TCP/IP Illustrated Episode 23

ARP Cache

Essential to the efficient operation of ARP is the maintenance of an ARP cache (or table) on each host and router. This cache maintains the recent mappings from network-layer addresses to hardware addresses for each interface that uses address resolution. When IPv4 addresses are mapped to hardware addresses, the normal expiration time of an entry in the cache is 20 minutes from the time the entry was created, as described in [RFC1122].

ARP Frame Format

Figure 4-2 shows the common format of an ARP request and reply packet, when used on an Ethernet network to resolve an IPv4 address. (As mentioned previously, ARP is general enough to be used with addresses other than IPv4 addresses, although this is very rare.) The first 14 bytes constitute the standard Ethernet header, assuming no 802.1p/q or other tags, and the remaining portion is defined by the ARP protocol. The first 8 bytes of the ARP frame are generic, and the remaining portion in this example applies specifically when mapping IPv4 addresses to 48-bit Ethernet-style addresses.

ARP Examples

In this section we will use the tcpdump command to see what really happens with ARP when we execute normal TCP/IP utilities such as Telnet. Telnet is a simple application that can establish a TCP/IP connection between two systems.

Normal Example

To see the operation of ARP, we will execute the telnet command, connecting to a Web server on host using TCP port 80 (called www).

ARP Request to a Nonexistent Host

What happens if the host specified in an ARP request is down or nonexistent? To see this, we attempt to access a nonexistent local IPv4 address—the prefix corresponds to that of the local subnet, but there is no host with the specified address. We will use the IPv4 address in this example.

ARP Cache Timeout

A timeout is normally associated with each entry in the ARP cache. (Later we shall see that the arp command enables the administrator to place an entry into the cache that will never time out.) Most implementations have a timeout of 20 minutes for a completed entry and 3 minutes for an incomplete entry. (We saw an incomplete entry in our previous example where we forced an ARP to a nonexistent host.) These implementations normally restart the 20-minute timeout for an entry each time the entry is used. [RFC1122], the Host Requirements RFC, says that this timeout should occur even if the entry is in use, but many implementations do not do this—they restart the timeout each time the entry is referenced.

Proxy ARP

Proxy ARP [RFC1027] lets a system (generally a specially configured router) answer ARP requests for a different host. This fools the sender of the ARP request into thinking that the responding system is the destination host, when in fact the destination host may be elsewhere (or may not exist). Proxy ARP is not commonly used and is generally to be avoided if possible.

Gratuitous ARP and Address Conflict Detection (ACD)

Another feature of ARP is called gratuitous ARP. It occurs when a host sends an ARP request looking for its own address. This is usually done when the interface is configured “up” at bootstrap time. Here is an example trace taken on a Linux machine showing our Windows host booting up.

1.It lets a host determine if another host is already configured with the same IPv4 address. The host sending the gratuitous ARP is not expecting a reply to its request. If a reply is received, however, the error message “Duplicate IP address sent from Ethernet address . . .” is usually displayed. This is a warning to the system administrator and user that one of the systems in the same broadcast domain (e.g., LAN or VLAN) is misconfigured.
2.If the host sending the gratuitous ARP has just changed its hardware address (perhaps the host was shut down, the interface card was replaced, and then the host was rebooted), this frame causes any other host receiving the broadcast that has an entry in its cache for the old hardware address to update its ARP cache entry accordingly. As mentioned before, if a host receives an ARP request from an IPv4 address that is already in the receiver’s cache, that cache entry is updated with the sender’s hardware address from the ARP request. This is done for any ARP request received by the host; gratuitous ARP happens to take advantage of this behavior.

The arp Command

We have used the arp command with the -a flag on Windows and Linux to display all the entries in the ARP cache (on Linux we get similar information without using -a). The superuser or administrator can specify the -d option to delete an entry from the ARP cache. (This was used before running a few of the examples, to force an ARP exchange to be performed.)

Entries can also be added using the -s option. It requires an IPv4 address (or host name that can be converted to an IPv4 address using DNS) and an Ethernet address. The IPv4 address and the Ethernet address are added to the cache as an entry. This entry is made semipermanent (i.e., it does not time out from the cache, but it disappears when the system is rebooted).

The Linux version of arp provides a few more features than the Windows version.


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