



TF-IDF代表“Term Frequency — Inverse Data Frequency(词频-逆文档频次)”,其数学含义如下:

Term Frequency (tf, 词频):给出语料库中每个文档中单词出现的频率。它是单词在文档中出现的次数与该文档中单词总数的比率,随着该单词在文档中出现次数的增加而增加,每个文档都有自己的词频:

t f i , j = n i , j ∑ k n i , j {tf}_{i,j}=\frac{n_{i,j}}{\sum_k{n_{i,j}}} tfi,j=kni,jni,j

Inverse Data Frequency(idf, 逆数据频率):用于计算语料库中所有文档中罕见词的权重,语料库中很少出现的词具有较高的IDF分数,它由下面的方程给出:

i d f ( ω ) = l o g ( N d f t ) idf(\omega)=log(\frac{N}{ {df}_t}) idf(ω)=log(dftN)

结合这两者,我们得出了语料库中文档中单词的TF-IDF分数( ω \omega ω)。它是tf和idf的乘积:

t f i , j × l o g ( N d f i ) {tf}_{i,j} \times log(\frac{N}{ {df}_i}) tfi,j×log(dfiN)

  • t f i , j {tf}_{i,j} tfi,j j j j i i i出现的次数;
  • d f i {df}_i dfi:包含 i i i的文件数;
  • N N N:文件总数。


句子1:The car is driven on the road.

句子2:The truck is driven on the highway.





  1. sklearn.feature_extraction.text导入TfidfVectorizer
    from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
  1. 初始化矢量器,然后调用fit并对其进行变换,以计算文本的TF-IDF分数。
    vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
    response = vectorizer.fit_transform([s1, s2])
s1 = "The car is driven on the road"
s2 = "The truck is driven on the highway"
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
response = vectorizer.fit_transform([s1, s2])


  (0, 5)	0.42471718586982765
  (0, 4)	0.30218977576862155
  (0, 1)	0.30218977576862155
  (0, 3)	0.30218977576862155
  (0, 0)	0.42471718586982765
  (0, 6)	0.6043795515372431
  (1, 2)	0.42471718586982765
  (1, 7)	0.42471718586982765
  (1, 4)	0.30218977576862155
  (1, 1)	0.30218977576862155
  (1, 3)	0.30218977576862155
  (1, 6)	0.6043795515372431


    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        """Learn the idf vector (global term weights)
        X : sparse matrix, [n_samples, n_features]
            a matrix of term/token counts
        if not sp.issparse(X):
            X = sp.csc_matrix(X)
        if self.use_idf:
            n_samples, n_features = X.shape
            df = _document_frequency(X)

            # perform idf smoothing if required
            df += int(self.smooth_idf)
            n_samples += int(self.smooth_idf)

            # log+1 instead of log makes sure terms with zero idf don't get
            # suppressed entirely.
            idf = np.log(float(n_samples) / df) + 1.0
            self._idf_diag = sp.spdiags(idf, diags=0, m=n_features,
                                        n=n_features, format='csr')

        return self

    def transform(self, X, copy=True):
        """Transform a count matrix to a tf or tf-idf representation
        X : sparse matrix, [n_samples, n_features]
            a matrix of term/token counts
        copy : boolean, default True
            Whether to copy X and operate on the copy or perform in-place
        vectors : sparse matrix, [n_samples, n_features]
        if hasattr(X, 'dtype') and np.issubdtype(X.dtype, np.floating):
            # preserve float family dtype
            X = sp.csr_matrix(X, copy=copy)
            # convert counts or binary occurrences to floats
            X = sp.csr_matrix(X, dtype=np.float64, copy=copy)

        n_samples, n_features = X.shape

        if self.sublinear_tf:
            np.log(X.data, X.data)
            X.data += 1

        if self.use_idf:
            check_is_fitted(self, '_idf_diag', 'idf vector is not fitted')

            expected_n_features = self._idf_diag.shape[0]
            if n_features != expected_n_features:
                raise ValueError("Input has n_features=%d while the model"
                                 " has been trained with n_features=%d" % (
                                     n_features, expected_n_features))
            # *= doesn't work
            X = X * self._idf_diag

        if self.norm:
            X = normalize(X, norm=self.norm, copy=False)

        return X


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