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SDFormat Specification

Here you'll find explanations for elements of the SDFormat specification. This is a great place for new and experienced SDFormat users to start.

Each category to the left presents a collection of relevant documentation.

Use the Edit button in the upper right corner of a tutorial page to go directly to its source at

Convention documentation

Describing syntax conventions used in newer tutorials and proposals.

Specifying pose documentation

Specifying pose in SDFormat.

Model kinematics documentation

Specifying model kinematics with links and joints in SDFormat.

Collisions and Visuals documentation

Adding shapes to a model with collisions and visuals in SDFormat.

Material properties of a Visual documentation

Setting the material properties of visuals in SDFormat.

Creating Worlds documentation

Creating worlds in SDFormat.

Pose frame semantics documentation

Describing existing behavior for element naming, definition of coordinate frames, referencing parent and child links, and nested model behavior.

Composition documentation

Describing existing behavior of composition in SDFormat.

Tutorial for parameter passing tutorial

Tutorial for parameter passing when including models.

SDFormat extensions to URDF (the 'gazebo' tag) tutorial

Describes how the "gazebo" tag can be used to extend URDF to include SDFormat content.


Installation instructions for libsdformat.


Quickstart guide to SDFormat parsing with libsdformat.

Specifying posedocumentation

Specifying pose in SDFormat.

Proposal for a better poseproposal

Specifying pose in SDFormat using different rotation representations.

Model kinematicsdocumentation

Specifying model kinematics with links and joints in SDFormat.

Collisions and Visualsdocumentation

Adding shapes to a model with collisions and visuals in SDFormat.

Creating Worldsdocumentation

Creating worlds in SDFormat.

Material properties of a Visualdocumentation

Setting the material properties of visuals in SDFormat.

Pose frame semanticsdocumentation

Describing existing behavior for element naming, definition of coordinate frames, referencing parent and child links, and nested model behavior.

Pose frame semanticsdocumentation

Proposing new behavior for SDFormat 1.7, including semantics for the pose frame attribute, the frame element, new rules for element naming, and corresponding examples.


Describing syntax conventions used in newer tutorials and proposals.

Interoperability with other modeling formatsdocumentation

Interoperability with other modeling formats

Python bindingsdocumentation

How to use SDFormat Python bindings

Custom elements and attributesproposal

Proposal for supporting custom elements and attributes in SDFormat and libsdformat.


Proposal for supporting custom elements and attributes in SDFormat and libsdformat.


Describing existing behavior of composition in SDFormat.

Composition: Proposed behaviorproposal

Propose new behavior for model level composition.

Merging for Composition: Proposed behaviorproposal

Proposed new behavior for merging models via composition, rather than purely scoped nesting.

Proposal for parameter passingproposal

Proposal for additional parameter passing when including models.

Tutorial for parameter passingtutorial

Tutorial for parameter passing when including models.

SDFormat extensions to URDF (the 'gazebo' tag)tutorial

Describes how the "gazebo" tag can be used to extend URDF to include SDFormat content.

Proposal Procedure and Formatdocumentation

Provides procedure and guidelines for writing proposals for SDFormat (specification) / libsdformat (implementation).

Proposal for added massproposal

Setting fluid added mass inertial parameters.

Mimic constraint to replace the Gearbox joint typeproposal

Proposal for a mimic constraint between joint axes to replace the Gearbox joint type.

Proposal for Automatic Moments of Inertia Calculationsproposal

Enabling automatic calculations for inertial parameters

©2020 Open Source Robotics Foundation

SDFormat is open-source licensed under Apache 2.0



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