ActiveReports.NET Crack

ActiveReports.NET Crack

  ActiveReports.NETActiveReports.NET helps you deliver beautiful reports with intuitive Visual Studio integrated report designers and rich controls. ActiveReports provides code-based cross-platform reporting, easy-to-use designers, and a flexible API. Available for desktop (WinForms, WPF, .NET) and web (JavaScript, Blazor, ASP.NET MVC). Design and deliver powerful reports with intuitive, reliable, and user-friendly report designers and controls.

  ActiveReports.NET Overview

  High performance reporting engine streamlined for optimal memory consumption.

  Customize and maintain control with the extensive API and advanced feature library.

  Pixel-perfect rendering, printing, and exporting every time.

  Three designers: Visual Studio Designer, End-user report designers for web and desktop applications* and a standalone designer app*.

  Multiple report types to fit reporting needs in C# or VB.NET.

  ActiveReports.NET Frameworks







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