice and simple right? Copy the code above into your file, then run:


cargo run

in your project folder. You will notice that ... nothing happens. This is because we haven't told our app to do anything yet! Apps are just empty shells capable of running our application logic. Let's add some logic to our App using Bevy ECS.

在您的项目文件夹中。你会注意到……什么也不会发生。这是因为我们还没有告诉我们的应用做任何事情!应用程序只是能够运行我们的应用程序逻辑的空壳。让我们使用Bevy ECS向应用程序添加一些逻辑。

NEXT 下一个



All app logic in Bevy uses the Entity Component System paradigm, which is often shortened to ECS. ECS is a software pattern that involves breaking your program up into EntitiesComponents, and SystemsEntities are unique "things" that are assigned groups of Components, which are then processed using Systems.


For example, one entity might have a Position and Velocity component, whereas another entity might have a Position and UI component. Systems are logic that runs on a specific set of component types. You might have a movement system that runs on all entities with a Position and Velocity component.


The ECS pattern encourages clean, decoupled designs by forcing you to break up your app data and logic into its core components. It also helps make your code faster by optimizing memory access patterns and making parallelism easier.


Bevy ECS        bevy ECS

Bevy ECS is Bevy's implementation of the ECS pattern. Unlike other Rust ECS implementations, which often require complex lifetimes, traits, builder patterns, or macros, Bevy ECS uses normal Rust datatypes for all of these concepts:

Bevy ECS是Bevy对ECS模式的实现。与其他Rust ECS实现不同,这些实现通常需要复杂的生命周期、特征、构建器模式或宏,Bevy ECS使用普通的Rust数据类型来实现所有这些概念:

  • Components: Rust structs that implement the Component trait              组件:实现Component特性的Rust结构

    struct Position { x: f32, y: f32 }
  • Systems: normal Rust functions          系统:普通的Rust函数

    fn print_position_system(query: Query<&Position>) {
        for position in &query {
            println!("position: {} {}", position.x, position.y);
  • Entities: a simple type containing a unique integer      实体:包含唯一整数的简单类型

    struct Entity(u64);

Now let's see how this works in practice!


Your First System       你的第一个系统

Paste the following function into your file:


fn hello_world() {
    println!("hello world!");

This will be our first system. The only remaining step is to add it to our App!


use bevy::prelude::*;

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Update, hello_world)

The add_systems() function adds the system to your App's Update Schedule, but we'll cover that more later.

add_systems()函数将系统添加到应用程序的Update Schedule中,但我们稍后会详细介绍。

Now run your app again using cargo run. You should see hello world! printed once in your terminal.

现在使用cargo run再次运行应用程序。你应该看到hello world!在终端中打印一次。

Your First Components     你的第一个组件

Greeting the whole world is great, but what if we want to greet specific people? In ECS, you would generally model people as entities with a set of components that define them. Let's start simple with a Person component.


Add this struct to your file:


struct Person;

But what if we want our people to have a name? In a more traditional design, we might just tack on a name: String field to Person. But other entities might have names too! For example, dogs should probably also have a name. It often makes sense to break datatypes up in to small pieces to encourage code reuse. So let's make Name its own component:

但如果我们想让我们的人有个名字呢?在更传统的设计中,我们可能只是给Person添加一个name: String字段。但其他实体也可能有名字!例如,狗可能也应该有一个名字。将数据类型分解成小块鼓励代码重用通常是有意义的。让我们让Name成为它自己的组件:

struct Name(String);

We can then add people to our World using a "startup system". Startup systems are just like normal systems, but they run exactly once, before all other systems, right when our app starts. Let's use Commands to spawn some entities into our World:


fn add_people(mut commands: Commands) {
    commands.spawn((Person, Name("Elaina Proctor".to_string())));
    commands.spawn((Person, Name("Renzo Hume".to_string())));
    commands.spawn((Person, Name("Zayna Nieves".to_string())));

Now register the startup system like this:


fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, add_people)
        .add_systems(Update, hello_world)

Your First Query         你的第一个查询

We could run this now and the add_people system would run first, followed by hello_world. But our new people don't have anything to do yet! Let's make a system that properly greets the new citizens of our World:


fn greet_people(query: Query<&Name, With<Person>>) {
    for name in &query {
        println!("hello {}!", name.0);

The parameters we pass into a "system function" define what data the system runs on. In this case, greet_people will run on all entities with the Person and Name component.

