ComponentOne Studio Enterprise

ComponentOne Studio Enterprise

  ComponentOne Studio Enterprise (formerly ComponentOne Studio) is a comprehensive, flexible collection of performant, extensible .NET UI controls for mobile, web, and desktop. With ComponentOne Enterprise, you get every .NET platform, Data Service components and JavaScript controls with Wijmo Enterprise. ComponentOne Studio Enterprise delivers the latest components, new releases, updates and upgrades, and email and online support for one full year from your date of purchase.

  UI Controls for Every .NET Platform

  Accelerate app development across most .NET platforms including WinForms, WPF, WinUI, ASP.NET Core MVC, Blazor, MAUI, and more.

  400+ Feature Rich Controls

  Expand your Visual Studio toolbox with hundreds of .NET UI controls like datagrids and charts, equipped with modern styles and easy-to-use, built-in features.

  Fast and Flexible .NET Datagrid Control

  Industry leading datagrid with top features including on-demand loading, Excel-like filtering, editing, cell customization, and grouping.

  Specialized Controls for Business Applications

  Take your enterprise apps further with specialized controls for financial charting and BI/pivot tables built to achieve optimal performance.

  Powerful Server-Side Web APIs

  Empower and extend your web apps with a server-side API that includes services for imaging, Excel, barcodes, data engine, PDF, and reporting.



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