【MVT_1703230471】基于Python NLTK分词、词云、LDA主题分类及GPT情感分类

【Talk is cheap】

1 数据探索

case idcase outcome case title case text
0 Case1 cited Alpine Hardwood (Aust) Pty Ltd v Hardys Pty Lt... Ordinarily that discretion will be exercised s...
1 Case2 cited Black v Lipovac [1998] FCA 699 ; (1998) 217 AL... The general principles governing the exercise ...
2 Case3 cited Colgate Palmolive Co v Cussons Pty Ltd (1993) ... Ordinarily that discretion will be exercised s...
3 Case4 cited Dais Studio Pty Ltd v Bullett Creative Pty Ltd... The general principles governing the exercise ...
4 Case5 cited Dr Martens Australia Pty Ltd v Figgins Holding... The preceding general principles inform the ex...




4.1 第2列柱状图

4.2 按年聚和第三列实现词云

4-3 按outcame聚合第四列

5 LDA主题分类


5.2 反向查询主题词

5-3 方案2

5-4 open Al情感分析


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