我们传递给“system function 系统函数”的参数定义了系统运行的数据。在本例中,greet_people将在具有Person和Name组件的所有实体上运行。

You can interpret the Query above as: "iterate over every Name component for entities that also have a Person component".


Now we just register the system in our App. Note that you can pass more than one system into an add_systems call by using a tuple!


fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, add_people)
        .add_systems(Update, (hello_world, greet_people))

Running our app will result in the following output:


hello world!
hello Elaina Proctor!
hello Renzo Hume!
hello Zayna Nieves! 



Quick Note: "hello world!" might show up in a different order than it does above. This is because systems run in parallel by default whenever possible.

快速提示:“hello world!”可能以与上面不同的顺序出现。这是因为系统在默认情况下尽可能并行运行

Your First mutable Query     你的第一个可变查询

If we want to change the names of some people (perhaps they got married!), for example, we can do this using a mutable query:


fn update_people(mut query: Query<&mut Name, With<Person>>) {
    for mut name in &mut query {
        if name.0 == "Elaina Proctor" {
            name.0 = "Elaina Hume".to_string();
            break; // We don’t need to change any other names
                   // 我们不需要更改任何其他名称

We need to make query mutable, and use a mutable reference (&mut) to the components we want to change.


Don’t forget to add the system to the Update schedule:


fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, add_people)
        .add_systems(Update, (hello_world, (update_people, greet_people).chain()))

Note that we have used .chain() on the two systems. This is because we want them two to run in exactly the order they're listed in the code: with update_people occurring before greet_people. If they weren’t, the name might change after we greet the people.


But we don’t add the hello_world system to the chain, because it doesn’t matter when it runs. This way, Bevy can run hello_world in parallel while the other systems are running.


NEXT 下一个

Plugins 插件

Plugins   插件

One of Bevy's core principles is modularity. All Bevy engine features are implemented as plugins. This includes internal features like the renderer, but games themselves are also implemented as plugins! This empowers developers to pick and choose which features they want. Don't need a UI? Don't register the UiPlugin. Want to build a headless server? Don't register the RenderPlugin.


This also means you are free to replace any components you don't like. If you feel the need, you are welcome to build your own UiPlugin, but consider contributing it back to Bevy if you think it would be useful!

这也意味着您可以自由更换任何您不喜欢的组件。如果你觉得有必要,欢迎你构建自己的UiPlugin,而且如果你认为它有用的话,可以考虑把它贡献给Bevy !

However, most developers don't need a custom experience and just want the "full engine" experience with no hassle. For this, Bevy provides a set of "default plugins".


Bevy's Default Plugins       Bevy的默认插件

Let's make our app more interesting by adding the "default Bevy plugins". add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) adds the features most people expect from an engine, such as a 2D / 3D renderer, asset loading, a UI system, windows, and input.

让我们通过添加“默认Bevy插件”来使我们的应用程序更有趣。add_plugins(DefaultPlugins)添加了大多数人期望从引擎中获得的功能,如2D / 3D渲染器、资产加载、UI系统、窗口和输入。

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, add_people)
        .add_systems(Update, (hello_world, greet_people))

Once again run cargo run.     

再次运行cargo run

You should hopefully notice two things:


  • A window should pop up. This is because we now have WindowPlugin, which defines the window interface (but doesn't actually know how to make windows), and WinitPlugin which uses the winit library to create a window using your OS's native window API.                        应该弹出一个窗口。这是因为我们现在有了WindowPlugin,它定义了窗口接口(但实际上不知道如何创建窗口),以及WinitPlugin,它使用winit库使用操作系统的本机窗口API创建窗口。
  • Your console is now full of "hello" messages: This is because DefaultPlugins adds an "event loop" to our application. Our App's ECS Schedule now runs in a loop once per "frame". We will resolve the console spam in a moment.                   你的控制台现在充满了“hello”消息:这是因为DefaultPlugins在我们的应用程序中添加了一个“事件循环”。我们的应用程序的ECS Schedule现在每“帧”循环运行一次。我们稍后将解决控制台垃圾邮件问题。

Creating your first plugin      创建自己的第一个插件

For better organization, let's move all of our "hello" logic to a plugin. To create a plugin we just need to implement the Plugin interface. Add the following code to your file:

