

string = "张三180"
new_string1 = string.replace(string, "李四")  # >>> 李四
new_string2 = string.replace('张三', "李四")  #  >>> 李四180


string = "${name} is a ${age}"
t = Template(string)
print(t.substitute(name="张三", age="18"))  # >>>   张三 is a 18
# 变量没与字典匹配的话,解释器会抛出KeyError
print(t.substitute(name="张三"))  # >>> KeyError: 'age'
print(t.safe_substitute({"name": "张三", "age": "18"}))  # >>>  张三 is a 18
# 没有匹配则不会被替代
print(t.safe_substitute({"name": "张三"}))  # >>> 张三 is a ${age}


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