使用 Mybatis 的 TypeHandler 存取 Postgresql jsonb 类型

使用 TypeHandler 存取 Postgresql jsonb 类型

首先在数据库表中定义 jsonb 类型:

create table tb_user_info
    id          varchar(36) not null,
    user_info   jsonb,
    user_list   jsonb,
    user_ids    varchar(36)[],
    create_time timestamp   not null default now(), -- 创建时间
    constraint pk_tb_user_info primary key (id)

使用 @TableName 标识实体类对应的表:

具体内容参考 MybatisPlus注解 章节

import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.handlers.JacksonTypeHandler;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.ArrayTypeHandler;
import org.apache.ibatis.type.JdbcType;

@TableName(value = "tb_user_info", autoResultMap = true)
public class AlarmRuleEntity {

    private String id;

    @TableField("user_info", typeHandler = JacksonTypeHandler.class)
    private String userInfo ;

    @TableField(value = "user_list", typeHandler = JacksonTypeHandler.class)
    private List<UserInfo> userList;

    @TableField(value = "user_ids", jdbcType = JdbcType.ARRAY, typeHandler = ArrayTypeHandler.class)
    private String userIds ;

@TableName 中的 autoResultMap = true 必须开启, @TableField 中的 jdbcType = JdbcType.ARRAY 用于指定数组类型,而typeHandler = ArrayTypeHandler.class 中的类则是自定义类型处理器。

UserInfo 如下:

 * 用户类型
public class UserInfo {
     * 用户id
    private String userId;
     * 用户名
    private String userName;



column “” is of type jsonb but expression is of type character varying



在 JDBC URL参数中加入:stringtype=unspecified ,例如:


官方对 stringtype 参数的解释:

stringtype : String
Specify the type to use when binding PreparedStatement parameters set via setString(). If stringtype is set to VARCHAR (the default), such parameters will be sent to the server as varchar parameters. If stringtype is set to unspecified, parameters will be sent to the server as untyped values, and the server will attempt to infer an appropriate type. This is useful if you have an existing application that uses setString() to set parameters that are actually some other type, such as integers, and you are unable to change the application to use an appropriate method such as setInt().

stringtype=unspecified 时,statement.setString() 方法的参数将以未知的类型发送给Postgresql 数据库,由数据库根据表中字段的类型进行推定和自动转换。


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