为了更好地组织,让我们将所有的“hello”逻辑移到一个插件中。要创建一个插件,我们只需要实现plugin接口。将以下代码添加到您的 文件:

pub struct HelloPlugin;

impl Plugin for HelloPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
        // add things to your app here

Then register the plugin in your App like this:


fn main() {
        .add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, HelloPlugin))
        .add_systems(Startup, add_people)
        .add_systems(Update, (hello_world, greet_people))

Note add_plugins can add any number of plugins (or plugin groups like DefaultPlugins) by passing in a tuple of them. Now all that's left is to move our systems into HelloPlugin, which is just a matter of cut and paste. The app variable in our plugin's build() function is the same builder type we use in our main() function:


impl Plugin for HelloPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
        app.add_systems(Startup, add_people)
            .add_systems(Update, (hello_world, greet_people));

fn main() {
        .add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, HelloPlugin))

Try running the app again. It should do exactly what it did before. In the next section, we'll fix the "hello" spam using Resources.


NEXT 下一个

Resources 资源

Resources       资源

Entities and Components are great for representing complex, query-able groups of data. But most Apps will also require "globally unique" data of some kind. In Bevy ECS, we represent globally unique data using Resources.

实体和组件非常适合表示复杂的、可查询的数据组。但大多数应用程序也需要某种“全局唯一”的数据。在Bevy ECS中,我们使用资源表示全局唯一的数据

Here are some examples of data that could be encoded as Resources:


  • Elapsed Time         运行时间
  • Asset Collections (sounds, textures, meshes)          资产集合(声音,纹理,网格)
  • Renderers        渲染器

Tracking Time with Resources        利用资源跟踪时间

Let's solve our App's "hello spam" problem by only printing "hello" once every two seconds. We'll do this by using the Time resource, which is automatically added to our App via add_plugins(DefaultPlugins).


For simplicity, remove the hello_world system from your App. This way we only need to adapt the greet_people system.


Resources are accessed in much the same way that we access components. You can access the Time resource in your system like this:


fn greet_people(time: Res<Time>, query: Query<&Name, With<Person>>) {
    for name in &query {
        println!("hello {}!", name.0);

Res and ResMut pointers provide read and write access (respectively) to resources.


The delta field on Time gives us the time that has passed since the last update. But in order to run our system once every two seconds, we must track the amount of time that has passed over a series of updates. To make this easier, Bevy provides the Timer type. Let's create a new Resource for our system to track elapsed time with a Timer:


struct GreetTimer(Timer);

fn greet_people(
    time: Res<Time>, mut timer: ResMut<GreetTimer>, query: Query<&Name, With<Person>>) {
    // update our timer with the time elapsed since the last update
    // 使用上次更新后经过的时间更新计时器
    // if that caused the timer to finish, we say hello to everyone
    // 如果这导致计时器结束,我们向所有人问好
    if timer.0.tick( {
        for name in &query {
            println!("hello {}!", name.0);

Now all that's left is adding a GreetTimer Resource to our HelloPlugin. Use TimerMode::Repeating to make the timer repeat.

现在剩下的就是在HelloPlugin中添加一个GreetTimer资源。使用TimerMode:: repeat使计时器重复。

impl Plugin for HelloPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
        app.insert_resource(GreetTimer(Timer::from_seconds(2.0, TimerMode::Repeating)))
            .add_systems(Startup, add_people)
            .add_systems(Update, greet_people);

Now cargo run the App. It should now greet people at a reasonable rate.

现在 cargo run运行应用程序。它现在应该以合理的速度欢迎人们。

NEXT 下一个

Next Steps 下一个步骤

Next Steps      下一个步骤

You have reached the end of The Bevy Book! And unfortunately, we haven't even scratched the surface of Bevy's features! Eventually this book will cover almost every facet of Bevy, but until then we recommend checking out:

你已经读到《The Bevy Book》的结尾了!不幸的是,我们甚至还没有触及到Bevy功能的表面!最终,本书将涵盖Bevy的几乎所有方面,但在此之前,我们建议您查看:

