Installing GDS

GDS installation is supported in two ways:

  • using package managers such as Debian and RPMs

For installation on DGX platforms, refer to:

For installation on non-DGX platforms, refer to here.


For CUDA 11.5.1 and later, if you plan to use Weka FS or IBM SpectrumScale then you must run:


modprobe nvidia_peermem

This will load the module that supports PeerDirect capabilities. It is necessary to run this command after reboot of the system.

In order to load the module automatically after every reboot, run the following command:


echo "nvidia-peermem" | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/nvidia-peermem.conf

Throughout this document, in cuda-<x>.<y>x refers to the CUDA major version and y refers to the minor version.



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