[CLIP] Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision


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        1)simplified version of ConVIRT

        2)linear projection to map from each encoder's representation to the multi-modal embedding space

        3)image encoder

                -> ResNet

                         antialiased rect-2 blur pooling

                        用attention pooling (single layer of "transformer-style" multi-head QKV attention, where the query is conditioned on the global average-pooled representation of the image)来代替global average pooling

                -> Vision Transformer (ViT)

                        add an additional layer normalization to the combined patch

                        position embeddings before the transformer

                        slightly different initialization scheme

        4)text encoder

                -> Transformer

                        architecture modifications

                        63M-parameter 12 layer 512-wide model with 8 attention heads

                        lower-cased byte pair encoding (BPE) representation of the text with a 49152 vocab size

                        the max sequence length was capped at 76

                        the text sequence is bracketed with [SOS] and [EOS] tokens

                        the activations of the highest layer of the transformer at the [EOS] token are treated as the feature representation of the text which is layer normalized and then linearly projected into the multi-modal embedding space


                -> image encoder

                        equally increase the width, depth, and resolution of the model

                -> text encoder

                        only scale the width of the model to be proportional to the calculated increase in width of the ResNet, do not scale the depth at all

                        * text encoder对CLIP的表现影响较小


        1)400 million (image, text) pairs from Internet

        2)many of the (image, text) pairs are only a single sentence


        1)Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP)

        2)text as a whole, not the exact words of that text

        3)Given a batch of N (image, text) pairs, predict N x N possible (image, text) pairings。N取32768

        4)jointly train an image encoder and text encoder

        5)maximize the cosine similarity of the N real pairs; minimizing the cosine similarity of the N^{2} - N incorrect pairs

        6)train from scratch


                random square crop from resized images

        8)learnable temperature parameter \tau (control the range of the logits in the softmax)





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