  • The Bevy Examples    bevy的例子: We create an example for every major Bevy feature. This is currently the best way to learn Bevy's features and how to use them.              我们为每一个主要的Bevy功能创建一个示例。这是目前学习Bevy的特性以及如何使用它们的最好方法。
    • The Bevy Web Examples: We also try to make most of these examples available directly in your browser.               Bevy Web示例:我们还尝试在您的浏览器中直接提供大多数示例。
  • Breakout: A small "breakout" clone that illustrates what a real Bevy game looks like.                         Breakout:一个小型的“Breakout”克隆,展示了真正的Bevy游戏的样子。
  • Bevy API Docs: Documentation with examples for types, traits, methods and other items in Bevy's API.              Bevy API Docs:包含Bevy API中类型、特征、方法和其他项目示例的文档。
  • Bevy Assets 群资产: List of projects by the Bevy community, including:                  Bevy社区的项目列表,包括:
    • Learning Resources: Tutorials, documentation, and examples.                 学习资源:教程、文档和示例。
    • Plugins: Extra functionality you can use in your projects.                     插件:你可以在项目中使用的额外功能。
    • Games: Open-source games in various stages of development.                游戏:处于不同开发阶段的开源游戏。
  • Bevy Cheatbook: An in-depth, opinionated, unofficial guide to Bevy's API and ecosystem.               Bevy Cheatbook:一个关于Bevy API和生态系统的深入的、固执己见的非官方指南。

NEXT 下一个

Contributing 贡献

Contributing (join the bevy)       贡献(加入bevy队伍)

Bevy is built by volunteers. If you want to help us build the next great game engine, please reach out! We need all the help we can get:


  • If you are a software developer and you want to help out, check out the Contributing Code section.              如果您是一名软件开发人员,并且希望提供帮助,请查看贡献代码部分。
  • If you are good at teaching or writing, consider contributing to our docs.               如果你擅长教学或写作,可以考虑为我们的文档做贡献。

We want Bevy to be a vibrant developer community ... that's actually why we chose the name! A Bevy is a group of birds, just like we are a group of game developers. Join the Bevy!                      我们希望Bevy成为一个充满活力的开发者社区……这就是我们选择这个名字的原因!Bevy是一群鸟,就像我们是一群游戏开发者一样。加入bevy!

NEXT 下一个

Code 代码

Contributing Code 贡献代码

Would you like to contribute code to Bevy? Here's how!


How to Contribute     如何捐款

  1. Fork the bevyengine/bevy repository on GitHub, you'll need to create a GitHub account if you don't have one already.*              在GitHub上分叉bevyengine/bevy存储库,如果你还没有,你需要创建一个GitHub帐户
  2. Make your changes in a local clone of your fork             在分支的本地克隆中进行更改
  3. For a higher chance of CI passing the first time, consider locally running     cargo run -p ci.        为了提高初次CI通过的几率,请考虑在本地运行cargo run -p ci . You can run the commands manually: . 您可以手动执行以下命令:
    1. cargo fmt --all -- --check (remove --check to let the command fix found problems  删除--check 以使命令修复发现的问题)
    2. cargo clippy --workspace --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings -A clippy::type_complexity -A clippy::manual-strip 
    3. cargo test --all-targets --workspace
  4. Push your changes to your fork and open a Pull Request       将您的更改推送到fork并打开Pull Request
  5. Respond to any CI failures or review feedback.      对任何CI失败作出响应或审查反馈。

Remember to follow Bevy's Code of Conduct, and thanks for contributing!


*The same steps apply for any other repository in the Bevy organization that you would like to contribute to.


NEXT 下一个

Docs 文档

Contributing Docs 提供文档

The Bevy Book       bevy书

The Bevy Book is open source, along with the rest of this website. Check out the Bevy Website repository on GitHub. The Bevy Book content is written in Markdown.

Bevy Book和这个网站的其他部分都是开源的。查看GitHub上的Bevy网站存储库。bevy书的内容是用Markdown写的。

Building the Website     建立网站

The website is built using the Zola static site generator. Download Zola, then do the following:


  1. Clone the Bevy Website git repo and move to that directory:        克隆Bevy网站的git repo并移动到该目录:

    git clone
    cd bevy-website
  2. Start the Zola server      启动Zola服务器

    zola serve

A local server should start and you should be able to access a local version of the website from there.


