

--1 查询表中所有信息 其中*代表所有列
select * from people

--2 查询people表中某些列
select PeopleName,PeopleSex,PeopleBirth,PeopleSalary,PeoplePhone from people

--3 查询people表中某些列 以指定名字显示出来
select PeopleName as 姓名,PeopleSex as 性别,PeopleBirth as 出生日期,PeopleSalary as 薪水,PeoplePhone as 电话号码 from people
--不用as 也是可以的
select PeopleName 姓名,PeopleSex 性别,PeopleBirth 出生日期,PeopleSalary 薪水,PeoplePhone 电话号码 from people

--4 查询所有员工城市分布,且不想要重复的数据显示
--使用distinct 关键字去约定不显示重复城市
select distinct(PeopleAddress) from people

--5 假设 准备加工资
--涨薪20% 查看加工资后的员工数据
select PeopleName,PeopleSex,PeopleSalary=PeopleSalary*1.2 from people 


--1 条件查询	
select * from people where PeopleSex='女'

--2 查询工资大于等于50000的所有员工信息
select * from people where PeopleSalary>=50000 

--3 当有多个条件使用and将条件联合起来
--查询性别为女 且 月薪大于50000的人的信息
select * from people where PeopleSex='女' and PeopleSalary>=50000

--4 当查询条件复杂可以用括号括起来
--select * from People where 条件1 or 条件2
select * from People where PeopleSalary>=50000 or (PeopleSex='女' and PeopleSalary>20000)

--5 查询薪资在20000到50000之间的人员信息
select * from people where PeopleSalary>=20000 and PeopleSalary<=50000
select * from People where PeopleSalary between 20000 and 50000


--1 查询地址没有填写的员工
--查询字段内容为空的时候,不可以使用= 去判断内容是否为空
select * from people where PeopleAddress is NULL 

select * from people where PeopleAddress is not NULL

select * from poeple where PeopleAddress =''


--1 查询出 比小刘工资高的员工的信息
--使用>去比较的时候 保证子查询出来的结果是一个可比较的值
select * from people where PeopleSalary >
(select PeopleSalary from people where PeopleName='小刘' and RankID=1)

--2 查询和小陈一个城市的人的信息
select * from people where PeopleAddress =
(select PeopleAddress from people where PeopleName='小陈')



--% 代表匹配0个字符,1个字符,或者多个字符
-- ——代表匹配的只有一个字符

--1 查询叫 某某刘的员工信息
select * from people where PeopleName like '%刘'

--2 查询people中名字中含有白的 但是不知道白在名字的哪个字
select * from people where PeopleName like '%白%'

--3 查询出名字中含有’白‘或者’拜‘的员工信息
select * from people where PeopleName like '%白%' or PeopleName like '%拜%'

--4 查询出名字是刘的员工 且名字是两个字,姓啥咱不管
select * from people where PeopleName like '_刘' 


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