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一.示例:QProcess来执行系统命令ls -l命令并打印出结果


#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QDebug>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    // 创建QProcess实例
    QProcess process;

    QString program_middle = "ls";
    QStringList middle_arguments;
    middle_arguments << "-l";
    // 启动进程执行命令
    process.start(program_middle, middle_arguments);

    // 等待进程结束

    // 读取并打印进程的标准输出
    QByteArray result = process.readAllStandardOutput();
    qDebug() << result;

    return 0;




#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QDebug>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    // 创建QProcess实例
    QProcess process;
    // 启动进程执行命令
    process.start("ls", QStringList() << "-l");

    // 等待进程结束

    // 读取并打印进程的标准输出
    QByteArray result = process.readAllStandardOutput();
    qDebug() << result;

    return 0;



  • 创建了QProcess对象。
  • 使用start方法执行了ls -l命令。
  • 使用waitForFinished方法等待命令执行完成(请注意,这会阻塞,直到外部命令执行完成)。
  • 读取了命令的标准输出,并使用qDebug打印到控制台。


二.示例:QProcess来执行系统命令ls -l命令并打印出结果,代码进一步丰富



#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QDebug>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);

    // 设置要执行的命令
    QString listCommand = "ls";
    // 设置命令的参数,以列出/home目录的详细内容
    QStringList listArguments;
    listArguments << "-l" << "/home";

    // 创建一个QProcess对象来运行外部命令
    QProcess directoryLister;

    // 在控制台输出即将执行的命令和参数
    qDebug() << "Executing command:" << listCommand << "with arguments" << listArguments;

    // 使用指定的命令和参数启动外部进程
    directoryLister.start(listCommand, listArguments);

    // 等待进程完成,最多等待2000毫秒
    bool isFinished = directoryLister.waitForFinished(2000);

    // 检查进程是否在规定时间内完成
    if (isFinished) {
        // 如果完成,读取命令的标准输出
        QByteArray output = directoryLister.readAllStandardOutput();
        // 在控制台输出命令的结果
        qDebug() << "Directory listing for /home:\n" << output;
    } else {
        // 如果没有完成,输出超时消息
        qDebug() << "The process did not finish within the specified 2 seconds.";

    // 获取并输出进程的退出码
    int exitCode = directoryLister.exitCode();
    qDebug() << "The process exited with code:" << exitCode;

    return 0;


  • 变量app代替了a,表示这是一个应用程序的实例。
  • 变量listCommandlistArguments直观地表示了将被执行的命令及其参数。
  • 对象directoryLister表示一个能够列出目录内容的进程。
  • 注释详细描述了代码的每一个部分,帮助理解每一行代码的作用。
  • 输出信息采用了更加清晰和教育性的语言,适合教科书风格。

三.示例:使用 QProcess 在 Qt 中执行 Bash 脚本并处理参数





# 这个脚本接受一个目录作为参数,并列出其内容


if [ -z "$DIR" ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <directory>"
    exit 1

ls $DIR



#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QProcess>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    // 创建 QProcess 实例
    QProcess process;

    // 脚本文件的路径
    QString scriptPath = "/home/user/qt_cpp_test/qt_test/cmd.sh";

    // 获取目录参数
    QString directory = "/home/user/qt_cpp_test/qt_test";

    // 运行脚本并传递参数
    process.start(scriptPath, QStringList() << directory);

    // 等待进程结束
    if (!process.waitForFinished()) {
        qDebug() << "The process failed to finish.";
        return 1;

    // 获取进程的输出
    QByteArray output = process.readAll();

    // 打印输出
    qDebug() << output;

    return a.exec();


QT += widgets core
TARGET = qt_test
SOURCES += main.cpp


QProcess is a class provided by the Qt framework to start external programs and communicate with them. It can be used to start, terminate, and communicate with external programs using standard input/output or through specific channels.

Here’s an overview of how you might use QProcess in a Qt application:

Including QProcess

Before using QProcess, you need to include the QProcess header:

#include <QProcess>
Creating a QProcess Object

You can create a QProcess object like any other object in Qt:

QProcess *process = new QProcess(parent);

The parent is a pointer to a parent QObject, which takes ownership of the QProcess object, ensuring that it will be deleted when the parent is.

Starting a Process

You can start a process by calling the start method, providing the command and arguments to run:

process->start("executable", QStringList() << "arg1" << "arg2");

Or if you just need to execute a command without arguments:

Reading Output

You can read the standard output and error of the process:

QObject::connect(process, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, [=]() {
    QByteArray standardOutput = process->readAllStandardOutput();
    // Process standard output here

QObject::connect(process, &QProcess::readyReadStandardError, [=]() {
    QByteArray standardError = process->readAllStandardError();
    // Process standard error here
Writing to the Process

You can write to the standard input of the process:

process->write("input data");
Checking if the Process is Running

You can check if the process is still running:

if (process->state() == QProcess::Running) {
    // Process is running
Waiting for the Process to Finish

You can wait synchronously for the process to finish:

process->waitForFinished(); // Waits until the process has finished
Terminating the Process

You can terminate the process:

process->terminate(); // Sends a terminate signal

Or kill the process:

process->kill(); // Kills the process immediately
Getting the Exit Status

Once the process has finished, you can get the exit status:

int exitCode = process->exitCode();
QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus = process->exitStatus();
Example Usage

Here’s a simple example of using QProcess to run a command and print its output:

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QDebug>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QProcess process;
    process.start("ls", QStringList() << "-l" << "/");

    if (!process.waitForStarted()) // Default timeout is 30 seconds
        return 1;

    if (!process.waitForFinished()) // Default timeout is 30 seconds
        return 2;

    qDebug() << process.readAllStandardOutput().trimmed();

    return a.exec();

This example runs the ls -l / command, which lists the contents of the root directory in a detailed format, then prints the output. Remember that the waitForStarted() and waitForFinished() methods are blocking calls; in a GUI application, you would typically connect the finished() signal to a slot to handle the process completion asynchronously.


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