Rust API Doc Syntax          Rust API文档语法

We made an extension to the markdown syntax that makes linking to Rust API docs nicer. It also gives the links special formatting. Here are some examples:

我们对markdown语法做了一个扩展,使链接到Rust API文档变得更好。它还为链接提供了特殊的格式。下面是一些例子:

  • Full Type Path: std::collections::HashMap    完整类型路径:std::collections::HashMap

    { {rust_type(type="struct" crate="std" mod="collections" name="HashMap")}}

  • Short Type: HashMap     短类型:HashMap

    { {rust_type(type="struct" crate="std" mod="collections" name="HashMap" no_mod=true)}}

  • Function: HashMap::insert()     功能:HashMap:插入()

    { {rust_type(type="struct" crate="std" mod="collections" name="HashMap" no_mod=true method="insert")}}

  • Module: std::collections      模块:std::集合

    { {rust_mod(crate="std" mod="collections")}} 

Modules from std will link to Other modules (like bevy_render::render_graph ) will link to


Rust API Docs       Rust API文档

Bevy's Rust API Docs are automatically generated from the latest Bevy source code. If you add Rust documentation comments to the Bevy codebase, the API docs will be automatically updated.

Bevy的Rust API文档是从最新的Bevy源代码自动生成的。如果将Rust文档注释添加到Bevy代码库,API文档将自动更新。

Bevy Markdown Docs      Bevy Markdown文档

Bevy's CI will check markdown files like Readmes using markdownlint. If you contribute to markdown files consider installing markdownlint-cli to locally lint your changes. Running markdownlint -f -c .github/linters/.markdown-lint.yml . in the root directory of the Bevy project will apply the same linting rules to your changes as the CI workflow.

Bevy的CI将使用markdownlint检查Readmes等markdown文件。如果您对标记文件做出了贡献,请考虑安装markdownlint-cli来本地检测您的更改。运行markdownlint -f -c .github/lint /. markdownlint。yml。在Bevy项目的根目录中,将对您的更改应用与CI工作流相同的检查规则。

NEXT 下一个

Building Bevy's Ecosystem 构建bevy的生态系统

Building Bevy's Ecosystem 构建bevy的生态系统

Bevy has a plug-and-play architecture, where you can easily add plugins for new features or use your own plugins instead of the built-in ones. You can also create third-party plugins that others may use in their applications.


With that in mind, this page provides some basic info that can be useful when authoring third-party plugins.


Naming 命名

You are free to use a bevy_xxx name for your plugin, but please be reasonable. If you are about to claim a generic name like bevy_animationbevy_color, or bevy_editor, please ask first. The rationale is explained here.


Licensing 许可

Bevy is dual licensed under MIT or Apache 2.0, at your option. Most other Rust projects (including Rust itself) also use this dual-license approach. MIT-only is very popular, and you might be tempted to just use that (Bevy also used to be MIT-only), but there are very good reasons to include both licenses. We highly recommend using the dual MIT / Apache 2.0 license for your Bevy Plugins and crates:

Bevy是MIT或Apache 2.0的双重许可,由您选择。大多数其他Rust项目(包括Rust本身)也使用这种双许可方法。MIT-only非常受欢迎,您可能会想使用它(Bevy也曾经是MIT-only),但是有很好的理由包括这两种许可。我们强烈建议使用双重MIT / Apache 2.0许可证为您的Bevy插件和板条箱:

  • Including the Apache 2.0 license option significantly reduces the difficulty and boilerplate of proper license compliance in published games because you only need to include one copy of the Apache 2.0 license.          包含Apache 2.0许可选项可以显著降低已发行游戏中适当遵守许可的难度和样板,因为您只需要包含一份Apache 2.0许可副本。
  • Provides maximum compatibility with Bevy and Rust, making it easier to upstream your changes.         提供与Bevy和Rust的最大兼容性,使您的更改更容易上游。

Rust API and Cargo SemVer Guidelines          Rust API和Cargo SemVer指南

While they are only guidelines, it can be useful for you to look at and consider the Rust API guidelines and Cargo SemVer compatibility conventions for recommendations on how to write your API and what to consider a breaking or compatible change.             虽然它们只是指导方针,但您可以查看并考虑Rust API指导方针和Cargo SemVer兼容性约定,以获得关于如何编写API以及如何考虑破坏或兼容更改的建议。

Generic Plugin Types     通用插件类型

It can be useful to allow your users to supply generic types to your plugins. It can enable them to write custom logic for components to be used; give your plugin a marker component to note an entity it should do some logic to; add events that your plugin should listen for; or a resource your plugin should use (which is useful if you want to apply your plugin to multiple resources of the same type via type aliases.)


