Python编程技巧 – 单字符函数

Python编程技巧 – 单字符函数

Python Programming Skills – Single Character Function

By Jackson@ML

0. 前言


ord(str)    # 返回一个字符的数字编码
chr(n)     # 将ASCII/Unicode编码转换成单个字符

1. 单字符函数


>>> str = 'B'
>>> ord(str)
>>> n = 66
>>> chr(n)
>>> n = 70
>>> chr(n)

可以看到,ord(str)函数接受一个字符串参数(长度等于一)传递,并转换为ASCII或Unicode编码;但是 ,如果str参数长度大于一,则会引发TypeError异常,看下面例子:

>>> s = 'Welcome'
>>> ord(s)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 7 found


2. 单字符函数逻辑判断

尽管in和not in运算符支持使用长度大于1的字符串,但是它们经常用于这种字符串判断。我们创建一个新的字符串,并用单字符函数来检测其中包含的元音和辅音字母。


>>> s = 'welcome'
>>> i = 0
>>> for i in range(len(s)):
...   if s[i] in 'aeiou':
...     print('Some vowel in the string.')
Some vowel in the string.
Some vowel in the string.
Some vowel in the string.


>>> s = 'welcome'; i = 0
>>> for i in range(len(s)):
...   if s[i] in 'aeiou':
...     print('Some vowel ', s[i], ' in the string')
Some vowel  e  in the string
Some vowel  o  in the string
Some vowel  e  in the string

同样,如果判断并提取辅音字母,则使用 not in 逻辑来判断。代码如下所示:

>>> s = 'welcome'; i = 0
>>> for i in range(len(s)):
...   if s[i] not in 'aeiou':
...     print('Some consonant ', s[i], ' in the string')
Some consonant  w  in the string
Some consonant  l  in the string
Some consonant  c  in the string
Some consonant  m  in the string


>>> h = 'FAntastIC'; i = 0
>>> for i in range(len(h)):
...   if h[i] in 'AEIOU':
...     print(f'Some capital vowel {
     h[i]} in the string')
Some capital vowel A in the string
Some capital vowel I in the string

在本例中,字符串 h 包含两个大写元音字母,通过筛选最终打印输出到屏幕。

3. 单字符运算迭代



>>> s = 'Cat'
>>> for ch in s:
...   print(ch, ', type:', type(ch))
C , type: <class 'str'>
a , type: <class 'str'>
t , type: <class 'str'>


>>> s = 'Cat'
>>> for ch in s:
...   print(ord(ch), end=' ')
67 97 116 >>>




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