
44. 通配符匹配 - 力扣(LeetCode)

给你一个输入字符串 (s) 和一个字符模式 (p) ,请你实现一个支持 '?''*' 匹配规则的通配符匹配:

  • '?' 可以匹配任何单个字符。
  • '*' 可以匹配任意字符序列(包括空字符序列)。

判定匹配成功的充要条件是:字符模式必须能够 完全匹配 输入字符串(而不是部分匹配)。

示例 1:

输入:s = "aa", p = "a"
解释:"a" 无法匹配 "aa" 整个字符串。

示例 2:

输入:s = "aa", p = "*"
解释:'*' 可以匹配任意字符串。

示例 3:

输入:s = "cb", p = "?a"
解释:'?' 可以匹配 'c', 但第二个 'a' 无法匹配 'b'。


  • 0 <= s.length, p.length <= 2000
  • s 仅由小写英文字母组成
  • p 仅由小写英文字母、'?''*' 组成



  • *:可以匹配任意字符序列(包括空序列)
  • ?:可以匹配任意单个字符


Example 1:

  • s = "adceb"
  • p = "*a*b"
  • Output: true
  • Explanation: The first * can match an empty sequence, and the second * matches “dce”.

Example 2:

  • s = "acdcb"
  • p = "a*c?b"
  • Output: false
  • Explanation: There is no way to match s with p, as the character before the last in s is ‘c’ but ‘b’ in p.


  • 对于?:由于?只匹配一个字符,即自动选择s的当前字符与p中的?匹配。
  • 对于*:因为他可以匹配任意字符序列,所以按照贪心的思路,首先用空序列匹配*,然后,如果需要,根据模式和字符串其余部分扩展或缩小匹配的字符数量。


  1. 两个指针+回溯:首先定义两个指针,分别是ssIdx)和ppIdx),进行模式匹配,如果出现不匹配,则回溯到p*的最后一个位置(如果有),并尝试不同的匹配。
  2. ?通配符处理:在迭代中,如果 sp 中的当前字符匹配,或者 p[pIdx]? ,只需将两个指针向前移动。
  3. 处理*通配符:如果p*,需要分别标记*p中的位置(用starIdx),和在s中的对应位置(sTmpIdx表示)。表示*匹配s中的空字符的起点。如果稍后出现不匹配,则回溯到starIdx并增加sTmpIdx,表示*现在应该在s中多匹配一个字符。将pIdx重置为starIdx+1,将 sIdx 重置为 sTmpIdx ,继续匹配。
  4. 最后检查:遍历 s 后,确保 p 中所有剩余的字符都是 * 。如果是,它们可以匹配空序列,因此,模式匹配字符串。


Consider :s = "adceb" and p = "*a*b"

Initial Setup

  • s = "adceb"
  • p = "*a*b"
  • sIdx = 0, pIdx = 0, starIdx = -1, sTmpIdx = -1

Iteration 1

  • p[0] is *, so we update starIdx = 0 and sTmpIdx = 0.
  • Increment pIdx to 1.
  • sIdx remains 0.

Iteration 2

  • p[1] is 'a', but s[0] is 'a'. This is a mismatch.
  • Since starIdx != -1, we use the star to match one more character.
  • Increment sTmpIdx to 1. So sTmpIdx = 1.
  • Update pIdx = starIdx + 1, which means pIdx = 1.
  • Update sIdx = sTmpIdx, which means sIdx = 1.

Iteration 3

  • Now p[1] is 'a' and s[1] is also 'a'. This is a match.
  • Increment both sIdx and pIdx by 1.
  • sIdx = 2, pIdx = 2.

Iteration 4

  • p[2] is '*'. Update starIdx = 2 and sTmpIdx = 2.
  • Increment pIdx to 3.
  • sIdx remains 2.

Iteration 5

  • p[3] is 'b', but s[2] is 'd'. This is a mismatch.
  • Since starIdx != -1, we use the star to match one more character.
  • Increment sTmpIdx to 3. So sTmpIdx = 3.
  • Update pIdx = starIdx + 1, which means pIdx = 3.
  • Update sIdx = sTmpIdx, which means sIdx = 3.

Iteration 6

  • p[3] is 'b' and s[3] is 'c'. This is a mismatch.
  • We repeat the backtracking process:
  • Increment sTmpIdx to 4. So sTmpIdx = 4.
  • Update pIdx = starIdx + 1, which means pIdx = 3.
  • Update sIdx = sTmpIdx, which means sIdx = 4.

Iteration 7

  • p[3] is 'b' and s[4] is 'b'. This is a match.
  • Increment both sIdx and pIdx by 1.
  • sIdx = 5, pIdx = 4.

Final Check

  • sIdx is now equal to s.size(), so we exit the while loop.
  • Check remaining characters in p. Since pIdx is also at the end of p, there are no more characters to check.
class Solution {
    bool isMatch(string s, string p) {
        int sIdx = 0, pIdx = 0;      // Pointers for s and p.
        int starIdx = -1, sTmpIdx = -1;  // Indices to track the most recent '*' position in p and the corresponding position in s.

        while (sIdx < s.size()) {
            // If the characters match or pattern has '?', move both pointers.
            if (pIdx < p.size() && (p[pIdx] == s[sIdx] || p[pIdx] == '?')) {
                // If pattern has '*', record the position and assume it matches zero characters initially.
            else if (pIdx < p.size() && p[pIdx] == '*') {
                starIdx = pIdx;
                sTmpIdx = sIdx;
                // If a mismatch occurs and there was a previous '*', backtrack.
                // Try to match '*' with one more character in s.
            else if (starIdx != -1) {
                pIdx = starIdx + 1;
                sIdx = ++sTmpIdx;
                // If no '*' to backtrack to, return false.
            else {
                return false;

        // Check if the remaining characters in pattern are all '*'.
        // They can match the empty sequence at the end of s.
        for (; pIdx < p.size(); ++pIdx) {
            if (p[pIdx] != '*') {
                return false;

        // If we've processed both strings completely, it's a match.
        return true;


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