You can define a generic plugin like so:


// example with a generic type that implements Component
// 具有实现Component的泛型类型的示例

pub struct YourPlugin<T: Component> {
  pub phantom_t: PhantomData<T>,

impl<T: Component> Plugin for YourPlugin<T> {
  fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
    app.add_systems(Startup, example_function::<T>);

  // ... your other logic ...
  // …你的另一个逻辑。。。

// example function using your generics
// 使用泛型的示例函数
pub fn example_function<T: Component>(mut commands: Commands) {
  // ... any other logic here ...
  // ...这里的任何其他逻辑。。。

A prime example of generic plugins in use is the Bevy Cellular Automaton Plugin.


Small Crate Size     小板条箱尺寸

To avoid long build times in your plugin and in projects using it, you should aim for a small crate size:


  • Only include the Bevy features you absolutely need.        只包括你绝对需要的Bevy功能。

    Features are additive — Bevy features enabled in your plugin cannot be disabled by someone using your plugin.           特性是附加的——插件中启用的特性不能被使用插件的人禁用。

    You should add default-features = false to the Bevy dependency in your Cargo.toml and manually specify the features you need.         您应该将default-features = false添加到Cargo中的Bevy依赖项中。tom和手动指定您需要的特性。

    You can find a list of Bevy's features here.        您可以在这里找到Bevy的功能列表。

  • Avoid large new dependencies.        避免大型的新依赖项。

  • Make sure your dependencies are not duplicated, using cargo tree or cargo-deny.         使用cargo tree或cargo-deny,确保您的依赖项没有重复。

  • Put optional functionality and dependencies behind a cargo feature.           将可选的功能和依赖项放在cargo feature后面。

Tests and CI     测试和CI

Tests are always good! For CI, you can check out this example for a quick start using GitHub Actions. As Bevy has additional Linux dependencies, you should install them before building your project (here is how Bevy is doing it). Even if you don't have many (or any) tests, setting up CI will compile check your plugin and ensure a basic level of quality.

测试总是好的!对于CI,您可以查看这个示例,以快速开始使用GitHub Actions。由于Bevy有额外的Linux依赖项,您应该在构建项目之前安装它们(Bevy是这样做的)。即使你没有很多(或任何)测试,设置CI也会对你的插件进行编译检查,并确保基本的质量水平。

Indicate Compatible Versions     说明兼容版本

Indicating which version of your plugin works with which version of Bevy can be helpful for your users. Some of your users may be using an older version of Bevy for any number of reasons. You can help them find which version of your plugin they should use. This can be shown as a simple table in your README with each version of Bevy and the corresponding compatible version of your plugin.


| bevy  | bevy_awesome_plugin |
| 0.12  | 0.3                 |
| 0.11  | 0.1                 |

Main Branch Tracking     主干跟踪

Bevy is evolving very fast. There are often new features on the main branch but have not yet been released. Your plugin might depend on Bevy Main or the latest release. You can also do both on different branches (e.g., have a bevy_main branch).

bevy发展得很快。通常在主分支上有新特性,但尚未发布。您的插件可能依赖于Bevy Main或最新版本。你也可以在不同的分支上同时做这两件事(例如,有一个bevy_main分支)。

If you intend to track Bevy's main branch, you can specify the latest commit you support in your Cargo.toml file:

如果您打算跟踪Bevy的主分支,您可以在Cargo中指定您支持的最新提交 Cargo.toml文件:

bevy = { version = "0.5", git = "", rev = "9788b386c7846c99978ab5c1a33698ec5a471d84", default-features = false }

You can specify the dependency both as a version and with git. The version will be used if the dependency is pulled from Otherwise, the git dependency will be used.

你既可以指定版本,也可以使用git指定依赖项。如果从crate .io中提取依赖,则将使用该版本。否则,将使用git依赖项。

You can use one of these badges to communicate to your users how closely you intend to track Bevy's main branch.



[ (![ !Following released Bevy versions 以下是已发布的Bevy版本] ]( ( )] ]( ( )


[ (![ !Following Bevy's main branch 跟随bevy的主要分支] ]( ( )] ]( ( )

Documentation and Examples    文档和示例

Documentation and examples are very useful for a crate.     文档和示例对crate非常有用。

In the case of a Bevy plugin, a few screenshots or movies / animated GIFs from your examples can really help to understand what your plugin is capable of.

