
dlib C++ Libraryicon-default.png?t=N7T8http://dlib.net/


Dlib is a modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real world problems. It is used in both industry and academia in a wide range of domains including robotics, embedded devices, mobile phones, and large high performance computing environments. Dlib's open source licensing allows you to use it in any application, free of charge.


Major Features(主要特征)



  1. dlib简介

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       26 阅读
  2. datalist 什么?以及作用什么

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       38 阅读
  3. Spring什么??IOC又什么??

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       32 阅读
  4. css预处理什么?作用什么

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       27 阅读
  5. 什么数据分析

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       62 阅读


  1. docker php8.1+nginx base 镜像 dockerfile 配置

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       67 阅读
  2. Could not load dynamic library ‘cudart64_100.dll‘

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       72 阅读
  3. 在Django里面运行非项目文件

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       58 阅读
  4. Python语言-面向对象

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       69 阅读


  1. 自动驾驶的汽车构造

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       57 阅读
  2. 汽车连接器

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       63 阅读
  3. 在浏览器中存储token的最佳实践

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       47 阅读
  4. 【GIT】代码仓库服务器变更本地修改并推送

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       59 阅读
  5. 原始值的响应式方案

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       39 阅读
  6. 基于MATLAB的霍夫变换直线检测

    2023-12-11 06:06:11       54 阅读