在使用Bevy插件的情况下,你的例子中的一些截图或电影/ gif动画可以真正帮助理解你的插件的功能。

Additionally, it can be helpful to list:


  • SystemSets available from your plugin, and their execution order if that's important.        从你的插件中获得的系统集,以及它们的执行顺序,如果这很重要的话。
  • Components available from your plugin.      插件中可用的组件。

Publishing Your Plugin     发布插件

There are some extra fields that you can add to your Cargo.toml manifest in the [package] section:


  • description — A description of the plugin description      -插件的描述
  • repository — URL of the plugin source repository repository      -插件源存储库的URL
  • license — The plugin license license       —插件的license
  • keywords 关键字 — Keywords for the plugin. "bevy" at least is a good idea here     插件的关键字 "bevy"至少在这里是个好主意
  • categories — Categories of the plugin. See the full list on categories         -插件的类别。请参阅crate .io上的完整列表。
  • exclude 排除 — Files to exclude from the released package. Excluding the assets folder that you may have is a good idea, as well as any large files that are not needed by the plugin.    要从发布包中排除的文件。排除掉你可能有的assets文件夹以及插件不需要的大文件是个好主意。

Once a crate is published to, there are two badges that you can add to your for easy links: 一旦一个crate被发布到crate中。io中,有两个徽章可以添加到自述文件中。浏览网页连结:


[ (![ !] ]( ( )] ]( ( )


[ (![ !] ]( ( )] ]( ( )` `

Promotion 促销活动

You can promote your plugin in Bevy's communities:


  • Add it as an Asset on the official website.       在官网上添加为资产。
  • Announce it on Discord, in the #crates channel.     在Discord的#crates频道上宣布。
  • Announce it on Reddit.   在Reddit上宣布。

NEXT 下一个

Troubleshooting 故障排除

Troubleshooting 故障排除

Is something in Bevy not working as expected? Maybe one of these will resolve your problem:


Unable to find a GPU      无法找到GPU

thread 'main' panicked at 'Unable to find a GPU! Make sure you have installed required drivers!'
// 主线程“无法找到GPU!”确保你已经安装了所需的驱动程序!

This error message means that bevy is unable to draw to your screen. Causes include:


  1. Vulkan-compatible drivers not installed. To fix this, install/update the drivers. On Linux this may be          没有安装vulkan兼容的驱动程序。要解决这个问题,安装/更新驱动程序。在Linux上可能是这样vulkan-intel or 或vulkan-radeon. .
  2. Trying to run an example on a headless machine. To fix this, install a GPU!          试图在无头机器上运行一个示例。要解决这个问题,安装一个GPU!

Unable to debug dynamically linked Bevy application in VSCode on Windows        无法在Windows上的VSCode中调试动态链接的Bevy应用程序#

The program '[10184] my-game.exe' has exited with code -1073741515 (0xc0000135). 
// 程序'[10184]my-game.exe'退出,代码为-1073741515 (0xc0000135)。

Whilst cargo run may load the application successfully, running via the debugging UI in VSCode may yield the above error. This error means that the required libraries were not loaded correctly (likely due to a pathing quirk with VSCode debug extensions on Windows).

虽然cargo run可以成功加载应用程序,但在VSCode中通过调试UI运行可能会产生上述错误。此错误意味着所需的库没有正确加载(可能是由于Windows上VSCode调试扩展的路径怪异)。

Edit your launch configurations in .vscode/launch.json so that the rust libraries are found correctly.


For cppvsdbg: cppvsdbg:

"environment": [
    {"name":"PATH", "value":"%USERPROFILE%/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/bin;${workspaceFolder}/target/debug/deps;%PATH%"}
    // Switch `nightly` to `stable` if you're using Rust stable
    // 如果您使用的是Rust-stable,请将“夜间”切换为“稳定”

Or for codelldb:     对于codelldb来说:

"env": {
    "PATH": "${env:USERPROFILE}/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/bin;${workspaceFolder}/target/debug/deps;${env:PATH}",
    // Switch `nightly` to `stable` if you're using Rust stable
    // 如果您使用的是Rust-stable,请将“夜间”切换为“稳定”



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